I Got Laid- Afraid Of Aids- Pray For Me


Well-Known Member
I say an episode of family guy where he got a handjob and toilete water was used as lube.
Perhaps that inspired this tale of "Whoa!!!!!" Woe


Ursus marijanus
I see what you mean! No, I have never... believe me, I have never ever done anything like that. This just cannot be real. He must have trolled us all.
I gotta tell you ... beardo takes the cake. I'm locally famous for having a twisty mind. But if mine's a new rollercoaster with an outside loop, his is a Kentucky freeway after freezing rain. Horrified, one continues to just watch. cn

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
New Beardo prayer.

Dear Lord, If this isn't a very funny troll attempt then, please, give Beardo a brain and a few hundred con-dumbs for free. Amen. Oh and that he always keep his toilet clean. Amen.



Well-Known Member
Did Beardo ever shut the fuck up?
The best part of this whole thread is that it's actually true, that is what makes it so awesome and so funny, If I was reading it I probably wouldn't believe it either but seeing how I was there and all and relayed the story pretty much in exact play by play detail now you all know, weather or not you choose to believe it or would rather think you got trolled is up to you, but I know it's true and that's what makes it so funny,
The part that makes it not so funny is that it was me, and now i'm worried I might get aids


Well-Known Member
Beardo, if you end up having AIDS, you won't have to ever worry about catching them again.. Yet another positive outlook.


Well-Known Member
beardo is a bitch... thinks his mocking of other OP's is funny...

one day beard, you will get your trim
Fuck you, actually I'm not mocking anyone, I wanted to share this with people and I am actually scarred and have been really regretting this whole episode, I wish this was bullshit, I have a lot of worries now from a few minutes of acting on impulse.


Well-Known Member
You guys should stop making fun of beardo... The guy is going through a rough time.. He may need a friend.. Maybe a lady of the night?


Well-Known Member
so let me get this straight... after this dirty female wiped her shit off with toilet water you were.. still down?


Well-Known Member
Beardo, if you end up having AIDS, you won't have to ever worry about catching them again.. Yet another positive outlook.
thats how I feel about herpes I don't even let it bother me, but I do wish I had never contracted hep c, it's going to suck when the hep starts really making me sick, i'm pretty scared of it and really regret being so stupid and getting it, it seems like a horrible way to die, i'm hoping mine doesn't get bad.


New Member
and now i'm worried I might get aids
You're gonna have to speak in the past tense now. "get"?
odds are better that you will hurt peeing than to get AIDS.

What makes it BS maybe is you conveniently put a story in there how your dick was chaffed prior to the deed, thus enforcing the possibility of contracting AIDS (open wound) ...hmmmmm . Very suspicious.

Also, a bathroom with no sink and crappy water, the fact that you smelled her juice and stated it was not too skanky and witnessed her wash in toilet water and STILL dip you pencil in it ........hmmmm Very VERY suspicious.
A whores pussy such as the one you encountered NEVER smells even remotely less than totally revolting.


Well-Known Member
sounds like you need to stop picking up them crack whores, the chick didnt even have a sink?


Well-Known Member
You're gonna have to speak in the past tense now. "get"?
odds are better that you will hurt peeing than to get AIDS.

What makes it BS maybe is you conveniently put a story in there how your dick was chaffed prior to the deed, thus enforcing the possibility of contracting AIDS (open wound) ...hmmmmm . Very suspicious.

Also, a bathroom with no sink and crappy water, the fact that you smelled her juice and stated it was not too skanky and witnessed her wash in toilet water and STILL dip you pencil in it ........hmmmm Very VERY suspicious.
A whores pussy such as the one you encountered NEVER smells even remotely less than totally revolting.
1- I have been doing research and it would be HIV then you eventually get Aids
2- I masturbate a lot to help stave off the urge to do stuff like this, If you rub one out in the morning and night and whenever else, it's easier to just say no and avoid making bad descisions, so I had over exerted myself and was chaffed, also instead of spitting on it I had used a sheet, which feels good sometimes but leaves you raw, then doing my research after the fact I saw info about open sores raising the risk so I thought it was worth mentioning that I has some issue where the head meats the shaft from masturbation.
3- On the sink, I would give more detail but don't want to because I don't want to out myself because someone might read this, although I have a feeling this person might already know- in which case high fives, she didn't look to bad you know I don't get out much and LOL at least I didn't waste much time, it was a bathroom break.
4- Yes it stunk, but not what I would consider to be bad, and when she reached in the toilet and wiped it off I was thinking it was pretty nasty and what the fuck, but I was also thinking that she's giving me pussy and I like pussy, so I went for it.


Well-Known Member
Ok I officially hink its true.
I recognise the lingo, (unfortunatly)
I tried all manners of antidepressants until I just gave up.
Eventually I was so full of rage I could no longer drive without fear I would
beat the crap out of people and end up dead or in prison. Along with that I had
poor impulse control around porn and yanking it. I even went to meetings trying to get a grip.
Long story short. Lexapro stopped all that. If I dont take it for a week or so it all comes back.
I know thats a lot of info about me but I really dont give a fart. It was like being a prisoner in my own self.
I still have issues with depression and shit but at least its not compounded with bouts of rage and injuring my dick.

One of theh hardest things I did was sit in a treatment center waiting for the hiv test after sharing a rig with
a skanky hoe. Meth made me really stupid. But I`m doing muuuuch better now. For real