Fucking neighbor sprayed my plant with thompson water seal

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
so my neighbor was spraying his side of the fence with water seal today. he was using one of the air compressor spray guns.
my sour diesel sweet hart was sitting on the fence line when i noticed what he was doing and she was covered in over spray.
Question is any thing going to happen in a bad way to my girl? Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Wow your untopped sour diesel looks a lot different than mine.
I would spray her real good with water tonight ... Shell be fine


New Member
I heard of people submerging the whole plant in water with dawn. Than rub each leaf wit your thumbs, then rinse it with plain water. That shit has got to be nothing but bad for your plant if it seals anything in or out !! You have to make sure you get it all. I'm sure your plant will look really stressed after a clean but should recover. Damn thats a nice looking girl too.


Well-Known Member
Nah not one drop a gallon..more like a 1/2 tea spoon per gallon...and I would wash her it a couple times in the next 2-3 days.


Ursus marijanus
... maybe this is the next-generation bud rot treatment!
Honestly, the main ingredient in TWS is paraffin wax, which is harmless, won't penetrate the tissue and won't mess up the bud. It's chemically almost the same as the plant's own protective wax. I think you'll do more injury with a wash than simply letting the plant grow. cn


New Member
well i change my opinion it is water and soap clean up but thats only if it didnt dry
hope plant didnt soak it up

Clean Up

  • Clean brushes and equipment with soap and water.
  • Saturate the ground around plants and shrubs with fresh water prior to application. Then cover all plants and shrubs to protect them from overspray. Uncover promptly after use.


New Member
... maybe this is the next-generation bud rot treatment!
Honestly, the main ingredient in TWS is paraffin wax, which is harmless, won't penetrate the tissue and won't mess up the bud. It's chemically almost the same as the plant's own protective wax. I think you'll do more injury with a wash than simply letting the plant grow. cn
would help i guess if u had alot of rain