My 35 day old mid-grade plants- any suggestion


Active Member
all i got to say is i hope you dont love them plants that much 1 you shuldnt have them under 24-7 light 2 u need to upgrade the bulbs an lamp an dont water everyday lik 1 every 2-3 mayb even 4 depending on how dry the dirt is


Well-Known Member
the plants are not under 24-7 light any more, the plants for the most part are all outdoors the only plants under 24-7 lighting are my seedling and once they sprout they will be put outside where it gets light around 7 am and stays light until about 8 pm.


Well-Known Member
is that a 2 fork set up? or is that the relief support hiding behind the blue and striped towel.

damn!! i have always wanted a 2 fork setup. cant afford it.


Well-Known Member
no man i wanted the dual or even trio fork set up but it is just to dam expensive, ha maybe for christmas, why is every bopdy giving me such a hard time with the fork, it needed extra stability to stand up and i gave it that, now it doesnt need anything AT ALL TO HOLD IT UP. believe it or not i got the idea of using forks to hold up falling over plants off of, before i was using toothpics lmfao but they were to hard to keep the plants up against, i actually killed my first biggest plant trying to tie it to a toothpick lmao good times good times 8-)


Well-Known Member
the plant on my avatar is under a 400w hps and was only 10 days old (aftr sprouting from seed) you need lots of light and u need to put the light closer to the plants. dont kill them if you try again! go green and plant them outside in a park orsomethig. give back to nature what she has given to you...


Well-Known Member
okay, i went forwheeling 2day and my gf bestie found out bout my plants, i went to plant the last four sprouted and all of my babies were uprooted out of the ground, its weird cuz i planted them in paper pots in the soil, my big plants were left alone, wtf. and so i moved my plants under some shrubery so cannot see it ], light still creaks through to it, i planted the other 4 without seeds and straight into the ground, forgot miracle grow soil in car though so i used natures. hope for the best , babi is no longer bushy shes tall thick and has spread out leaves, biggie is lookin great with mad leaves and authority.. keep posted.. im high on the finest kb k bizzle killah right now g night gettin laid


Well-Known Member
growpassion u are a faggot.
damn fucknutballz why you so mean. you keep at this dude, and he is doing better. lay off.

O what the hell!!!! you a a faggot gp420. go suck some nutballz. your girl friend did not do that, the poor fucking plants committed suicide. they just uprooted them self, tired of the pain and agony.


Well-Known Member
is this internet bullying? gp420 dont go killing yourself or anything. i dont want CNN at our houses trying to do a news piece, on the kid who could not grow or take the ridicule.


Well-Known Member
the poor fucking plants committed suicide. they just uprooted them self, tired of the pain and agony.
if the first one would have been strong enough, it would have stabbed him with the fork first, then itself second!!!!!

your gf told me the plant isnt the only thing that needs a fork to stand up!!!


Well-Known Member
well my hardware store is out of 42 watt cfls but they have 32's which are 2100 lumens each, if i install 1 42 watt cfl and 2 32 watt cfls on top of hydro bucket setup will thatg be enough lighting for the plant or am i best to try n order the biggest cfls i can some how....well goodnight for tonight see yall tommarow!!

lol OMG
That is nowhere near enough light to flower a cannabis plant!
It may be enough to keep clones/mums alive but that about it.

Give up would be the best advise as I can see lots of good advise wasted

dude honestly go fuck urself, im posting pics of my plants now and letting u know what im doing but im not recieving any outdorr growing tips at all. nobodys giving advice just talking shyt, u told me my best bet is to start over, so i did that, i now have 14 new plants!!!! 14!! i only kept 2 out of the original 10 i grew before, i have a new batch help and tips please, stop all the dam hatred i know the fork things funni but gosh do yall sit at home whackin it to my thread or sumtin dam yall need to get sum cotton swabs and clean of ur keyboards peace.
People dont want to give no more advise because you chose not to take any in the first place!
I know someone saying something sometimes isnt enough for some people but everyone saying the same???? Come on dude
Search bar above isnt that hard to use!!!!
What would be best is maybe find someone tobe your mentor and copy them and swap ideas. But you will need to take note (I know better never works) if someone is willing to help be a mentor that is.
Get a cheap HPS setup FFS it pays for itself $140 on a lamp isnt much. 400-600w will (250 even) give of yields were CFL will just keep (them alive
then when you have a lamp as i said look in diarys someone will have a setup near the same as you if not then more likey you need to tweek yours.

Have you watched Stoned free guide? Its very straight forward easy to follow. I dont know why your rushing to try hydro when you aint even got the grips of basic mud. AND WHERE ARE THE PICS???