when can i take clones?


Active Member
I have always grown from seed but im tired of going through the processes, how many nodes do the branches of my plants have to have before i can take some clones from them? im growing dwc and wanting to do full rotations having vegging and flowering plants constantly running. can i take clones 4 weeks into flower? that way by the time i harvest i have plants ready to fill the flowr room back up? help me with this guys please.


Active Member
You can grow to as many leaf sets as you want.. a good mother height is 2 ft., but its up to the grower.. after you reach desired height top it.. and the branches will start shooting out.. Wait till theres about four nodes on the branch and take a cutting.. That way two more will branch out from the previous node.. and so on and so fourth


Active Member
what if the branch only has 4 nodes on it and i cut it back to the stem and use that branch as a clone? will it regrow from the plant? also can i just take my clones off of my flowering plants, let them finish and put the clones in their place and keep going that way?
You can grow to as many leaf sets as you want.. a good mother height is 2 ft., but its up to the grower.. after you reach desired height top it.. and the branches will start shooting out.. Wait till theres about four nodes on the branch and take a cutting.. That way two more will branch out from the previous node.. and so on and so fourth


Well-Known Member
You don't want to take clones from flowering plants.

You keep a plant of the strain your are growing in a permenant vegetative state. 18-24 hours, fluorescent lighting is cheap and effective. You take clones from this plant.

Clones from flowering plants do not do well.

Also, when taking cuttings from your mother plants, i have read, that cutting off more than 25% of the plant is stressful on the plant. So cutting it back to one node would not be ideal.

I say this, but I often cut 60-70% off of my mother plants after taking clones. Just so they use less water and I don't have to mess with them for a while. I plants that are over 5 years old and have been clones of clones of clones,etc, frquently cut back and still produce.

Research the bonzai mother plant. Its real easy, that's what is done here.

You'll find your own flow of keeping mother plants and taking clones to stock your garden. There is no "right" way to do it. It just depends on your genetics, setup, etc.

The great thing about cloning is that you REALLY get to know your plant. What it wants, what training works best, etc.


Active Member
ok, so how will i know that the plant im keeping as a mother will produce heavy yeilds if i hav never seen her bud? also how do i keep her small and under control forever? just keep cutting her branches off and topping her over and over and over again?
You don't want to take clones from flowering plants.

You keep a plant of the strain your are growing in a permenant vegetative state. 18-24 hours. You take clones from this plant.

Clones from flowering plants do not do well.


Active Member
Id only keep a mother for about six monthsd though then swap it out for a clone off the same mother and throw the mothrs outside to flower if your able.. Or indoors if your able.. Cuz shed be a monster by the time she finished flowering


Active Member
thank you thank you, yeah im able to do that. i can keep her 6 months and drop her off in the woods somewhere, come back later and hope for a plant thats still there, i wont be depending on it though. deers love weed as much as we do lol. fuckin stoner deers
Take a clone root it.. and see how well it flowers.. generally your strongest vegging plants should be your mothers


Active Member
+ rep, ths alot man
Id only keep a mother for about six monthsd though then swap it out for a clone off the same mother and throw the mothrs outside to flower if your able.. Or indoors if your able.. Cuz shed be a monster by the time she finished flowering


Well-Known Member
Yeah, def take new clones to make new mothers. By 5 years old I meant the genetics are five years old. probably on clone# 15-20 by now on the oldest genetics.

I would say this...
If you are planning on keeping any genetics for a long time, like 3yrs +, keep your mothers under 20 hrs of light, not 24.

Veg plants like to sleep too. When i made the change from 24 to 20 it was really stressful on some of them. I had to let a few go.


Active Member
what are you growing? im growing starkush, KO kush, and kolossus from sannie. hoping to get some good yeilds, this is my first hydro so idk.
Yeah, def take new clones to make new mothers. By 5 years old I meant the genetics are five years old. I'm probably on clone# 15 by now on my oldest genetics.


Well-Known Member
Yeah maw fuckas eat that shit up.. Moth balls nd your piss will keep the little white tailed stoners away
Yeah man. I used to use piss jugs on outdoor plants. It worked VERY well in a rural area.

After moving to a larger city and planting outside of the city a little ways, it was not very effective. Those deer practically live in peoples backyards and are not nearly as afraid of humans. You can get within 10 ft of them before they even notice you here. It's ridiculous.


Active Member
Im growing K-Train nd Great White Shark (Which looks like shit atm).. But I got Chemdog and Jacks Kush seeds waiting for me to pop them.. Once i finish moving..


Well-Known Member
what are you growing? im growing starkush, KO kush, and kolossus from sannie. hoping to get some good yeilds, this is my first hydro so idk.
Blueberry x grapefruit - Chimera
g13 x deep chunk - Cannacopia
BeanHo - Super Silver Haze 1
BeanHo - Super Silver Haze 2
Northern Lights - PSBC
Kush x Skunk - PSBC
Romulan - Nex Gen (last round right now, then she is gone)
Green Crack - Bag seed from a clone from cali


Active Member
u must live in the midwest, i used to live in kansas and the deer were like that there but where im at now, you gotta pretty much put deer piss on yourself anf fly in a stealth plane to even see one lol, but they will sneak up when your not there and eat your damn pot. i think ill make a bomb under the soil with a trip wire to the bud so that when the deer goes for a treat, kaboom motherfucker bet you wont steal anyone elses weed. lmao jk jk, if they wanna get stoned with my mother leftovers its all good i can always grow my own, they gotta get lucky and find it.
Yeah man. I used to use piss jugs on outdoor plants. It worked VERY well in a rural area.

After moving to a larger city and planting outside of the city a little ways, it was not very effective. Those deer practically live in peoples backyards and are not nearly as afraid of humans. You can get within 10 ft of them before they even notice you here. It's ridiculous.


Active Member
damn, i always wantd some g13, ill never have that chance. ack maybe one day ill move somewhere and meet fellow growers that i can trade clones with.
Blueberry x grapefruit - Chimera
g13 x deep chunk - Cannacopia
BeanHo - Super Silver Haze 1
BeanHo - Super Silver Haze 2
Northern Lights - PSBC
Kush x Skunk - PSBC
Romulan - Nex Gen (last round right now, then she is gone)
Green Crack - Bag seed from a clone from cali


Well-Known Member
damn, i always wantd some g13, ill never have that chance. ack maybe one day ill move somewhere and meet fellow growers that i can trade clones with.
g13 x deepchunk was from a pack of seeds from Cannacopia.

The whole...plant a pack of seeds, sex them, backstock mothers, flower each plant to test, pick out favorite plant as mother...is a long process, but it's a way to get genetics if you don't have access to clones or just want to do it yourself.

A monoculture is sooo much easier to grow too..