purify rubbing alcohol

That actually helps me out because I've been buying huge bottles of iso because all the place I shop ever has in small bottles is the 70 percent stuff. Good to know thanks.
took under 10 to evap over hot water(less than 250 degrees) no salt taste or nothing i would show the hash i made off but its ugly dropped a shred of plant matierial in the final product when sqeezing out the leaves juices, but it made some pretty nice stuff:)
took under 10 to evap over hot water(less than 250 degrees) no salt taste or nothing i would show the hash i made off but its ugly dropped a shred of plant matierial in the final product when sqeezing out the leaves juices, but it made some pretty nice stuff:)

SO you did use this salt water extraction method? and it work as stated? You did this before rinsing the hash correct?
wouldn't denatured alcohol be better than rubbing alcohol?

It depends on the denaturant. Some aren't very volatile and would stay in the evapd. extract.
The other, more subtle difference is that while isopropanol is rather polar as solvents go ... it has rather poor "solvency". Ethnol has quite high solvency (almost as high as I am right now) and even on a quick cold filtration, the ethanol will pick up more inactive material than isopropanol would.
Eeber yabble yabble ... if this were a Betty Crocker recipe and you stuck a toothpick into me, it'd come out clean ... cn
It depends on the denaturant. Some aren't very volatile and would stay in the evapd. extract.
The other, more subtle difference is that while isopropanol is rather polar as solvents go ... it has rather poor "solvency". Ethnol has quite high solvency (almost as high as I am right now) and even on a quick cold filtration, the ethanol will pick up more inactive material than isopropanol would.
Eeber yabble yabble ... if this were a Betty Crocker recipe and you stuck a toothpick into me, it'd come out clean ... cn

i guess thats why my pipe gets cleaner when i soak it in vodka instead of rubbing alcohol.

you sir are a font of useful information.
Fred Meyer's has 100% isopropyl alcohol in the Seattle area.

I usually mix my hash oil with butter and make edibles. You can use the cannabutter sublingually for faster relief.