Yellow leaves :(


Active Member
ok I posted on here a few days ago.
My babies were going yellow. The bottom leaves died and it started going up.
Then i woke up to this.....

By djwaters22 at 2012-07-03

SO after research i got desperate and bought Nitrogen. It is these small white circles. I put on the top of the soil , added water and it appears to be working!
Do u think I fixed it? OR im doomed. its been about 7-8 hour since the 1st pict, to the 2nd

By djwaters22 at 2012-07-03


Active Member
Your plant will survive, but I believe the leafs that have been discolored may be permanant, but doesn't mean the rest of your plant will be yeller.

By the way, good save dude. Your plant looked seriously ill in the first picture, and with just a little nitrogen you spruced her back up and those top leafs look great.


Active Member
i used tap water. i let it sit out about 24 hours or more. the ph is 7.2 is that ok

Edit: I wish the instructions were clearer. Idk how often to add Nitrogen. It just syas add 3/4 pound for blah blah square feet. But I just used about a nickel size on both. How often do people normally add again ? And is this considered boosting my plant. Like vitamin or whatever? Or does N not count


Well-Known Member
try to get your ph closer to 6.5. you might want to pick up some bottled nutes, or make a compost tea when it gets older. You might also want to transplant it.


Active Member
try to get your ph closer to 6.5. you might want to pick up some bottled nutes, or make a compost tea when it gets older. You might also want to transplant it.
transplant huh? Well i thought they were to small for that. Isnt the red cub plenty of space for them ? at least for a few weeks? I got 2 huge pots i be saving but i figured its to early.
Also to get 6.5 ph, is it legit to get those tablets walmart sells for fish tanks?


Active Member
It might have something to do with the soil. When you'll repot them try using some soil from the market with light concentration of nutes. Good luck!


Active Member
So is it legit to change my ph with those fish tabletS? my ph is 7.2 tap water left out over 24 hrs. Should i wait to transplant?


Well-Known Member
So is it legit to change my ph with those fish tabletS? my ph is 7.2 tap water left out over 24 hrs. Should i wait to transplant?
I wouldn't use those, They are for fish, You need shit for plant water. Use PH down with a PH meter. You're fine for not transplanting for a few more weeks IMO, Also definitely change soils when you do transplant, that soil now is shit ( no offence, we all start somewhere) I tried to save money on soil my first grow, I got Hyponex, SP?, Shit turned to straight mud when you watered it. Luckly i was smart enough to think of watering before transplanting and didn't make the mistake but i ended up spending more than if i woulda went the right way.

Your plant is gonna give you what you give it. Good nutrients, soils, ventilation, blah blah, Good pot. Bad, bad, you get it.
I would highly recommend getting some nutrients. STAY AWAY FROM MG, If you must use it, Read the instructions and follow it to a tee. Also flush every month-month and a half with it.
I'd go to a local nursery or even some mal marts i've notice carry then and get a little jug of osmocote if you cant get the special expensive nutes formulated for cannabis. Its like 10-12 USD for a big jug of it,It's time release but will not burn your plants. You can use it on your veggies too, I used it on my pumpkins last year and they took over my backyard.

Good luck, Happy growing, Stay high.


Active Member
I don't know about the price a 20litre bag of BioBizz light mix in Romania costs ~10 USD. When the plant is young you can use also bottled water so you make sure you get the right PH.