spider mites in scrog help plz

Wussup RIU i am doing a scrog grow right now and a couple days ago i notice i had spider mites. I am doing a scrog grow and Im 56 days into flower and i dont know what to do about the mites. I read the sticky about the habenero method and tried it yesterday and it doesnt seem to work. Im so piss off about this that i been stressing about it ever since I found out I had mites. My scrog is so thick that it is almost impossible to spray all the leaves. I need help on what to do next. I was thinking about getting some lady bugs but do u guys think that will work? I about 2-3 weeks from harvest so i need something that i can use that wont effect my buds when i harvest them. Any info/help will be greatly appericated. and if it matters the strain is tahoe og

depends on how fast you want them gone :p the more on there the faster they'll get ate up.
try this, i just used last month and worked great but careful making it that shit burns! made a gallon of it for 3 bucks, cant beat that!

I just tried that yesterday and i still see them on my plants today. I sprayed the infected area pretty good and today I seen that new fan leaves are being eaten. I wish it would have work but i might give it another try if the lady bugs don't rid them


Well-Known Member
ya it dont work in just one spray all the time which is why i made a gallon of it. maybe he didnt do it right? idk but it worked well for me. they were all gone and dead in less than a week


Well-Known Member
I've used ladybugs in the past. Works like a charm....although I don't really like vacuuming all the dead ones :fire: