January to June 2012 warmest first half of any year on record


Well-Known Member
Not for growing weed silly...Nodrama really is a farmer ( sometimes he shits in our food ). How are a few bucks stolen from him. Please explain because I'm not understanding that one.
Farmers got it made, we just sit around all year and take subsidy payments while our food grows itself. Of course this is what is causing global warming though, so gotta feel bad about that, but government does nothing to stop it , so it must be OK.


Well-Known Member
Farmers got it made, we just sit around all year and take subsidy payments while our food grows itself. Of course this is what is causing global warming though, so gotta feel bad about that, but government does nothing to stop it , so it must be OK.
the first part may be true..Don't know about how it causes global warming. Why do you feel global warming is caused by farm subsidies???? Please explain


Well-Known Member
Not for growing weed silly...Nodrama really is a farmer ( sometimes he shits in our food ). How are a few bucks stolen from him. Please explain because I'm not understanding that one.
Some of us actually think the Constitution means something. All the programs that aren't specifically authorized, and not by vague FDR era translations that allow anything, have inflated the cost of the Federal government. Social safety nets and countless other programs and beauracracy waste our money and drive up the amount we need to tax the citizenry. And I'm talking about the endless embedded taxes in our products and services, not just income tax.

We can't even talk about getting our Federal budget back to 2001 levels, before it DOUBLED. Did the population DOUBLE since 2001? Of course not, if the population didn't double, the budget of the Federal government shouldn't double either.

2001 - $1.9 trillion
2012 - $3.7 trillion


Well-Known Member
I don't, you do. Have you forgotten your theory already?
I think being in the hot ass sun has fried your brain old man..lol..I never said that at all..Please show me where I did or I guess you are a liar ( or we can just blame it on stupid). You in fact did say it

Farmers got it made, we just sit around all year and take subsidy payments while our food grows itself. Of course this is what is causing global warming though, so gotta feel bad about that, but government does nothing to stop it , so it must be OK.
with no editing needed. do we blame this on stupid as well ???


Well-Known Member
I think being in the hot ass sun has fried your brain old man..lol..I never said that at all..Please show me where I did or I guess you are a liar ( or we can just blame it on stupid). You in fact did say it

with no editing needed. do we blame this on stupid as well ???
Retarded people don't know when they are being made sport of. You show this to be true.

So any idea what food subsidies have to do with Global Warming or are you just gonna deflect again and again and again?


Well-Known Member
So we happen to know what the temperatures where like thousands of years ago? Oh yeah, hottest half year on record. So roughly 160 years of our earth's existence.

ultraviolet pirate

Well-Known Member
right now the theme song to happy tree friends is goin thru my head as i read this shit. republicans suck. democrats suck. i like americans.
the london guy DID NOT say subsidies cause global warming. he asked if the drama guy was given subsidies.
subsidies and price fixing sound shady and kinda commie talk. but, i think its the end days for us and soon its gonna be like when the Soviet Union collapsed and motherfuckers are just gonna be stealing shit left and right....im aiming to get a submarine when the FreeForAll really begins so i can take a group of like minded people and go be castaways somewhere, make porn all day.


Well-Known Member
Retarded people don't know when they are being made sport of. You show this to be true.

So any idea what food subsidies have to do with Global Warming or are you just gonna deflect again and again and again?
I do believe the deflect was on you not answering if you received subsidies for farming. If you care not to answer the question...don't, but stop with the nonsense. Now if you do want to answer the question we then can talk about N2O emissions.


Well-Known Member
I do believe the deflect was on you not answering if you received subsidies for farming. If you care not to answer the question...don't, but stop with the nonsense. Now if you do want to answer the question we then can talk about N2O emissions.
You tell me what it has to do with Global Warming and I will tell you whether I receive them or not. If you don't like that, well guess what? No one gives a fuck.


Well-Known Member
You tell me what it has to do with Global Warming and I will tell you whether I receive them or not. If you don't like that, well guess what? No one gives a fuck.
dude we already had the answer by you not wanting to answer the question..so no need for you to answer


Well-Known Member
dude we already had the answer by you not wanting to answer the question..so no need for you to answer

Of course he gets subsidies. Every right wing govt hating jackass I know gets something from the govt and then spends their days bitching about other people getting something from the govt. There's a reason they love Michelle Bachmann so much, they can relate to her hypocritical lying ass. Wouldnt surprise me if Nodrama was her gay husband.


Well-Known Member
Of course he gets subsidies. Every right wing govt hating jackass I know gets something from the govt and then spends their days bitching about other people getting something from the govt. There's a reason they love Michelle Bachmann so much, they can relate to her hypocritical lying ass. Wouldnt surprise me if Nodrama was her gay husband.
Last year I only got $126,000 of your tax money, this year I am getting double that. And all I do is sit around all day. Farming is the easiest job there is, just wait for the Gubbermint checks to come in each month and do nothing but sit around and count all the dough you guys are giving me for doing nothing.

It is hard to be a Millionaire when you guys keep voting in the politicians who keep making it so easy. I am hoping that a bad hail storm ruins my crops this year, I will still get the subsidy, plus Emergency funds from FEMA, PLUS I get the insurance payments. I will make $876,000 this year for sitting on my ass and letting you guys work hard to pay me to do it. Life is good, now If only they would make green energy tax free. Oh wait, they already did. Thanks, suckers.

BTW London, when are you going to stop molesting your daughter?

Baddog? When are you going to stop selling your body to overweight middle aged men?


Well-Known Member
BTW London, when are you going to stop molesting your daughter?

Thanks for showing us the disgusting piece of human excrement you are. If I were him I'd have a defamation and slander lawsuit so far up your ass you'd be crying to Sean Hannity to pull it out.


Well-Known Member
Last year I only got $126,000 of your tax money, this year I am getting double that. And all I do is sit around all day. Farming is the easiest job there is, just wait for the Gubbermint checks to come in each month and do nothing but sit around and count all the dough you guys are giving me for doing nothing.

It is hard to be a Millionaire when you guys keep voting in the politicians who keep making it so easy. I am hoping that a bad hail storm ruins my crops this year, I will still get the subsidy, plus Emergency funds from FEMA, PLUS I get the insurance payments. I will make $876,000 this year for sitting on my ass and letting you guys work hard to pay me to do it. Life is good, now If only they would make green energy tax free. Oh wait, they already did. Thanks, suckers.

BTW London, when are you going to stop molesting your daughter?

Baddog? When are you going to stop selling your body to overweight middle aged men?
WOW that's a new low for you... I guess I really touched a nerve.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for showing us the disgusting piece of human excrement you are. If I were him I'd have a defamation and slander lawsuit so far up your ass you'd be crying to Sean Hannity to pull it out.
Lol, no you wouldn't. You'd sit there like a little bitch and take it. And even if you didn't, exactly WHO are you going to file the suit against, genius?

To everyone else with at least an ice cream scoop of brains, he was giving an example of a loaded question to counter london's.


Well-Known Member
Last year I only got $126,000 of your tax money, this year I am getting double that. And all I do is sit around all day. Farming is the easiest job there is, just wait for the Gubbermint checks to come in each month and do nothing but sit around and count all the dough you guys are giving me for doing nothing.

It is hard to be a Millionaire when you guys keep voting in the politicians who keep making it so easy. I am hoping that a bad hail storm ruins my crops this year, I will still get the subsidy, plus Emergency funds from FEMA, PLUS I get the insurance payments. I will make $876,000 this year for sitting on my ass and letting you guys work hard to pay me to do it. Life is good, now If only they would make green energy tax free. Oh wait, they already did. Thanks, suckers.

BTW London, when are you going to stop molesting your daughter?

Baddog? When are you going to stop selling your body to overweight middle aged men?

You are lower than dog shit and have a serious mental disorder. I don't normally condone banning but in this case I'll make an exception.