You guys can laugh but Christians do have good points. In the Bible it says the end times will start by first a rapid advancement in technology. This rapid advancement will allow you to view wars from the other side of the world (TV, net) That's 2 signs from the Bible. Also it says Christianity will lose popularity and a false religion will gain power (this has already happened) It also says there will be more deaths from wars and more genocides and natural disasters than any other time in history. More people have died in the past 100 years in Armed warfare and genocide than the previous 1,000, and there have been more devastating storms in the past 10 years than the previous hundred. It also says that leaders and role models will be boastful and arrogant and disrespectful and teach children to do the same, just listen to the radio, its happening. It said that men dressing and acting like women will become popular, and eventually shemales will outnumber regular males, that has started. It also says the climate will start to change and there will be more earthquakes, and destructive hurricanes and the planet will heat up to begin the start of the end times. Global warming anyone?
You guys are ignorant, judging something you know nothing about. Pick up a Bible and read about the end times. Literally 10,000 years ago it was written in there that a unique set of circumstances that we are currently seeing for the first time in history will be happening all at once. We are a little past halfway fulfilling the whole prophecy that just started being fulfilled around the late 1930s. You don't have to believe it's the way to heaven, but if you truly know your stuff and your not ignorant you can't help but be amazed that somebody who wrote this stuff 10K years ago really knew there stuff. If it wasn't God it was at least someone that was able to predict specific things that didn't exist back than into the future thousands of years down the line.
This is just a short sample, maybe 5 of the 10+ that have definitely been fulfilled that are unique to only this time period in history if you keep up with the news. I'm not making any of this up, if you don't already know all this stuff you really don't ever read the Bible and are not qualified to speak neither positively or negatively about the religion. Your too ignorant for your opinion to be taken seriously by anyone who isn't also ignorant.