CLOSET IN A CLOSET 400w 4 x 2 tent in 4 x 6 closet


Active Member
yea well we seems to share the same problem .. as Im sure many share with us .. heat .. high temps around this time a year ..atlest in my part of the world (Denmark)

I had 90ish in my room when I just build it ..

when I got my ventilator (125mm/285M3/hr) it make it drop to 85F or so ..

running it at night made it drop a few more so I had 80-82F

but then summer hit us ..

and I was up on 85F agin ..

so I made a tube from my passiv intake over my window and to my grow room .. also provide fresh air/co2 ..

so now I can keep it around 82F .. maybe 78-80 fist hour then 82F untill last few hrs when if can go up to 84- 86F

but plants dont seems to mind and now I have it more or less in place and know what to expect .. I bet 8 months a year I can keep 78F ..

winther I might have to cut the tube to the outdoor ..

summer I have to plan .. so I veg with T5HO ..

but I will actualy .. next month is usealy the hottest and most humid so it will be perfect for my small seedlings Im about to start ..

just hope them last 3 weeks of flowering wont get any hotter now ..
next weeks actualy look nice .. lol .. did`t expect myself to sais so .. they prommise cold wether and rain :D
We've been having very dark gloomy weather lately opposed to the usual 90+ F around this time, so I'm able to run my 400w all day without exceeding 85 F


Well-Known Member
yea we finaly also had a cool off and some rain ..
drop like 3-4 degress so Im back in to them 80-84F most of the time .. hope it last 2-3 weeks more :D
Just general advice as I'm finishing a very successful (relative of course but expectations were low lol) first grow. I had a lot of gardening experience going in and everything below isn't necessarily specific to MJ:

1) Let those plants grow into their pots. No need to transplant a seedling, let it grow into it's pot. Seeing you've already done this, make sure to let the plant outgrow the 2G before re potting
2) Use the biggest final pot size possible in your space. I have Nirvana ak-48 finishing in a 2G pot and the pot is too small. No less than 5g for me going forward as I don't like having to water every day
3) Easy on the nutes. I bought a GO go box, and have so much left. I never fed until the plant had a few nodes, and today I feed once a week maybe, and half doses, and my plants are big healthy monsters. My soil though was ammended with castings so there were some nutes from the get go. Next go around I will only use Cal-mag, grow and bloom nutes.
4) Easy on the water. I let my pots dry out almost completely, and then completely saturate them. Worst case is they droop a little, but they recover pretty fast.
5) Don't try to jam too many plants in to that space. I have 4 (had 5, ditched one) in a 3x3 and IMO that is too many for my 400W. I'm going to two plants in 10g pots next time, much easier to work with

Good luck man, it's a fun process.


Active Member
Just general advice as I'm finishing a very successful (relative of course but expectations were low lol) first grow. I had a lot of gardening experience going in and everything below isn't necessarily specific to MJ:

1) Let those plants grow into their pots. No need to transplant a seedling, let it grow into it's pot. Seeing you've already done this, make sure to let the plant outgrow the 2G before re potting
2) Use the biggest final pot size possible in your space. I have Nirvana ak-48 finishing in a 2G pot and the pot is too small. No less than 5g for me going forward as I don't like having to water every day
3) Easy on the nutes. I bought a GO go box, and have so much left. I never fed until the plant had a few nodes, and today I feed once a week maybe, and half doses, and my plants are big healthy monsters. My soil though was ammended with castings so there were some nutes from the get go. Next go around I will only use Cal-mag, grow and bloom nutes.
4) Easy on the water. I let my pots dry out almost completely, and then completely saturate them. Worst case is they droop a little, but they recover pretty fast.
5) Don't try to jam too many plants in to that space. I have 4 (had 5, ditched one) in a 3x3 and IMO that is too many for my 400W. I'm going to two plants in 10g pots next time, much easier to work with

Good luck man, it's a fun process.
Yeah man, I know what you're saying about size, but I went with 10 just to be safe with 5 females, because I've had bad luck with males in the past (Haha)
I want to transplant those babies to 5 gallon bags if I can fit em.
Also, I transplanted my seedlings because I felt like they were making no progress at all for several days so I figures they wanted more space.
Haven't fed any nutes yet besides whats in the hot soil.
That's what's giving me the burn.
I hear you on germinating seeds bro. I didn't know what to expect so started 12 seeds (6 fem, 6 reg) and all popped. Not only that, the AK's were 5/6 female. Ended up with 11 healthy plants for a 3x3. Put 5 in to flower and killed the weaklings.

You may want to consider what I did and get a t5 to veg half those leftover plants. Then you can have a new batch ready to go, and lots of clones. I have 4 waiting in the wings that are going on 10 weeks veg, 36" monsters that should produce. Turn every 8 weeks.


Active Member
I hear you on germinating seeds bro. I didn't know what to expect so started 12 seeds (6 fem, 6 reg) and all popped. Not only that, the AK's were 5/6 female. Ended up with 11 healthy plants for a 3x3. Put 5 in to flower and killed the weaklings.

You may want to consider what I did and get a t5 to veg half those leftover plants. Then you can have a new batch ready to go, and lots of clones. I have 4 waiting in the wings that are going on 10 weeks veg, 36" monsters that should produce. Turn every 8 weeks.
I've been thinking about getting a vegging room, but I don't know how much longer I'll stay at this house after next harvest


Active Member
So it seems that they have handled the transplant rather well, besides some yellow discoloration in a few.
Some are getting yellowing in the tips of the old leaves, yet some are getting yellow on new growth.
Is there a difference between the two?

They are only a week in and I haven't fed any nutes besides what's in the hot soil.


usually yellowing up top can mean lack of light, and below wud mean lack of nutrients. ofcourse theres many other possibilitys

what soil are you using, youve only used water so far? n what light? any chance of pics?


Active Member
looking at those seedling pics id say you got a case of over feeding, soil 2 strong for them
Yeah, I'm using Fox Farms Ocean Forest, I wasn't too concerned at first because I figured they'd clear up once they got a good root system,
but more and more of them are getting affected by it every day :(
Ph is good and I use distilled water.

400w MH as well, I'm just confused why some are getting burnt tips while others have yellow new growth, because I know the two mean different things.


Active Member
Also, Sometimes my ballast turns on, but the light doesn't come on, so I have to unplug and plug it back in a few times.
(The solution to everything, right?)
But it works again after a few tries,
but you can see how this would pose a problem when I switch to flower...
Imagine if my lights didn't come back on when I couldn't be there to supervise..... Ugh, the nightmares.


Active Member
I read somewhere that the ballast needs a 20 minute cool down to "re-gas the chamber" or something, so I'm assuming that's my problem.


okay, officially day 4 aaaand....well, they certainly aren't growing as fast as I want them to, I feel like they should be more developed than just the first pair of true leaves.
I fed some superthrive last night (very small amount, 016 PPM in 002 PPM water) which will be one of the FEW times I'll use the stuff, but it seems like the yellowing on the blue mystic faded a lot overnight.
I also gave them their first night cycle since germ, a whole 6 hours.

I put them under the MH yesterday, as it's a dimmable ballast, my wattage ranges from 200w to 400w depending how hot it is. Temps can range from 78 to 88 if I leave the 400w on too long during the day.
Since it's a cool tube, I've been putting all the seedlings 1 - 2 ft away from the bulb without any heat stress. It's cool enough for my hand, cool enough for the plants :)
Sorry man but isnt superthrive a type of nute? as you say you fed them a small amount (which in seedlings will be alot) then go onto say that you havent fed them any nutes?

Yeah man, I know what you're saying about size, but I went with 10 just to be safe with 5 females, because I've had bad luck with males in the past (Haha)
I want to transplant those babies to 5 gallon bags if I can fit em.
Also, I transplanted my seedlings because I felt like they were making no progress at all for several days so I figures they wanted more space.
Haven't fed any nutes yet besides whats in the hot soil.
That's what's giving me the burn.
Not to be a dick or anything, i just dont see how you could of forgotten something like this. Its clearly advised that seedlings shouldnt get nutes till they are atleast on there second to third nodes. My advice is keep an eye on PH, Only use distilled water, and pray that they overcome it without harming the veg and flowering time.


Active Member
Sorry man but isnt superthrive a type of nute? as you say you fed them a small amount (which in seedlings will be alot) then go onto say that you havent fed them any nutes?

Not to be a dick or anything, i just dont see how you could of forgotten something like this. Its clearly advised that seedlings shouldnt get nutes till they are atleast on there second to third nodes. My advice is keep an eye on PH, Only use distilled water, and pray that they overcome it without harming the veg and flowering time.
Yep, you caught me, I did forget about the superthrive,
but it's more of a steroid than an actual fertilizer, not a substitute.

The product does not claim to contain any form of N-P-K or trace elements, just B-1 Hormone and 1-Napthyl acetic acid.

So no, I did not consider the superthrive when I claimed I hadn't fed,
not to mention that I had these nute burn problems BEFORE I gave the micro amount of superthrive.

But don't get me wrong, I read thoroughly about any product before giving to my plants,
it was advised to give a drop/gallon for seedlings and again later in veg
But I actually gave less than that.


Ah ok, so have you considered that maybe the first two where the lighting and the rest a combination with the high nutrient content soil and the micro amount of super thrive? Any way that is not the issue here the issue is stabalizing the babies and getting them to grow some mean bud. Im stumped here, its never nice seeing yellow on your seedlings, through my experience the seedlings suffer more in the long run if something happens to them in the begining. This is what i can offer from a marijuana problem solver i have "Tips of leaves are yellow, brown, or dead. Plant otherwise looks healthy & green. Stems may be soft >> Over-fertilization (especially N), over-watering, damaged roots, or insufficient soil aeration (use more sand or perlite. Occasionally due to not enough N, P, or K." or "Leaves are yellow or white, but the veins are mostly green. >> Iron (Fe) deficiency" This is the infomation it gives for Iron "Iron - Fe is unavailable to plants when the pH of the water or soil is too high. If deficient, lower the pH to about 6.5 (for rockwool, about 5.7), and check that you're not adding too much P, which can lock up Fe. Use iron that's chelated for maximum availability. Read your fertilizer's ingredients - chelated iron might read something like "iron EDTA". To much Fe without adding enough P can cause a P-deficiency. "
Puckuck id try figure the problem out fully before making any drastic changes. This is all on a hunch and i dont know if it the right lead for your plants, you will have to determine that yourself.
Any one else got some remedies?


Active Member
Ah ok, so have you considered that maybe the first two where the lighting and the rest a combination with the high nutrient content soil and the micro amount of super thrive? Any way that is not the issue here the issue is stabalizing the babies and getting them to grow some mean bud. Im stumped here, its never nice seeing yellow on your seedlings, through my experience the seedlings suffer more in the long run if something happens to them in the begining. This is what i can offer from a marijuana problem solver i have "Tips of leaves are yellow, brown, or dead. Plant otherwise looks healthy & green. Stems may be soft >> Over-fertilization (especially N), over-watering, damaged roots, or insufficient soil aeration (use more sand or perlite. Occasionally due to not enough N, P, or K." or "Leaves are yellow or white, but the veins are mostly green. >> Iron (Fe) deficiency" This is the infomation it gives for Iron "Iron - Fe is unavailable to plants when the pH of the water or soil is too high. If deficient, lower the pH to about 6.5 (for rockwool, about 5.7), and check that you're not adding too much P, which can lock up Fe. Use iron that's chelated for maximum availability. Read your fertilizer's ingredients - chelated iron might read something like "iron EDTA". To much Fe without adding enough P can cause a P-deficiency. "
Puckuck id try figure the problem out fully before making any drastic changes. This is all on a hunch and i dont know if it the right lead for your plants, you will have to determine that yourself.
Any one else got some remedies?
Well thanks for the help anyway man


Active Member
Here is an update. Not much has changed. They are getting their next set of leaves, (the X ones....)
Still a bit of yellowing on a few strains new growth, yet nute burn on others... One of my AK48's are almost flawless though, which is weird because all of the plants get the same treatment...

Seen a few gnats around lately, so got some NO PEST strips and fly traps to prevent any future infestation.

Pic time. Using a shitty camera, but the first closeup pic is the best AK48, and then the second closeup is some yellowing new growth on the Gnomo-Automatic


Active Member
Seedlings are slowly burning to death :( :( :(
Runoff of soil with 7 ph water is 5.7 - 6
Some are doing better than others, but for the most part, growth is pretty stunted..
Sob Sob Sob....
Thinking about transplanting to coco until they need nutes, then switch back to FFOF.
Any input on this?

Shit, I don't remember growing to be this hard and stressful,
I got an oz off a plant 3 years ago when I didn't even know what PH was, never fed her anything but what was in the soil already.

3 years later, studying for months before commiting, spent 300 - 400 bucks n supplies, and I can't even go 2 weeks without everything coming down on me!!


Active Member

  • Despite the popular opinion,
    I just transplanted all of my babes into coco and dolomite lime filled aeration bags,
    except 2, when I ran out of coco to finish the job,
    but they all look ...happier.
    I soaked/sprayed ALL of the soil off the roots
