what to do for leadpoisoning


Active Member
damn if your to scared to go to the er then its your problem so stop fucking whining about it. I hate going too but if i'm sick i suck it and go. be an adult about it. Peace.
some people beleive in natural selection man, maybe not the best approach but undeniably if more people felt this way then the enivironment and such would be in better shape. Think of all the baby boomers that fucked up our social security and are unable to contribute anything economically anymore. All of those people will no longer be in the employment pool but will continue to use the resources from the planet. It used to be that only the young did such and began contributing early. People can retire for twenty years now and be bed logged for ten of them costing resources but not giving anything back. Most people dont pay to have their dogs eyes fixed when they get cataracts yet when people get cataracts its a no big deal surgery. Same things go for hip surgery and such that causes dogs great pain but they rarely get. Some people just think all life is equal i think and it has nothing to do with being scared to go to a doctor. P.S. I dont go to the doctor either unless its required, it might be required for you man, its time you really consider what your beleifs are.


Well-Known Member
I would put on some topical anasthetic and pull it out man before it gets infected, then flush the wound with rubbing alcohol. Some sore throat spray totally numbs my throat for like 10 minutes, that might work. I wouldn't leave it in.


Active Member
you didnt answer my important question, did you remove it because you absolutely have to. once that is done, all you have to do is eat a proper diet to balance the lead in your system or something, im not a nutritionist. Hey man, you need to start eating well now because it balances out the lead in your system if you have high calcium and iron and such in your diet. PULL THAT SHIT OUT MAN. btw, your stomach looks infected but a normal infection, PULL THAT SHIT OUT.


Well-Known Member
get peroxide and flush. Use iodine also. When I worked urgent care they mixed hydrogen peroxide and iodine. This will hurt but will fix infection. Leave bb in there. My friend got shot by a 9 mm and they left it in for two months before he ask them to remove it.


Well-Known Member
they said it dident need to be removed but he Dnt like the bump on his arm. Ur body will push that out on its own. U need antibiotics if infection doesnt get better. Peroxide it right away.


New Member
alrighty ive been diggin at my gullet all day

the end result, that shit is staying in. about to go for round three with some forceps.....last attempt....all out of rubbing alch....just got my 4th bottle of beam...no more painkillers...


New Member
damn if your to scared to go to the er then its your problem so stop fucking whining about it. I hate going too but if i'm sick i suck it and go. be an adult about it. Peace.
heres one for you

all adult like, and such.

Dont buy something you cant pay for.

in cash.

in this case, health insurance... fug-off. :peace:


Well-Known Member
darling go to a FREE clinic. even if it a clinic for communicable diseases you know the one. they have antibiotics at least. and why your witting there do me a favor and read this.
1 2 [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]GUN SAFETY RULES
[/FONT]Observe these rules of safe gun handling.
1. Always keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction. Watch the muzzle at all time: never point a gun, accidentally or intentionally, at any person or anything you do not intend to shoot. Identify the target before shooting; do not shoot at sounds.
2. Always treat a gun as if it is loaded – it may be!
3. Keep your finger off the trigger while operating the action and at all other times until you are ready to shoot.
4. Keep the safety "on" or in the "safe" position at all times until you are ready to fire.
Do not rely on your gun’s safety, the safety on any gun is a mechanical device and is not intended as a substitute for common sense or safe gun handling.
5. Learn how your gun functions and handles. If you do not thoroughly understand the proper use and care of your gun, seek the advice of someone who is knowledgeable.
6. Do not alter or modify any part of the firearm.
7. Store guns unloaded, separate from any ammunition, and out of the reach of children.
8. Be sure the barrel is clear of any obstructions before loading. Make it a habit to check the barrel every time before loading.
9. Be sure you have and use the proper ammunition. A 20 gauge shell will enter a 12gauge chamber far enough so that a 12 gauge shell can be loaded behind it. Also, a 3 inch shell may fit into a 2 ¾ inch chamber, but the crimp at the mouth of the shell will unfold into the forcing cone. If either of these things occur and you fire the gun, the gun will explode, damaging the gun and possibly causing serious injury or death to you and those around you.
10. Wear protective shooting glasses and adequate ear protection when shooting.
11. Never climb or jump over anything, such as a tree, fence, or ditch, with a loaded gun. Open the barrel, remove the shells and hand the gun to someone else or place it on the ground on the other side of the obstacle before crossing it yourself. Do not lean a gun against a tree or other object; it could fall and possibly discharge.
12. Do not shoot at a hard surface or at water. Bullet and shot can ricochet or bounce off and travel in unpredictable directions with great velocity.
13. Never transport a loaded gun. DO not place a loaded gun into a vehicle. The gun should be unloaded and placed into a case when not in use.
14. Never drink alcoholic beverages before or during shooting.

you poor baby....


New Member
darling go to a FREE clinic. even if it a clinic for communicable diseases you know the one. they have antibiotics at least. and why your witting there do me a favor and read this.
1 2 [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]GUN SAFETY RULES
Observe these rules of safe gun handling.
1. Always keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction. Watch the muzzle at all time: never point a gun, accidentally or intentionally, at any person or anything you do not intend to shoot. Identify the target before shooting; do not shoot at sounds.
2. Always treat a gun as if it is loaded – it may be!
3. Keep your finger off the trigger while operating the action and at all other times until you are ready to shoot.
4. Keep the safety "on" or in the "safe" position at all times until you are ready to fire.
Do not rely on your gun’s safety, the safety on any gun is a mechanical device and is not intended as a substitute for common sense or safe gun handling.
5. Learn how your gun functions and handles. If you do not thoroughly understand the proper use and care of your gun, seek the advice of someone who is knowledgeable.
6. Do not alter or modify any part of the firearm.
7. Store guns unloaded, separate from any ammunition, and out of the reach of children.
8. Be sure the barrel is clear of any obstructions before loading. Make it a habit to check the barrel every time before loading.
9. Be sure you have and use the proper ammunition. A 20 gauge shell will enter a 12gauge chamber far enough so that a 12 gauge shell can be loaded behind it. Also, a 3 inch shell may fit into a 2 ¾ inch chamber, but the crimp at the mouth of the shell will unfold into the forcing cone. If either of these things occur and you fire the gun, the gun will explode, damaging the gun and possibly causing serious injury or death to you and those around you.
10. Wear protective shooting glasses and adequate ear protection when shooting.
11. Never climb or jump over anything, such as a tree, fence, or ditch, with a loaded gun. Open the barrel, remove the shells and hand the gun to someone else or place it on the ground on the other side of the obstacle before crossing it yourself. Do not lean a gun against a tree or other object; it could fall and possibly discharge.
12. Do not shoot at a hard surface or at water. Bullet and shot can ricochet or bounce off and travel in unpredictable directions with great velocity.
13. Never transport a loaded gun. DO not place a loaded gun into a vehicle. The gun should be unloaded and placed into a case when not in use.
14. Never drink alcoholic beverages before or during shooting.

you poor baby....

my fathers a police officer...

you have no idea how dumb i feel for having such distain and hate for him, yet having his simple rules come back to bite me in the gut.

more jim beam please?:roll:


Well-Known Member
thanks... I hope he is not digging in his belly right now.
what do you know he Listen to you guy instead of a medical person. Silly stoners.
Leave that shit in. I've seen a bunch of people with bbs in them. It will be ok.
Use iodine instead of alcohol its better. They yes that shit when they do surgery.
And dnt let friends shot at you anymore.


Well-Known Member
more jim beam please?:roll:

14. Never drink alcoholic beverages before or during shooting.

your under the during phase i think.
your going to end up removing your navel.