Skunky Munkey Grow 1


Well-Known Member
You should drive up here by me and take naked pictures of Chaka! I work till 11pm today and 10pm tomorrow. Sucks!
I am in boreggo springs right now. Stopped to get some lunch. Damn this town is small.

I think I got some decent pictures so far. California is gorgeous!!


Well-Known Member
The desert drive was nice, I will definitely do it again. There were lots of nice twisty roads so I threw it in Sport mode and tested the AWD. I think I made my dog nauseous.....:-P



Well-Known Member
I love Cali, you can drive from snow to desert in hours! So much shit to see and do. How far was that from your house?


Well-Known Member
Are you putting up the screen today?
Yes, wheels and BC are coming over today. We are gonna make the screen, make some bubble hash, chill, and do a little BBQ by the pool. BC is bringing his family and they are gonna chill at the pool while we do our thing.


Well-Known Member
You all can suck a dirty dick! Except BC's fam! I am going to fucking work in a half hour! Are you BBQing Matzah Balls?


Well-Known Member
Here you go FM, pics of the U SCRoG. We decided to make it just a little smaller than the grow tent in order to maximize the use of the space. It is going to be a bitch to get to the back right corner but I will make it work. The screen is being help up temporarily by some cheap shit but that will be replaced by light hangars this week.

Thanks BC and wheels for the help and for coming over yesterday. It was a fun day.



Well-Known Member
I have a fungus problem and I am worried. I went to the hydro store with some leaves and they said it definitely wasn't bugs and didn't look like mold. After some research we found it is probably the fungus Cercospora medicaginis. I got some organic fungicide and already hit my girls up with a proper drenching. Hopefully this will work, but I am going to reapply in 4 or 5 days and keep doing that until I don't see any more black dots. Wish me luck.



Well-Known Member
fuck u jew and ur dust shroom. lmfao. i ordered the new tent today. 4x8 also ordered the light mover and a new 400 watt mh bulb. gonna put the 400 u brought over to use if one 400 on a 6 foot light rail isnt enough for veg. still only using the 1000 for flower. oh and u talking abut ur shitty driving skills at ur pad and how u backed into ur dust shroom made me think. i cant let that jew have one and me not. lol. DUST SHROOM ENVY. lmao. so i ordered one of those as well. lol. another few hundred buck i could have saved if i bought a 4x8 in the first place. but shit happens. had to adapt with all these fucking scrogs going on these days. lmao.

but real shit. sunday was fun as fuck. looking at the pics i think the screen may be a bit too close to the screen with the light footprint it has with the hood u got. maybe if the xxl hood i have doesnt fit in the 4x8 with the light rail u can use it.give u a way huger "yes i said huger motha fucka!" light footprint for that 1000. which means more screen u can fill. since ur a jew and u dont wanna sell ur current one on craigslist i could put it to good use in the tent with the cap one i have. just need another digital ballast 400. :)


Well-Known Member
fuck u jew and ur dust shroom. lmfao. i ordered the new tent today. 4x8 also ordered the light mover and a new 400 watt mh bulb. gonna put the 400 u brought over to use if one 400 on a 6 foot light rail isnt enough for veg. still only using the 1000 for flower. oh and u talking abut ur shitty driving skills at ur pad and how u backed into ur dust shroom made me think. i cant let that jew have one and me not. lol. DUST SHROOM ENVY. lmao. so i ordered one of those as well. lol. another few hundred buck i could have saved if i bought a 4x8 in the first place. but shit happens. had to adapt with all these fucking scrogs going on these days. lmao.

but real shit. sunday was fun as fuck. looking at the pics i think the screen may be a bit too close to the screen with the light footprint it has with the hood u got. maybe if the xxl hood i have doesnt fit in the 4x8 with the light rail u can use it.give u a way huger "yes i said huger motha fucka!" light footprint for that 1000. which means more screen u can fill. since ur a jew and u dont wanna sell ur current one on craigslist i could put it to good use in the tent with the cap one i have. just need another digital ballast 400. :)
Hey jerkoffface, stop biting my style. Oh and I also thought about lowering the screen a little bit.