January to June 2012 warmest first half of any year on record


Well-Known Member
lol, go find me the last time i called someone a tea bagger, you luddite.
I'd have to go all the way back to 2011 if I had ANY interest in doing so. LOL.

I use Eco-Loons because it's accurate and relays the appropriate level of thinly disguised disgust at people that fucking stupid.


Well-Known Member
Ummm the sun? I bet without the sun this little rock would be icy fucking cold. Dispute that.

Really? The sun creates CO2 in the atmosphere? Stupid doesnt even begin to describe the shit I've been seeing from you and your backward bud from North Carolina.


Well-Known Member
Yeah brainiac, they're called journalists or bloggers and they aren't anonymous like people posting on pot sites. Talk about dumb as a fucking post.

Here ya go, sue me. BadDog40 molests schoolchildren daily and is a lying, thieving aids victim. Come and get me chucklehead.

Careful, someone may actually take that shack you call home.

[h=1]'Anonymous' Posters to Pay $13 Million for Defamatory Comments[/h]http://abcnews.go.com/Business/jury-awards-13-million-texas-defamation-suit-anonymous/story?id=16194071#.T_x6N_U1OR8


Well-Known Member
Offer a cogent, evidence backed explaination for the increase in CO2 in our atmosphere in the last couple hundred years then.
You mean like the fact that temperature increases PRECEDE CO2 increases, despite fat Al Gore's fictitious chart in his movie.

Can you offer cogent, evidence backed proof that the CO2 levels of the last hundred years are any higher than they were 1, 2, 5, 10 thousand or million years ago? You know, before the evil machines were invented.


Well-Known Member
the upside of the weather is that i harvested 55 full size walla walla onions already. potatoes didn't do so well, but i had no idea they needed to be rotated. seemed like every field we passed in idaho had potatoes growing, so i figured rotation wasn't necessary. my corn was chest high by the 4th of july and my sunflowers are taller than i am. the sugar snap peas don't like the heat so much but the carrots are doing just fine, i'll probably do a second planting of them.


Well-Known Member
Really? The sun creates CO2 in the atmosphere? Stupid doesnt even begin to describe the shit I've been seeing from you and your backward bud from North Carolina.
Yeah , the sun, it warms the planet and exposes the pockets of trapped CO2 in the ice, which are expelled into the atmosphere at a rate 10,000 times greater than man's


Well-Known Member
You mean like the fact that temperature increases PRECEDE CO2 increases, despite fat Al Gore's fictitious chart in his movie.

Can you offer cogent, evidence backed proof that the CO2 levels of the last hundred years are any higher than they were 1, 2, 5, 10 thousand or million years ago? You know, before the evil machines were invented.
I posed a reasonable challenge - it seems that you are crawdadding away from that simple request, care to try again? Nor does anything beyond about 50 thousand years bear much relevence to the argument.


Well-Known Member
Yeah , the sun, it warms the planet and exposes the pockets of trapped CO2 in the ice, which are expelled into the atmosphere at a rate 10,000 times greater than man's

Why didn't it expose those "pockets" prior?


Well-Known Member
Why didn't it expose those "pockets" prior?
I am sure it did, perhaps a million years ago, but since humans didn't do a very good job of keeping records a million years ago its just an assumption. Perhaps the "normal" temperature for the earth is actually 2 degrees higher? Got any proof that the temp it was 10 years ago is the "norm" and any deviation from it would be bad? I mean you do realize that things in a natural state are full of chaos right and never meet man made expectations.


Well-Known Member
I posed a reasonable challenge - it seems that you are crawdadding away from that simple request, care to try again? Nor does anything beyond about 50 thousand years bear much relevence to the argument.
It wasn't a reasonable challenge at all, but I'll play.

The answer is: Because the earth has had CO2 levels that high for millions of years, there is no need for alarm because this is a natural cycle occurring hundreds of thousands of times over millions of years.

There, my answer. Now you have to disprove it to validate your alarm.


Well-Known Member
Really? The sun creates CO2 in the atmosphere? Stupid doesnt even begin to describe the shit I've been seeing from you and your backward bud from North Carolina.
Except the sun absolutely increases CO2 in the atmosphere. It heats the oceans, which is where the VAST majority of greenhouse gases come from. I love when they declare stupidity while typing the dumbest fucking posts to ever see the light of day.


Well-Known Member
I am sure it did, perhaps a million years ago, but since humans didn't do a very good job of keeping records a million years ago its just an assumption. Perhaps the "normal" temperature for the earth is actually 2 degrees higher? Got any proof that the temp it was 10 years ago is the "norm" and any deviation from it would be bad? I mean you do realize that things in a natural state are full of chaos right and never meet man made expectations.
You are "sure" it did, but strangely, the CO2 content of the atmosphere has increased since we have been recording it, even though the emitions from the sun have fluctuated. We do have a good idea not only of the CO2 content in ages past but of the temperatures back then. If you really want to try to compare, no, the temperatures now are not nearly as hot as they have been in the past - but what past and how has that anything to do with the modern era? I love how the naysayers jump from practicality to theory. In this case, that the average temperature was higher 100 million years ago has no bearing on today.


Well-Known Member
It wasn't a reasonable challenge at all, but I'll play.

The answer is: Because the earth has had CO2 levels that high for millions of years, there is no need for alarm because this is a natural cycle occurring hundreds of thousands of times over millions of years.

There, my answer. Now you have to disprove it to validate your alarm.
I didn't ask about millions of years ago I asked about hundreds of years ago. You claim that we are on the cusp of a new release of CO2 yet you can't show us a single reason for the increase - whereas I can.

I don't have to disprove your statement in order to validate alarm, I won't disprove your statement because your statement is true - but it happened so long ago that it has no effect upon us now.


Well-Known Member
You are "sure" it did, but strangely, the CO2 content of the atmosphere has increased since we have been recording it, even though the emitions from the sun have fluctuated. We do have a good idea not only of the CO2 content in ages past but of the temperatures back then. If you really want to try to compare, no, the temperatures now are not nearly as hot as they have been in the past - but what past and how has that anything to do with the modern era? I love how the naysayers jump from practicality to theory. In this case, that the average temperature was higher 100 million years ago has no bearing on today.
OK, then the temperature of today has absolutely no bearing on the temperature of tomorrow. Nuff said, its all been debunked, everyone can go home now and turn the A/C back on.


Well-Known Member
lol, go find me the last time i called someone a tea bagger, you luddite.
9/12 republican debate

oh, no. paul is getting booed. even though he is making sense on this particular issue.

fucking asshole tea baggers.
old mcronald wins north carolina, west virginia, indiana

good thing they super duper triple locked that one.

lugar is gone, too. lost to a guy who thinks medicare and SS are unconstitutional. so we just picked up another senate seat tonight, thanks to off the cliff tea baggers who think that the DREAM and START acts are tantamount to treason.
never watch another GOP debate

i worked one of those government approved jobs at the beginning of the year, i have paid taxes this year.

last year, i voted for a measure that would have mandated that i pay $1000 to the state just for the honor of 'producing', as well as a 10% straight tax on anything i produce, in addition to all the other taxes that come with it.

sadly, a wave of tea bagging excitement crippled what should have been a slam dunk ballot proposition. thanks, baggers.

i have ZERO problem paying taxes. i do have a problem with being called a criminal for growing some plants and conducting transactions between consenting adults that hurt no one.