I Got Laid- Afraid Of Aids- Pray For Me


New Member
Lexapro stopped all that.
Was it Lexapro in particular or did you try other SSRI's first? Was it the side effect of decreased sexual desire?

I took Zoloft and I couldn't nut. The desire was still there but I would have to do like a fucking marathon.


Well-Known Member
Was it Lexapro in particular or did you try other SSRI's first? Was it the side effect of decreased sexual desire?

I took Zoloft and I couldn't nut. The desire was still there but I would have to do like a fucking marathon.
Yeah I tried tons of ssri`s first. I dont think lexapro was an option then. I started low doses and increased
waited and increased.
When they diddnt work I went to the next and finally gave up.
Like I mentioned I got way out of control so I went back. He told me about another patient dealing with the same stuff
and how lexapro helped. I really diddnt think it would due to past exp but I treid.
It is a fsater acting more specific ssri and it changed my life.
Yes there are side effects that I deal with but others may not. I have learned to deal with them so I dont
have to live like that anymore. Truley a miracle for me.

But yeah. Some ssris made me sick but that usually went away.
Some make it hard to nut. (hint hint to all you fast cummers.
Some give you ed which usually passes after your leveled out for a while.
I got tired of paying for pills and docs appointmentsjust to have them not work for my problems.
But when the doc says you may have to try a bunch to find the one that works for you he is being honest.
I thought he was full of crap till I found mine.


New Member
Good for you!! Some people are too sensitive and expect the magic pill with no side effects. If you can cope with the side effects and the meds work for you GREAT.

If someone is a fast cummer and not on an SSRI. Tramadol, a synthetic pain killer and ssri, taken 3 hrs b4 the fun, will actually increase hump time. (i just read it somewhere LOL)


Well-Known Member
Your chances of getting aids are 1 in ten thousand from unprotected sex with a positive chick. http://www.thebody.com/content/40482/ask-the-experts-about-hiv-aids.html?ic=3001The raw dick probably puts it at around 2500 to one. Wear a condom next time. If your uncircumcised prolly 1 in 1250. If you can afford it they can check for the actual virus a week after sexual contact, if there is no presence of the virus itself your gold. Ask for the PCR test, no long waiting but costs about 400 bucks.


Well-Known Member
Was it Lexapro in particular or did you try other SSRI's first? Was it the side effect of decreased sexual desire? I took Zoloft and I couldn't nut. The desire was still there but I would have to do like a fucking marathon.
on zoloft I almost had a stroke. Turned out it was a massive migraine from trying so hard. Fuck that zoloft!! Im off all that shit. just natural meds for me now. Its safer that way.


Well-Known Member
Why be an asshole?I'm going through a hard time and need to talk to someone, I have no friends or family and no one that I can talk to in life so I come here to talk to my online "friends" and try to find some support or words of hope or encouragement or something positive that I can use to help me, I come here to talk to people and offer my friendship and I would like the same in return, If you can't handle my reality or chose not to believe it then don't bother with me, but this is my reality and my life and my internet so if you don't like it leave me alone, it wasn't funny the first time when Uncle Buck said it and it's still not funny. I try to be helpful and respectful to people here and I would appreciate the same in return, This is no laughing matter, I am going through a hard time, I realize I made a bad choice and had a lapse of judgement but I am afraid I might have serious consequinces from my momentary lapse, I appreciate anyone who's here to offer support.
And Once I paid for the PCR test whicht ells you right away, and the otehr nine times I waited three months. 90 percetn of the time it will show in three months the antibody test. So you can destress after three months. I dont want to get into the scary sex I had but its probably riskier than what you did with skankarella. So just be mellow friend and I am sure you'er going to be fine.This link made me feel better when I had these ordeals. http://www.thebody.com/content/40482/ask-the-experts-about-hiv-aids.html?ic=3001


Well-Known Member
Beardo, she wasn't cleaning it with the toilet water, she was giving it a drink. You, sir, should go buy some crazy life insurance policy while you are still testing negative. At least when you come up POS, and you will, you can have some money to spend in your last few years.


Morgan Lynn

Active Member
I'm stressed out because I got laid and now i'm afraid I could have picked up HIV and now I have to wait three or six months to get tested, I guess I can get tested after a few weeks but should then get tested again after six months to be sure, So I have been having all sorts of anxiety and stress and researching Aids stats and facts. I had been staying celibate but then was thinking i'm horny any you only live once when the opportunity presented itself, now I am hoping I haven't cut my life short for some sex, life is so great and I am so blessed I pray I didn't get it. I'm stupid and regret it and will be staying celibate again and hoping I didn't catch anything, I'm going to get tested in three months and then i'm not having sex again unless I find a good woman and get married.
Was your partner infected? Did you use a condom?

These are important answers that people need to assess your risk and transmission probability.

Morgan Lynn

Active Member
After the fact I was thinking that I should have asked her for a shot of the vodka she was drinking and used it to clean my dick, as it was I had to wait about an hour before I washed my dick and showered, I used a bunch of soap and pissed but I had to wait about an hour with her skank slime on my dick before I had the chance to wash it off, and my dick was kind of raw from repeated masturbation the night before, I had chaffed it using my sheet to beat off without lube which leaves it kind of raw and I guess that makes the sex with her more risky.
Oh lawd, yes it makes it almost 70% more risky. It's harder for women to infect men than it is for men to infect women. Basically,women catch it easier and men spread it easier. But men are more likely to engage in risky sexual behaviors than women, that's why men have a higher rate of infection than women.

Having open abrasions on your penis makes it much easier for viral transmission.
HIV and AIDS can be transmitted through unprotected sexual contact; unprotected contact with bodily fluids such as blood, breast milk, rectal fluids, pre-seminal fluids, semen,and vaginal secretions can also result in transmission of the virus.

HIV is a retrovirus and can hide in the body’s T-cells for long periods of time without causing any direct effects to the infected person. This hibernation period can last up to 5 years and increases transmission risks. When the HIV virus takes over too many T-cells, the virus progresses into Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS).

I got all of this information from The Department of Human Health.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Your chances of getting aids are 1 in ten thousand from unprotected sex with a positive chick. http://www.thebody.com/content/40482/ask-the-experts-about-hiv-aids.html?ic=3001The raw dick probably puts it at around 2500 to one. Wear a condom next time. If your uncircumcised prolly 1 in 1250. If you can afford it they can check for the actual virus a week after sexual contact, if there is no presence of the virus itself your gold. Ask for the PCR test, no long waiting but costs about 400 bucks.
OH my. Better odds of getting AIDS then hitting the lottery.


Well-Known Member
Yea condoms don't protect from aids. It's like a door they'll slip through the crack at the bottom of the door. Well that's the way our health teacher explained it to us. Also condoms do protect from herpes, just not your balls, because obviously your balls don't go in the condom. Next time don't sink and go for a slutty girl then you wont have to worry about aids. I always worried about herpes, not aids though. I'm a virgin as well. I wouldn't be if I had a condom at the time though. I guess it's better I didn't lose my virginity. BAH fuck...

you had an IDIOT for a teacher

no condoms do not protect 100% , nothing can except abstinence ...

for the most part they are very effective in preventing the transmission of the HIV virus

if you fuck with out a rubber and contract the hiv virus - your a fucking idiot !, and thats what you get for trying to play the game....

sounds cruel however - thats the way it goes !

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
And a condom would of made the experience last longer. And protect your dick from all the lesser, but still nasty, stds.

At the very least, your gonna get a urinary tract infection.