Anvanced nutrients ph perfect question?


Active Member
im thinking of getting the AN ph perfect 3 part system Grow Micro Bloom but im wondering if just those three bottles will provide effecient nutrients for my entire grow by themself or will i have to buy other nutrients to add as a supplement? does anyone use these formulas and if so do you have to use anything else with this three part system or is it suffecient by its self?


Well-Known Member
run the 3 part system by itself first. chances are you won't need anything else. if you are using r/o water then maybe a cal/mag supplement. get the base nutes figured out and then start trying some of the additives. the 3 part system by itslef will grow healthy plants. once you can go an entire grow without any major problems then start looking at additives; maybe a bloom booster. that way when you try and additives you will know if it's working for you.


run the 3 part system by itself first. chances are you won't need anything else. if you are using r/o water then maybe a cal/mag supplement. get the base nutes figured out and then start trying some of the additives. the 3 part system by itslef will grow healthy plants. once you can go an entire grow without any major problems then start looking at additives; maybe a bloom booster. that way when you try and additives you will know if it's working for you.
I guess you don't buy into "Homebrewers" research


Active Member
im thinking of getting the AN ph perfect 3 part system Grow Micro Bloom but im wondering if just those three bottles will provide effecient nutrients for my entire grow by themself or will i have to buy other nutrients to add as a supplement? does anyone use these formulas and if so do you have to use anything else with this three part system or is it suffecient by its self?
Ah, the age old question.

Here's what I did when I started out. I used the 3-part system first. Awesome. But when you add in the other nutrients, super awesome.

Personally, I use Voodoo Juice, Bud Candy, Big Bud, B-52, and Overdrive. And I also add in Piranha and Final Phase when I want a super grow.

I would say, it's better to use additives, but if you can't fit them in, try out the 3-part on its own.


Well-Known Member
well im not against AN because i havent tried theirs but i wont buy em after i read their back label...not enough to maintian plant's overall have to buy all the bottles for 17 mineral elements for plant growth. its pretty expensive and rip off...i like complete food like Dyna-Gro because its only one bottle that contain 16 mineral elements, you have to get Pro-Tekt for, Sio2 , make it to 17 mineral elements, its pretty cheap and effective to grow this plant's needs, IMHO.

happy gardening and peace


Well-Known Member
Dude yes it is a complete base and with humics fulvics n aminos. They got alot of products but none r needed ive been bouncing though alot of nutes and wanta finish them all before buying more ANs 3 part might be my best and fav out of everything ive used. I used tap water get some ph down handy. What medium u using. Hell you could use just micro and bloom.


Active Member
LOL. Your plants aren't going to die without all of the AN supplements. They just won't be as healthy and they won't produce as much. From my experience. Let's not scare folks.


Well-Known Member
LOL. Your plants aren't going to die without all of the AN supplements. They just won't be as healthy and they won't produce as much. From my experience. Let's not scare folks.
So what is the magic number of bottles needed to actually grow healthy plants because if plants 'won't be as healthy' without all of the supplements, that speaks pretty poorly of AN.


New Member
So what is the magic number of bottles needed to actually grow healthy plants because if plants 'won't be as healthy' without all of the supplements, that speaks pretty poorly of AN.
Thats like saying GM offers that better 5.6 v8 but its not standard equipment. So hold it against GM? So what is that Magical micro-nute that puts Dyno apart from all the others? PH-Perfect has all of them.

LOL bored, just want to argue.

I'm into day 30 flower and doing well with AN and the hobby kit. I can tell you now Voodoo is not needed at the price . Period. It's good but not justifiable. Big Bud is redundant with PH perfect. It just changes th P/K proportions.
B-52 I don't know. Overdrive is the shit.
So out of all this I love PH-perfect with just overdrive, the jury is still out on the B-52.

I mean how can AN sensi Not be a good base. It has all 16 micro's, added fulvic and humics, amino acids and a wetting agent. for 64$ a gallon (if bought in 10l bottles) . Everything in it seems to favor my method of growing which is coco.


Well-Known Member
Thats like saying GM offers that better 5.6 v8 but its not standard equipment. So hold it against GM? So what is that Magical micro-nute that puts Dyno apart from all the others? PH-Perfect has all of them.

LOL bored, just want to argue.

I'm into day 30 flower and doing well with AN and the hobby kit. I can tell you now Voodoo is not needed at the price . Period. It's good but not justifiable. Big Bud is redundant with PH perfect. It just changes th P/K proportions.
B-52 I don't know. Overdrive is the shit.
So out of all this I love PH-perfect with just overdrive, the jury is still out on the B-52.

I mean how can AN sensi Not be a good base. It has all 16 micro's, added fulvic and humics, amino acids and a wetting agent. for 64$ a gallon (if bought in 10l bottles) . Everything in it seems to favor my method of growing which is coco.
Sensibowl is an AN drone. No journals, no pictures, just endlessly plugs AN products here and at ICMAG with no horticultural information as to why one needs those products. I was bored as well and just wanted to hear his (hopefully scientific) explanation.

IME, additives add those nuances of slightly better resin production or flavor or aroma (sometimes yield). I've not found one that does anything for potency and if someone needs an additive for their roots, someone should tell them that healthy plants already have healthy roots.

Other than having a minute to kill, I responded to Sensi's post because a base nutrient should give a plant everything it needs to be 'healthy' and unless your nutrient company purposely left something out (like cal, mag, iron, etc), an 'additive' will not make a plant 'healthier'.

I agree with your observations in regards to the the PK additive that seems to help Sensi as that 1-1-2 ratio would be better for veg than flower in hydro IMO. Heck, that alone in the dirt might just be ok during flower actually with the occasional light dose of P and K.

AN's pH perfect 'technology' is once again a marketing gimmick. I was going to do a grow journal with the Sensi pH perf line but after speaking with AN on the phone, I found out that it's not actually 'pH perfect'. All the elements are chelated which means pH, to a certain degree, doesn't matter. Once more, the pH perfect deal would never be needed in dirt or coco, it's a hydro thing as I don't know anyone who has half a brain and has pH issues in their dirt/coco medium. If they did, it's because of operator error.

To tie this in to the question to OP asked, AN's 3 part is really light on magnesium and once again, I personally think AN purposely chose bad NPK ratios for their 3 part as to encourage the purchase of a bloom booster. If it were me and I was looking for a 3 part, I'd go to the tried-and-true original source for that 3 part which is GH.


New Member
I tell you what HB, get away from rockwool and into coco, its the best of both worlds, 1g/watt easy !! . WIth that said, i am no way switching to dyna-gro until I find some way to save face .

I saw how U converted that eye guy with 33 posts, but it's gonna take a little more with me LOL

tree king

Well-Known Member
Thats like saying GM offers that better 5.6 v8 but its not standard equipment. So hold it against GM? So what is that Magical micro-nute that puts Dyno apart from all the others? PH-Perfect has all of them.

LOL bored, just want to argue.

I'm into day 30 flower and doing well with AN and the hobby kit. I can tell you now Voodoo is not needed at the price . Period. It's good but not justifiable. Big Bud is redundant with PH perfect. It just changes th P/K proportions.
B-52 I don't know. Overdrive is the shit.
So out of all this I love PH-perfect with just overdrive, the jury is still out on the B-52.

I mean how can AN sensi Not be a good base. It has all 16 micro's, added fulvic and humics, amino acids and a wetting agent. for 64$ a gallon (if bought in 10l bottles) . Everything in it seems to favor my method of growing which is coco.
what do you mean when you say "Big Bud is redundant with PH perfect."? are you trying to say we can cut out big bud unlike the regular sensi?


New Member
what do you mean when you say "Big Bud is redundant with PH perfect."? are you trying to say we can cut out big bud unlike the regular sensi?
Yes exactly. Look at how they boast about amino's in the adds and look at the labels. Same Amino's to the letter. I'm not going to sugar coat this AN thing, i sees it like it is.....

HOWEVER... my plants are growing kick ass with it!!!


Well-Known Member
What I don't get with AN, is why so many Bases? Why so many fking bottles? It's like they keep coming up with ideas to make more money.. o_O uh., that's what business do.

I am sure AN could COMBINE many of their products, make bomb ass all-in-one formulas something like bloombastic. But they don't, they would rather sell a bottle for cal, a bottle for mag.. a bottle for your iron.. and don't forget your b1 vitamins WITH KELP EXTRACT ADDED ! NO OTHER COMPANY ADDs KELP TO THEIR b1 VITAMINS PPL ! So you know were serious.. Also, looking for that product you heard you need that replicates hygrozyme? Well, Introducing Sensizyme, Everything hygrozyme has, WITH ADDED MICRO ELEMENTS ! THe only product on the shelves to Add Micro Elements to their Enzymes! you get where I am going.. .

tree king

Well-Known Member
Yes exactly. Look at how they boast about amino's in the adds and look at the labels. Same Amino's to the letter. I'm not going to sugar coat this AN thing, i sees it like it is.....

HOWEVER... my plants are growing kick ass with it!!!
same thing with overdrive too? isnt this a huge plus that you can cut some additives, if i knew this i would of already switched