Club 600


Well-Known Member
supchaka... I would think lowering the light would be good to keep stretch down.

DoobieBrother, nice touch with the Koran. That will really throw them for a loop. hehe
Ive been trying to keep it around 18 inches, I wouldnt say theyre stretching so much as just growing the spacing doesnt look bad to me.


Well-Known Member
That would make some people real fucking happy. If you had a lot of time, you could roll the whole oz into a ton of j's and just pass them out to the hot girls... uh, I mean to anybody who is nice.

Beautiful saturday here. Wish I could enjoy it. Do you guys think it's a bad sign that I am stressed out of my mind regarding my trip (that we're supposed to be going on in 5 hours)? Shouldn't vacations be relaxing?

And D... what the fuck is going on with Amsterdam exploding? Scary shit.

EDIT: Duchie, I feel like I'm in your backyard hangin' out with you. What's with all the bells?


Well-Known Member
I finally tried my Querkle that I messed up during flower...I gave all of it away save for a lil bit. Man I really like this smoke though. I can only imagine if it flowered right!! Spacey happy excited and music sounds great!! This is what I call a Wake'N'Bake!!


Well-Known Member
Ah yes, the bells! Fine memory Jig. I've hooked up a little buffer for in between that plays something more to my liking. I'm going to try to get a pic, or video, of my little chipmunk buddy who lives under my shed, who I've been feeding and getting chummy with. Have a good trip man. I didn't catch where you're off to. And yes, where is Heads Up? I've been smoking some of that Chocolate Rain and it turned out pretty nice and I've been wanting him to know that.

FM, too funny. I know what you meant, really. lol


Well-Known Member
Thanks duchie. I'm off to England, Iceland, and Holland. Man I love the 600. Was totally stressing out until I talked to one of our brethren... told me just what I needed to hear.

Thanks mate.


Well-Known Member
Well guys, got both my nads kicked hard today.

The house deal is off.
The wife's parents offered last month to help us get into a house, got all the ducks in a row to make it happen, then called thos morning to let her know that because of my bad health and subsequent lack of employment that they were taking back their offer to help.
They've said they'll refund our lost earnest money and home inspection fee, which is good, because I'll be needing that to fly back up to Alaska to either be with my family when my mom is taken off life support, or as soon as I can make it up there. her health once again took a bad turn, something neurological this time, and it's been downhill for the last few days.
So not feeling so groovy right now, but all things happen for a reason, and unfold just as they should.
And soon she can stop fighting and go home.