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Doesn't the bible also say something about homosexuals?
That's one dead horse at this point.
Doesn't the bible also say something about homosexuals?
That's one dead horse at this point.
For God is true and Medjugorje has proven to the world that God and deity is fact.
After a few years of thorough and intense investigative study, which the Church always exercises to determine an unmistakable decision in these matters, the Bishop issued a statement in 1986 giving the results of the study. In the statement, Msgr. Zanic proclaimed that these apparitions are not made by the most Holy Virgin Mary
Another committee on the national level, composed of 20 bishops, was organized to decide on the "apparitions". This committee also spent several years in patiently studying the matter and finally in November 1990 issued a statement which concluded that there is no proof that Marian apparitions have occurred at Medjugorje. This statement was approved nearly unanimously, with 19 bishops in favor and one abstaining. A Vatican doctrinal official said the bishops' statement against defining the apparitions as supernatural should be accepted by the faithful around the world.
"They particularly do not seem to be authentic," the local bishop observed, "when it is known before that these so-called 'apparitions' will occur." Bishop Perić cited the schedule that the Medjugorje seers have provided, listing the times and places at which they claim the next visits by the Mother of God will occur. Thousands of messages from Mary are now claimed, and the bishop observed that "the flood of so-called apparitions, messages, secrets, and signs do not strengthen the faith, but rather further convince us that in all of this there is nothing neither authentic nor established as truthful."
Bishop Perić reminded his people of the restrictions that he has imposed on activities in Medjugorje. The parish church is not formally a "shrine," he said, and should not be characterized as such. Pilgrimages to the church are discouraged. Priests there are "not authorized to express their private views contrary to the official position of the Church on the so-called 'apparitions' and 'messages,' during celebrations of the sacraments, nor during other common acts of piety, nor in the Catholic media."
Doesn't the bible also say something about homosexuals?
It does say something about forgiving your brother, should he even go behind your back seventy-seven times ... i accept that as an endorsement. cn
And even in ancient days,it was only considered a sin within certain circles.77 times?
The point of it tho is that it's different today and is no longer considered a sin.
That's why he couldn't leave home. He didn't want to leave his little brothers' behind.
And even in ancient days,it was only considered a sin within certain circles.
Sad isn't it?
That these books from long ago,that tell us not to judge,yet some use that same set of books to judge others.
weird huh?
Lol, I wonder how it was scribed in there and people couldn't figure out that being gay wasn't a choice, and how a gay man living in secret would have to force a boner to be intimate with their wives lol. I can just imagine the disgust on his face.
And I don't think gay guys are disgusted by females. They are afraid of them. Hell, we all are, right?
My best friend is gay, no, i am not afraid of him.
I think it was meant the other way around: that men are generally afraid of (Ferengi voice) fee-male huu-maans.
However I have not found that to be usual, and doubt it so for gays. If anything, they're competitors with women; witness camp. cn
<add> Not camp the place! The overblown style.