January to June 2012 warmest first half of any year on record


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I don't get my info from them. However, I do stand with the 31,000 American scientists that signed the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine's global warming petition against the horseshit that is MMGW. They must ALL be in the Koch brother's pocket.
Scientific American took a random sample of 30 of the 1,400 signatories claiming to hold a Ph.D. in a climate-related science. Of the 26 we were able to identify in various databases, 11 said they still agreed with the petition —- one was an active climate researcher, two others had relevant expertise, and eight signed based on an informal evaluation. Six said they would not sign the petition today, three did not remember any such petition, one had died, and five did not answer repeated messages. Crudely extrapolating, the petition supporters include a core of about 200 climate researchers – a respectable number, though rather a small fraction of the climatological community


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I don't get my info from them. However, I do stand with the 31,000 American scientists that signed the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine's global warming petition against the horseshit that is MMGW. They must ALL be in the Koch brother's pocket.
Several environmental groups questioned some of the names in the petition. For instance: "Perry S. Mason", who was a legitimate scientist who shared the name of a TV character. Similarly, "Michael J. Fox", "Robert C. Byrd", and "John C. Grisham" were signatories with names shared with famous people. Geraldine Halliwell was added as: "Dr. Geri Halliwell" and "Dr. Halliwell." This name may have been contributed by a proxy trying to discredit the petition since Ms. Halliwell has never admitted to signing the petition.
Asked about the pop singer, Robinson said he was duped. The returned petition, one of thousands of mailings he sent out, identified her as having a degree in microbiology and living in Boston. "When we're getting thousands of signatures there's no way of filtering out a fake", he said


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I don't get my info from them. However, I do stand with the 31,000 American scientists that signed the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine's global warming petition against the horseshit that is MMGW. They must ALL be in the Koch brother's pocket.
Ultimately, The OISM petition will continue to rear it’s ugly head until its fabricated credibility has been thoroughly demolished. Social conservatives and libertarians, each of which has their own ideological reasons to push the OISM petition, have been effective at keeping the “30,000 scientists reject warming chicken-littleism of IPCC” meme circulating throughout conservative media outlets, even as climate disruption-focused media have worked at limiting the damage from the OISM petition. But given the fact that the science supporting a dominantly anthropogenic cause for climate disruption is overwhelming, it’s only a matter of time before the OISM petition wilts in the heat.


Well-Known Member
Thanks repubs for ruining the fucking planet with your pro pollution/anti-science agenda. (CBS News) January to June 2012 was the warmest first half of any year on record for the contiguous United States, according to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The average temperature during that period was at 52.9 degrees F, which is 4.5 degrees above the typical average. Twenty-eight states east of the Rockys were had record warm temperatures, with an additional 15 states in the top 10 for warm temperatures. Every state across the contiguous U.S. had warmer than average temperatures, except Washington. The first six months were also drier than average, producing 1.62 inches below nationally-averaged precipitation. Fourteen states had precipitation totals among their ten driest for the time period. However, wetter-than-average conditions were observed Northwest and upper Midwest. Minnesota, Oregon, and Washington had six-month precipitation totals among their ten wettest. The higher temperatures were aided by the recent heat wave that caused at least 65 deaths. While temperatures have cooled down, the temperature has broken more than 2,100 temperature records since July 1. http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-201_162-57468991/january-to-june-2012-warmest-first-half-of-any-year-on-record/
I thought you didn't approve of anecdotal evidence? You drive a car? Heat your home? Cool your home? Use electricity? Burn fuel? Hypocrite.


Well-Known Member
Of course he gets subsidies. Every right wing govt hating jackass I know gets something from the govt and then spends their days bitching about other people getting something from the govt. There's a reason they love Michelle Bachmann so much, they can relate to her hypocritical lying ass. Wouldnt surprise me if Nodrama was her gay husband.
And you know this how? Oh, you just know! I'm not a fan of Bachmann or Ron Paul, but they are the only Congress members who have not engaged in insider trading. Accusing NoDrama of being gay AND married to Bachmann makes you look like a total idiot.


Well-Known Member
People get sued all the time for slanderous shit they post, you dumb ignorant redneck.
Since the person he slandered is anonymous, you have no case. Can't slander anyone unless you identify the person. If that person should now identify himself, that would make him an active participant in the slander, negating any cause he may have had..lol......


Well-Known Member
How is me just asking if he receive subsidies a loaded question and why would you counter with come crazy shit of one molesting their child ??? really ?? ..
It was obviously a loaded question. Don't play innocent. Have you stopped beating your wife?


Well-Known Member
Offer a cogent, evidence backed explaination for the increase in CO2 in our atmosphere in the last couple hundred years then.
Offer a cogent, evidence backed explaination for the increase in CO2 in our atmosphere is actually occurring.


Well-Known Member
diary subsidies given to cow farmers..U.S. spends $4 billion a year on dairy subsidies. That means more cows out on the farm, which means a whole lot more methane in our air. burp and fart...ahhhhhh love the smell of methane in the morning
Diary? As in Ann Frank's? You misspelled a word. According to you and your "life partner", UncleShitBritches, you must be completely retarded and your statements are unworthy of any considerations. Actually, they pay dairy farmers to slaughter their herds to reduce the number of dairy cattle, the exact opposite of your statement.


Well-Known Member
Per year? probably not but the fact remains that CO2 concentrations are going up and there are only two plausable explainations for it. 1. Man is doing it 2. The mechanism is misunderstood and warming preceeds CO2 increases rather than the other way around.
Just because you don't "know" of any, doesn't prove there are not others. "It wasn't an airplane, so it proves it was space aliens in a flying saucer"


Well-Known Member
Its just a bill, so right now it means nothing. imo a $3.5 billion cut isn't anywhere near enough. besides it is mostly going to take away money from the SNAP program, not my precious subsidies, they would never touch my corn money, its written in stone. Just sittin around waitin for my gubbermint subsidy check to come in so I can go buy me some new toys, perhaps go to Vegas or start a laundromat. I hear Laundromats are excellent revenue sources, combined with a Alpaca farm could be a big money maker.
How 'bout a drive-thru Alpaca wash?


Well-Known Member
And you know this how? Oh, you just know! I'm not a fan of Bachmann or Ron Paul, but they are the only Congress members who have not engaged in insider trading. Accusing NoDrama of being gay AND married to Bachmann makes you look like a total idiot.
yeah, rawn pawl's portfolio outperforms similar well managed portfolios by 100% consistently, but he's not doing any insider trading.


Well-Known Member
Diary? As in Ann Frank's? You misspelled a word. According to you and your "life partner", UncleShitBritches, you must be completely retarded and your statements are unworthy of any considerations. Actually, they pay dairy farmers to slaughter their herds to reduce the number of dairy cattle, the exact opposite of your statement.
*anne frank

who taught you how to spell britches, 46 year old virgin?


Well-Known Member
So your only point is that the sun powers a relatively closed co2 cycle. fine, that cycle is closed, unless we interfere no additional co2 is emitted. Barring venting of the earth, we are the only other factor. Volcanos are artifacts, they are background noise in that system as they are intermitent and easily compensated for by other mechanisms. It seems that our continual reintroduction of ancient co2 is having an effect, take a look at your co2 meter and then do some checking on previous co2 ppm counts - your meter is in the 370's to 390's is it not?
"volcanos" Volcanoes can produces more co2 in a day than man releases in thousands of years. So much they cause catastrophic global climate change and major extinction level events. Stating " they are background noise in that system as they are intermitent and easily compensated for by other mechanisms." is foolish.


Well-Known Member
Everyone is a Hypocrite, some just have more money than others do. Some of us just sit around all day collecting transfer payments. Its not the only Gubbermint subsidy I participate in either.
ALL my income comes from DOE grants...lol.........