secrecy and risk assessment


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, I could use your advice again. I'd really like to grow. One problem: I have four housemates. Even worse, they've seen me working on the grow cab (including lights, mylar coating, etc.) and they know I have a healthy interest in growing. I know that mum's the word when it comes to grow ops, so I was thinking about telling them all that I'd planned to grow but had decided it was too risky. (and making up some excuse, like "guess I'll just use the cabinet for clothes now instead.") Then move the cab up into my closet in my room and starting the grow.

What do you think? Too risky? irresponsible? Would you abandon the idea of a grow if you were in my position?


Well-Known Member
They know you have a healthy interest in growing. It will be more private in your closet in your room, but they'll still know about it. You could maybe outfit your closet with a lock, for security of your stuff... but your housemates will still know deductively/logically that you're growing. Might be better not to make a comment about the clothes... seems too obvious, but who knows.


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, I could use your advice again. I'd really like to grow. One problem: I have four housemates. Even worse, they've seen me working on the grow cab (including lights, mylar coating, etc.) and they know I have a healthy interest in growing. I know that mum's the word when it comes to grow ops, so I was thinking about telling them all that I'd planned to grow but had decided it was too risky. (and making up some excuse, like "guess I'll just use the cabinet for clothes now instead.") Then move the cab up into my closet in my room and starting the grow.

What do you think? Too risky? irresponsible? Would you abandon the idea of a grow if you were in my position?
start growing cooking herbs. like basil tyme.and watch the food network make it look like you have an insterest in cooking. then use the fresh herbs that you grow in there till they lose intrest. never let any one get herbs out for you


Well-Known Member
You can go on without telling them, but expect the worst.
Or you can politely ask them/ break a deal. They might not care, or they might give you a heads up.... so you don't get busted by the douche.


Well-Known Member
Makin' a deal, I didn't think of that... although... you'll be beholden to them... sorta blackmail-y


Well-Known Member
Per Dave Barry, you're looking at a 40% chance of getting arrested every day those plants are in your room and they know. Is it worth the risk to you for free green?


Well-Known Member
Well no, that's not worth it - that's why I'm trying to figure out how risky it is if i don't tell them (I.E. how likely is it they'd find out anyway). Alternatively, If I told them and they approved, they'd basically be accomplices and have a vested interest in keeping it secret.


Active Member
offer 'em some money if you're plannin to sell... offer 'em some money if you're not. but if you think you can pull off a super-stealth-excuse-grow, than go for it. get you some kind of good carbon filter and grow hydro, just tell 'em you're on some fit kick and thats why you're taking all the good distilled water up to your room. its is a risk/ return on investment type desicion though


Well-Known Member
why dont you read the thread with the guy whos roommates turned him into the bacon... then youll know the answer


Well-Known Member
why dont you read the thread with the guy whos roommates turned him into the bacon... then youll know the answer
He linked to it........This is stoooooooooooooopid!!!Wait till you get someplace of your own, beholden to no one. Just asking for problems...Everything is fine now, but what happens when you eat your roommates Cheerios and he gets pissed and just says fuck ya....I know he'd never do it to you, but follow your own link.

I cannot rat on myself....JMHO:joint::blsmoke:

White Widow Woman

Well-Known Member
Well no, that's not worth it - that's why I'm trying to figure out how risky it is if i don't tell them (I.E. how likely is it they'd find out anyway). Alternatively, If I told them and they approved, they'd basically be accomplices and have a vested interest in keeping it secret.

No, no , no, no, no!!!

They don't have a vested interest in anything besides staying free!

You already know about Shaddy's experience, whether it's true or not; just say no to growing in a place with other people. They will find out and you will probably tell them. Just say no to growing, if anybody has the chance of knowing what you are up to!

I think it was Yeah, that put it so eloquently - Save your seeds and live free to grow another day!!!

Make a deal?! What are you, brain-dead???

If they will make a deal with you and only weed is on the line ---- what do you think they will do when the police offer them a deal and THEIR FREEDOM is on the line!!!

Why do people keep asking this question?!

I mean, let's say someone says - Yes, it would be kool to do. And then 3 months from now you get busted. What are you gonna do?! Tell the police - "But officer, some guy at RIU said it would be okay to grow with several roommates knowing, not to mention my uncle's cousin's brother-in-law's next-door-neighbor's pool boy is doing it too!"

C'mon people, use your head for more than just getting high!!!

I should apologize for being so hard on you, but I'm not gonna! Somebody's got to be hard on you, while you still have your freedom; cause guess what you gonna get that's hard, when you are in prison!!!

Finally; you should not be growing weed, period!!!



Well-Known Member
He linked to it........This is stoooooooooooooopid!!!Wait till you get someplace of your own, beholden to no one. Just asking for problems...Everything is fine now, but what happens when you eat your roommates Cheerios and he gets pissed and just says fuck ya....I know he'd never do it to you, but follow your own link.

I cannot rat on myself....JMHO:joint::blsmoke:
missed that my bad! still not a good idea!:joint:


Well-Known Member
Sigh... Well I knew I'd be called stupid when I posted my thread. Nonetheless, wanted to hear what y'all would do. Glad I'm getting the honest opinions - tough love included. In the end freedom is such a scary thing to gamble.

You might look for my next thread: What's a good minimum ebay bid for this grow cab?



Active Member
well check this out 4 peps that just happen to tell one of there friends probley more but lets just say 1 thats 8 peps and they hapen to tell 4 of there friends now thats 12 pepes that know and so on get the picture now!