Need expert help please, outside grow, pics incl.


Well-Known Member
Not sure why this plant died, is this a root problem or did something gnaw on the bottom of the plant stripping it? Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Here are some pics. The brown part of the stalk is the very bottom of the plant. ANY AND ALL input welcome. Thank you in advance. As stated in title, this is an outdoor grow.



Well-Known Member
I actually cut the plant down last night so here is a pic I just took of the top part of the plant, had to dig it out of the burn pile.

The plant looked normal up until a couple days ago, no nutrient deficiencies, nice and green, then it just wilted away.


Well-Known Member
Termites?? Wow, never heard of that. I thought that you were joking. I didn't think termites ate living plant material.