Light?? is it still a big issue @10 weeeks


So, Im 10 weeks into flowering and things looking pretty good .. Lately Ive been getting a little light in the room . Not Directly on the plant but on a Facing wall makes the room grey . Is that ok @ this stage?? Thanks for any Help


Well-Known Member
So, Im 10 weeks into flowering and things looking pretty good .. Lately Ive been getting a little light in the room . Not Directly on the plant but on a Facing wall makes the room grey . Is that ok @ this stage?? Thanks for any Help
You'll be smoking the stuff so will be the only one that can really tell. ......But you know the rules 12 dark 12 light.


Active Member
I heard it has to be complete and total darkness. If the plant gets light during the flowering cycle, since it is a fall flowering plant when the nights are 12 hours long as well as the days, it can destroy the quality of the bud! Please fix your grow area so you can save your ladies!