Seedling stem gone limp


Active Member
One of my seedling's stem has gone limp. What is wrong it with? It is falling over and I am just supporting it so it stays up. It is still alive though. I tried to water it but the stem is still limp.


Active Member
could be alot of things, too much water, not enough water, not enough light and is trying to stretch up to it and is just to weak to support itself. got a picture?


Well-Known Member
Do you have a fan blowing? When they have a slight breeze it strengthens their stems.


Well-Known Member
I had this happen a few days ago on a sour diesel seedling the stem bent sideways and was really thin at the bottom all I did is gave it a good water, pack the dirt around the stem at the bottom, and put it about 2-3" away from 26w CFL and in two days it stood strait up and is starting to get out of shock and start growing again, it also got its darker green color back. I also have a fan on low to strengthen the stem alittle.


Well-Known Member
too much water, i have some seedlings in a small cup that are just coming up. i had misted the soil every day for about a week. now that they have came out, i will not water them for another 5-7 days. the water i had been misting onto the seed, to sprout it, collected into the middle and bottom of the cup, (1)and provides enough for the first week. at the begining of the (2)second week i will water again with quarter strength nutes. saturate the soil to make sure nutes are all in the soil. (3)water 3-5 days afterward with twice as much water as soil volume in pot, to flush it. during the third week, (4)fertilize with 3/4 strength or 100% strength nutes. (5)water 3-5 days afterwards with half as much water as soil volume in pot, not to flush it, some fertilizer will stay in the soil to provide for another week. repeat steps 4 and 5 how ever long you veg, make sure you finish 5 befor you flower.


Active Member
I had that happen to all of my seedling when I skipped a day of watering, because I thought I might be overwatering. I gave them all a good watering and got five out of eight back. A few of the survivors have some damaged leaves but seem to be plugging along nicely again.


so i regs dis forum jus fo help on dis limp d*k.
as u can c ting looks ded ryt? so yeah maybe i over water it, or my room too humid. yeah i use tap watah n da bottle but i let my wata sit ova night befo use. SO! bak 2 da basix. wut can i do to help dis por lil guy out? im tinkin of transplanting it.......i use red dirt all da way dawgeh!! i no use no formula or wuteva wupdeedu u scientest use. its red hayn dirt and pipe sink wata.
so dis is waipahuboi from da blocc, get at me cuzz ill be around. Eazeh


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2235268View attachment 2235269
so i regs dis forum jus fo help on dis limp d*k.
as u can c ting looks ded ryt? so yeah maybe i over water it, or my room too humid. yeah i use tap watah n da bottle but i let my wata sit ova night befo use. SO! bak 2 da basix. wut can i do to help dis por lil guy out? im tinkin of transplanting it.......i use red dirt all da way dawgeh!! i no use no formula or wuteva wupdeedu u scientest use. its red hayn dirt and pipe sink wata.
so dis is waipahuboi from da blocc, get at me cuzz ill be around. Eazeh
fuck all wrong with that mate, IF THATS WHAT YOUR ASKING.


fuck all wrong with that mate, IF THATS WHAT YOUR ASKING.
like i was saying.
How can i get this lil guy standing up again?
heres the pictures for all u peeps was asskin foa. so yeah, n e feed back(informative knowledge present) wuld b cherreh


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2235268View attachment 2235269
so i regs dis forum jus fo help on dis limp d*k.
as u can c ting looks ded ryt? so yeah maybe i over water it, or my room too humid. yeah i use tap watah n da bottle but i let my wata sit ova night befo use. SO! bak 2 da basix. wut can i do to help dis por lil guy out? im tinkin of transplanting it.......i use red dirt all da way dawgeh!! i no use no formula or wuteva wupdeedu u scientest use. its red hayn dirt and pipe sink wata.
so dis is waipahuboi from da blocc, get at me cuzz ill be around. Eazeh
your soil has no perlite..........i'm out. if you grow in Betty Crocker cake mix, you'll have problems

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
what trichy said.... I know you from hawai'i but come on bro, try writing in english. you making us Hawaiians look illiterate.....


im sorry weedyweedy for corruptin your thread with useless post. please except my apology bro, cuz im truly aint like that reo life. butt again my peeps, if u get a answer for my question Please do not reply on this thread, please apply comment on my profiLe HERE or on my thread HERE
my use of pidgin language aint got nothing to do with you answering a question a simple question as is. but i guess u guys are all mokes for judging me by my grammer.
eH yo my dawg, if i was goin to use proper inglish on yu mokes, i would make u change your religion, point of life and make u forget your name.


Well-Known Member
LOL i love your pidgin type never laughed this hard in a while


hawaiian red dirt has a low PH,

Red dirt all the way, just mix it with some compost/perlite/peat with about 50% red dirt. If adding peat id throw in lime too, or wood ashes or powdered egg shells. (brah can pound um like poi if no coffee grinder)

just some organic matter added to hawaii red dirt makes it a pretty good growing medium.


Well-Known Member
If you want your plant to live follow these instructions

1. go down to home deport/lowes get some seedling starting mix. Or just high quality potting soil.

2. remove seedling from current pot without disturbing root at all, this can be tricky if you aren't a gardener, but google has some good guides. You basically use a spade and dig out a "cone" 2 inch around the seedling, then pull the cone out, the entire root system should now be in this cone without being disturbed at all. if you cant do this then DONT.

3. place the seedling dirt clod in a bucket of water and let the red dirt seperate from the seedling leaving just the seedling and the tap root.

4. plant seedling in seedling starting mix, being very careful not to force the delicate roots into the dirt, make a hole first, put the roots in the hole, then cover the hole with dirt.

If you do all this without disturbing the tap root it should work.