Club 600


Well-Known Member
Still up, and yes T, we are hitting a heat wave of sorts. i,e It's hot, but it aint fukkin sunny. Get yer head round that bru! I got my grow room open as it's 1:35 and still 24 degrees plus.....


Well-Known Member
Anybody else's area hittin a heatwave. Its 7pm and still 100f outside. hit 104f today and the coolest room in my house was my grow, kinda awkward. can outdoor plants handle this kinda heat ?
same thing here...100 degrees and almost 8pm. Supposed to hit 104 tomorrow. Have the AC on blast. Tried to grow MJ almost 2 years ago outdoors (grew it inside for a few weeks first)...sun killed in it an hour. Straight up.


Well-Known Member
^^^ say that during the winter hehe

Here you go doob!


Active Member
Summer doesn't start 'till July 5th here so it's partly cloudy and in the mid 60's. My house holds heat so I got my portable ac infront of my tent too, I'm lucky enough to have it only set on 2 and the fan on low for now. Keeps it perfect right at 74 -76 at canopy level.


Well-Known Member
^^^ say that during the winter hehe

Here you go doob!

I'm now officially taking up the triangle.
Me & D can do a duet on them now.

*see now, the kid's playing a bass that costs as much as my car.
If *I* had a bass that nice...
... I'd still sound like shyte.


Well-Known Member
Still up, and yes T, we are hitting a heat wave of sorts. i,e It's hot, but it aint fukkin sunny. Get yer head round that bru! I got my grow room open as it's 1:35 and still 24 degrees plus.....
the heat is hitting us all


Well-Known Member
86* was my high today.
Most of the strains I have grown can adapt to the heat if they start out in moderate weather and it increases gradually. Last yr my outdoor in opentop shed got to 100 almost everyday for at least 20 days and the hottest I think was 116 a few times. I bet I would have yielded better with lower temps, but they were green amd happy still. It wasnt that hot outside except for the shed as it was enclosed.


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone.

Happy belated Birthday whodat. Hope it was great for you. Sorry to hear about your drought and melons.

Hey Doobie. Still rooting for you getting into your house. Hope these last steps go smooth for you. I move into my new place on Sunday so I'm looking forward to that.

Pretty hot in my neck of the woods and great lakes in the 80's and climbing to the 90's over the next few days but not near as hot as you guys to the south. I hope it's drier at least. The humidity here is thick and heavy at times. A nice breeze helps but not much. Speaking of hot...the 600 looks like it got pretty hot here. Enough to evaporate posts it looks. It's like a skywriters message from a half hour ago.

As I said a few days ago, I'll be starting my garden pretty much right from scratch for my new place. My last grow I grew a jungle of stuff including a bunch from seed I got from hermied plants, knowing quite well what I may be dealing with but I wanted to tune some things in and didn't want to waste my more valuable beans after some trouble I had earlier and while I was doubling up in space. So one of them hermied and flowered pretty bad before I caught it, which with the amount this plant had wouldn't have helped anyway if I had, and pollinated others in the garden but mostly itself. Luckily the seed was all mature and easy to deal with. The others spit a bean or two each bud I break up. Nothing I can't live with but I'd prefer it not. Anyway, the last few are coming down in the next few days so I think I better get some beans down. A couple a dozen or so is what I have in mind. I'll start with some Deep Psychosis F3's from Breeders Boutique, as well as some Casey Jones, Double Koosh and some femmed Strawberry Sour Diesel from Devils Harvest. I'm really pumped about it all and can't wait to share it with you guys.

Hope to get something into that photo contest too! Got some trim that's been piling up just waiting for a contest like this. :)


Well-Known Member
The home inspection went well for the first 1/3 of the inspection, and am awaiting a final report to be e-mailed to me this weekend.
But while I was there he was very encouraged by the repairs he'd verified and the overall good condition the current owners have kept it in.
If all repairs were made, then Monday we put the final $4k in earnest money down and start the final paperwork towards getting it closed.

Stoked to hear about your bigger place, too!
I hope the packing went well.
That will be my next phase this coming week.

In case you get too busy to get back here in time:

Happy (early) Canada Day!!!


Well-Known Member
Sounds real good man. Very happy for both of you. I'm sure Mrs. Doobie is doing some planning and scheming of her own too? Not much packing for us, we're just moving into the upper level and have lots of time to do it. New tenants don't come in until mid month. Best move I've ever had to make.

Oh, and thanks a lot Eh!



Well-Known Member
I got home from work today and it was 90F in my house!!! This heat fucking sucks and I will never grow in the summer again! I am done! Worse part about it is that my lights dont come on till night time and it was 90F before the lights came on @ 6pm!!! Life is tough when your house inside is 90F!!

For some odd reason these plants dont mind the crazy heat at all! I just got to water them a lot more than normal!!!

Fire OG: This was in a 1 gallon dirt pot and now she is in a Milk Crate Genius Pot. Its smarter than a smart pot! BC99 hooked me up! I need one more for my Sour D x BB.
View attachment 2233839

Outdoor SCRoG: No more tucking, I am going to let her grow up now.
View attachment 2233841

Peace Sixerz
and keep cool!!!
"EDIT" Happy B-Day whodat!!!


Well-Known Member
Yes, indeedy, Mrs. DB has it pretty well mapped out except for the fine details.
Man, I drove around the neighborhood, and it's literally 2 streets away from the edge of town.
I'm afraid I'll be the rotten element moving in!


Well-Known Member
Probably just who they've been waiting for. Keep your finest from your new neighbors for the first while until you can size everyone up and learn their true motives and intentions. Hope your immediate ones are at least tolerable.


Well-Known Member
Probably just who they've been waiting for. Keep your finest from your new neighbors for the first while until you can size everyone up and learn their true motives and intentions. Hope your immediate ones are at least tolerable.
Thats what I am doing right now and it seems I got the best and worse neighbors. One neighbor smokes with me and he has been growing for 16 years, my other neighbor looks at me as the Anti-Christ