Check Out My Lady


Well-Known Member
i forgot to tell ya guys/gals. Yesterday when i went home from work, i noticed that i was forgot my lights in the room where is my growcab on. one of the doors of the cab is open @ anytime and the light was penetraiting inthere!!! (Shit) So i gave my plant 6 hours light more :( .the bulbs are two fluro tubes 18W each.the distance between them and the plant is maybe 3 meters. what can happen now?


Well-Known Member
could go hermie, only time can tell now. that stinks though. let me know whats up.
yeah i'll let ya all know for sure...... i think that nothing will go wrong, but as You said - "time will tell" .......fuck man how can i let this happen........damn..... :(


Well-Known Member
yeah i'll let ya all know for sure...... i think that nothing will go wrong, but as You said - "time will tell" .......fuck man how can i let this happen........damn..... :(
it's all good bro, mistakes happen. Thats the + of growing, you live and you learn. How bright was the light that was getting in the grow cab?


Well-Known Member
how would you reverse that interuption anyways? just give it another 24 hours of straight light and go back to the 12/12 cycle?/


Well-Known Member
ah sweet, sorry for whoring your thread like that lol. I will definently be in touch to see how things are progressing. I hope everything is ok with it and you get some diesel smoke!!

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
I've put alot of thought to this. I always check my plants just before the lights come on. I use a 13w flo drop light. Even in nature there are very bright moonlite nights. I have been outside at 2am and you could see hundreds of feet in any direction. I don't think that with that much light in nature that inturupting your night with very weak lights that far away you will do anything to your plant. There are days that it is so overcast that you would think it was midnight. And if your on the same time line as me even if (and I don't think it's very likely) it did go hermi you would be harvesting before the pollen sacks open and def before the plants could start to form seeds..... Don't sweat it


Well-Known Member
I've put alot of thought to this. I always check my plants just before the lights come on. I use a 13w flo drop light. Even in nature there are very bright moonlite nights. I have been outside at 2am and you could see hundreds of feet in any direction. I don't think that with that much light in nature that inturupting your night with very weak lights that far away you will do anything to your plant. There are days that it is so overcast that you would think it was midnight. And if your on the same time line as me even if (and I don't think it's very likely) it did go hermi you would be harvesting before the pollen sacks open and def before the plants could start to form seeds..... Don't sweat it
this is true - but nature doesn't care if your plants hermie. :mrgreen:

Besides - you'd really have to know how much real light energy the plant receives from the full moon and replicate it monthly.

also hermies have the added problem of less THC production (since instead of filling up empty seed sacks with resin - the plant does produce seeds which requires its energy).