URGENTSeedlings failing quickly on Ocean Forest, same conditions, different symptoms?


Active Member
These are my exact specs:

Cut to the chase, 400w dimmable cool tube in 4 x 2 x 5 tent
Not that important.

Fishy details:
10 plants
FFOF with 20% perlite
2 gallon pots
1 and a half weeks old
distilled water since day 1.

79 F - 85 F
40- 50% Humidity

Different strains are giving me different issues.
All plants are the same age, given same watering schedule (used to be every few days in peat pots, now once in the past 4 days since transplanting to 2 gallon pots) Soil is still VERY wet around roots, but dry on top.

Some have bad nute burn, on the other hand, some look like they have a N deficiency? But I doubt it.
It's the organic Ocean Forest, I know, but I want to know what my fellow gardeners think.


photo (14).jpgphoto (19).jpgphoto (18).jpgphoto (11).jpgphoto (13).jpgphoto (12).jpgphoto (17).jpgphoto (16).jpgphoto (15).jpgphoto (20).jpg


Active Member
def not an N deficiency, they need very little at the stage they appear to be at. I personally have never had nute burn with seedlings in truly organic soil (obviously, not adding fertilizer until seedlings have nearly exhausted the soil's nutrients). I would guess a PH deficiency, have you checked into that?

no clue

Well-Known Member
Fox Farms has been known to burn seedlings..not a good medium to start them. Water when the individual seedlings need it not on a schedule.


Active Member
def not an N deficiency, they need very little at the stage they appear to be at. I personally have never had nute burn with seedlings in truly organic soil (obviously, not adding fertilizer until seedlings have nearly exhausted the soil's nutrients). I would guess a PH deficiency, have you checked into that?
My distilled was is at 7, of course, 002 PPM
I got a 20 dollar soil PH meter but no matter what I put it in, it always reads 7.... I have no idea why.
I don't see how the PH could have gotten off if I only use sterile, neutral water in high-grade soil
But I need to get a new PH meter.


Active Member
Look at the 6th picture;
Yellow veins?
From my understanding, this could be a iron lockout due to incorrect PH.
What do you think?


Active Member
Also, growth has almost come to a halt with the majority of them. They are all the same age, but you can see how much they differ.


Well-Known Member
ocean forest is where seedlings go to die

use nutrient-free mix of coco or peat, perlite, and anything else you want that doesn't contain nutrients to start seedlings


Active Member
Well fuck! What do I do now?! I can't risk 'em dying, it would take another month just to order a new batch of seeds and get 'em going again!
Watering just activates the nutrients, how can I save them?
Maybe flushing all the nutes out?
I don't know man.


Well-Known Member
if you need to save them, i would slowly and carefully dig out the plant/s and replant them as best you can into new soil, doing as little damage to the roots as possible, and then water thoroughly with pure water


Active Member
anything without fertilizer or nutrients mixed into it...yes coco would work. Try to break as much of the current potting mix off as you can....gently, then give them a good flush. whatever you do, the sooner the better probably...get her done...good luck. update us


Active Member
And then as soon as they start showing signs of hunger, I move em back to soil again? FUCK!
I thought I had everything straightened out then I can't even going 2 weeks without huge problems