i know this is really OLD but i just came across this info and this thread and felt i should put my two cents in on this. I'm currently on probation in the state of California for a felony case of possession of 4 oz. and intent to sell. I have been on probation for a month now and have gotten drug tested once. I went ahead and notified the probation officer that i would come out "dirty" for THC only because I'm a medical marijuana patient and i recently had issues with my hip and I am currently using it and feel as though i need it for my pain. The officer then proceeded not to test me and just note that i WAS positive for THC. I made it clear to him and presented my medical marijuana evaluation and he decide not to "recognize" it as a legal document and proceeded to tell me that i must register the recommendation with the Health and Human services and apply for a State issued card not only that but then go to court and request a modification of probation to use, grow, and transport medical cannabis. I went ahead and applied and before i did i asked my physician and he told me that my probation officer MUST recognize all recommendation signed by a legal physician who's medical practice is in good state. He also said that he did not recommend me applying for the state issued license since i would be registered in the Sacramento data base and could have issues with health insurance, Employer, and anybody else who could access that information. I told him how nobody in the court house of probation offices would recognize it and was told to get the state issued one. I went to my appointment with the health department and applied, waited three weeks for my card. I went to the court house and asked to be put on the calendar to see the judge and request modification of probation. On July 7, 2012 i have a court date deciding whether the next 18 months i will be allowed to exercise my patient rights or not. Here's some information that has helped me become more confident with the situation and case and feel might be useful for other patients experiencing the same difficulties:
Americans for Safe Access website with evidence from other related cases and facts about medical cannabis and being on probation:
Link to a pdf file that would come really useful to print out and have in file whenever going to see the judge or speaking to a probation officer: