KushXoj's pound per plant heavy-weight PPV Grow


Well-Known Member
Thanks bud

How long does liquid organic nutes last ?
I actually have half a bottle of bontanicare bloom already.
Ive been keeping it under the shed so it stays fairly cool.

It still smells the same as when I bought it almost a year ago :spew: lol

I looked for an experation date but they dont have one


Well-Known Member
your black domina looks a lot different than mine and i bet it's due to the reveg. i have one plant that revegged and it has that bushy shape of your black domina.
It's so bushy because I topped it at like the 3rd node while it was revegging lol
If I hadn't topped these girls I'm sure they would be pushing 5ft by now.

I shouldn't have topped the BD cause she bushes out on her own during the stretch of flower


Well-Known Member
Thanks bud

How long does liquid organic nutes last ?
I actually have half a bottle of bontanicare bloom already.
Ive been keeping it under the shed so it stays fairly cool.

It still smells the same as when I bought it almost a year ago :spew: lol

I looked for an experation date but they dont have one

If it was in a cool dry place it should definetly still be good


Well-Known Member
"this strain will never die , kept the mother plant alive for 10 years" ........Damn how many clones do you think she gave lol



Well-Known Member
"this strain will never die , kept the mother plant alive for 10 years" ........Damn how many clones do you think she gave lol

10 years? mother plant or tree?? haha


Well-Known Member
Damn bro lookin great if ur looking into going organic for flowering Iwould top dress with a high phosphorous bat guana and water with Botanicares Pro Bloom.
Can you actually switch over from synthetics? I thought the beneficial bacteria, microbe's and what not would be nuked by now. I was thinking about switching over to age old bloom but I didn't want to waste my time and potentially stress my plants if it wasn't feasible.


Well-Known Member
may I ask what this WMD stands for?
weapons of mass destruction. genetics are canadian big bud x fucking incredible. it's a monster, it has the biggest white hairs of any strain i've grown. not too impressive of a final product though. and it may be losing its vigor after all these years.


Well-Known Member
How much are you expecting to harvest? Looking great!
Considering the amount off tops I have and what they yielded indoors in thinking at least 5-7 zips per plant to be on the safe side. Maybe more I'm going to really push the nutes in flower.

I've never been good at guessing yields I always under estimate myself :)

I'll be able to give you a more accurate guess after the stretch of flower ...

And nice Sig I remember posting in that thread lol


Undercover Mod
Good to see the plants recovering after that reveg. They always take to long to go into reveg and makes funky bushes. Good Luck and bontiful harvests to come


Well-Known Member
Is that sour d hittin its stretch phase? Plants like great with all that new growth green all over dem girls! Thoose sour d leaves are reachn so high 4 the sky it looks like there are prayn


Well-Known Member
"5-7 zips" haha, he's being modest. I bet you get closer to your original goal than that Kush.

Sending positive vibes your way my friend:peace:


Well-Known Member
Nice , I thought I read somewhere on here that said you can't clone autoflowers ....
Guess that was false

Keep me updated man