January to June 2012 warmest first half of any year on record

ultraviolet pirate

Well-Known Member
im glad for you guys, wherever you are sounds nice. shit (and im talking corn and soy) is burning up where i am, and its taking more and more water, and the table is dropping, like last year, the year before, and the year before that. im not going on the news, records, whatever, im not tech savvy nor do i put much into what "they" say. im going on what ive seen...and its getting harder and harder to grow.


Well-Known Member
You might be a republican if you believe the greenhouse effect means better gardens for all.
I might be a Democrat who believes the exact same thing. Belief in the earth getting warmer is completely logical, belief that its all caused by humans is not. Neither thought process solely belongs to one political leaning.


Well-Known Member
Says the guy that thinks pumping 40 billion metric tonnes of carbon yearly into the atmosphere has no effect. Go back to arguing the earth is flat, you obviously have more practice at that.
You parrot fat Al Gore very well. Man is responsible for less than one tenth of one percent of the scary greenhouse gasses that go into the atmosphere every year, FACT. Even if we eliminated ALL manmade sources, it wouldn't change anything.

It's pointless to argue with people who refuse to debate. In the face of very strong science, naysayers prefer to tear down instead of listen and judge based on sound research.

Want facts: http://climate.nasa.gov/ is an excellent resource.

Think global warming is not real? Then tell me why every government on Earth is planning for it and the US is realigning major portions of its military toward Arctic defense?

People don't spend money on faith and hunches.

Yes, sound research that is based on supposition, conjecture and data entered into climate models that are guesses at best. How could we possibly oppose those numbers? Not to mention, this has now been going on long enough that all those dire predictions are being exposed as bullshit.

And ignorant and intelligent people have spent money on faith and hunches for all of man's existence. What fucking planet are you living on?


Well-Known Member
I farm, my crops this year are the best I have EVER grown. The weather has been PERFECT for 6 months now, in fact the weather was so nice I am actually for the first time ever, going to be able to get another crop in. FANFUCKINGTASTIC!!!! 2 years of profits in one season!!!
do you receive subsidies ???


Well-Known Member
that's a location.Tells where I am...Now you do know how I make my money and I was just curious to know if you receive farm subsidies, but never mind I have my answer by your actions..
This is coming from someone who thinks that crop subsidies make the earth warmer.



Well-Known Member
The Eco-Loons never want to tackle the fact we only contribute less than one tenth of one percent of the greenhouse gases that are released into our atmosphere annually.

I'll never forget when Robert Kennedy, champion of MMGW admitted we could cut our emissions in half and it wouldn't actually make a noticeable difference in what our climate does. A rare moment of truth from one of the true believers. Of course, he went on to say, that's no reason not to push forward with the cause. Why, because it's a means to an end. And that's all it is, even if the slow-witted buy into it hook, line and sinker.



Well-Known Member
man, you must be stupider then the dude on your avatar...

so what about all the "greenhouse gases" prior to us? when the earth was young?

Oh, let me guess, they did not exist till republicans made up "greenhouse gases"!!!!!

do some research in biology and learn more about the things that exist and produce endless amounts of your "greenhouse gases"


Says the guy that thinks pumping 40 billion metric tonnes of carbon yearly into the atmosphere has no effect. Go back to arguing the earth is flat, you obviously have more practice at that.


Well-Known Member
exactly man... it is just so damn funny when people accuse cars and petrofuels as being the number one cause of "greenhouse gases"... LOL

The Eco-Loons never want to tackle the fact we only contribute less than one tenth of one percent of the greenhouse gases that are released into our atmosphere annually.

I'll never forget when Robert Kennedy, champion of MMGW admitted we could cut our emissions in half and it wouldn't actually make a noticeable difference in what our climate does. A rare moment of truth from one of the true believers. Of course, he went on to say, that's no reason not to push forward with the cause. Why, because it's a means to an end. And that's all it is, even if the slow-witted buy into it hook, line and sinker.


Well-Known Member
ok, let me get this straight... more ice means more heat... ok... that sounds a ok...

and this was not aimed at you either... it was at the loonie op

more ice means less "greenhouse gases"... since these "gases" are trapped, the heat produced bounces off the ice or anything else for that matter, thus *melting* <<<keyword the ice down forming less ice packs.

Increased sea ice is a sure sign of global warming, as is reduced ice and the same amount of ice. Just ask any global warming scientist.


Well-Known Member
This is coming from someone who thinks that crop subsidies make the earth warmer.
never said that ,but nice try to distract. The question was simple "do you receive subsidies". You in turn avoid answering the question for some reason ( ashamed maybe).


Well-Known Member
never said that ,but nice try to distract. The question was simple "do you receive subsidies". You in turn avoid answering the question for some reason ( ashamed maybe).
Subsidies for growing weed? Yeah, right. Even if he did receive them, why would he be ashamed? Getting back a few bucks that have been stolen and wasted by Progressives over the years is a noble cause, to be celebrated and revered. Fuck the statists that think tax dollars are theirs by decree.


Well-Known Member
Subsidies for growing weed? Yeah, right. Even if he did receive them, why would he be ashamed? Getting back a few bucks that have been stolen and wasted by Progressives over the years is a noble cause, to be celebrated and revered. Fuck the statists that think tax dollars are theirs by decree.
Not for growing weed silly...Nodrama really is a farmer ( sometimes he shits in our food ). How are a few bucks stolen from him. Please explain because I'm not understanding that one.