You got it right. Lets fuckin' enjoy life as much as possible and let future generations figure out how to fix our mistakes. MWUAHAHAHAAHAHAAHAHAHAHAH!!!the meaning of life is 2 have fun...religion is all bullshit and mind control..have as much fuckin fun as possible.
hey its what our fathers did rightYou got it right. Lets fuckin' enjoy life as much as possible and let future generations figure out how to fix our mistakes. MWUAHAHAHAAHAHAAHAHAHAHAH!!!
What is the meaning of life?
figure enough answers come in, just put all the same stuff together and voila! the answer to the meaning of life!
have fun! cheers!
I figure were all put here to learn, get as much wisdom and knowlege before we move on to whatever is next.....
This s the meaning of life..........
ah, u just havent found a religion thats suits u. satanism (if u want to consider it a religion) is all about having as much fun as possible.the meaning of life is 2 have fun...religion is all bullshit and mind control..have as much fuckin fun as possible.
i just cant follow any religious book because they were all written by man...the bible was written by people who wre influenced by God..but they wrote it so that makes it second hand and i have a problem with that...i have fun without a "religion"i believe in our earth and everything it provides us..because its what i can see.i know thats where faith is supposed to play in but i was raised in a baptist family and was sent to private school and had religion pushed down my throat my whole life..untill i realized that theres a whole other world out there i just hadnt been exposed to it.ah, u just havent found a religion thats suits u. satanism (if u want to consider it a religion) is all about having as much fun as possible.
knowledge and wisdom are bullshit. its all only relevant to one person. the meaning of life is different for everybody, most ppl just dont take the time to purposefully mold their views
that girl is beautiful, but i find it disturbing u chose a pic where u cant see the models face, it really shows what human interaction in our society has become. smokin weed and bumpin uglies, yeah buddy
yeah, i figured, but its kinda sad to say thats what lifes all about. i guess i read into it too much lolShe is hiding her face only because of all the weed she is standing in front of.
tan lines are the meaning of life?This s the meaning of life..........
no its it at me lol i dont care i like good convo's and that usually involves some debate...your right about religion giving guidlines to living life but there are also guidelines that should have nothing to do with religion..being a good person,sharing,and loving are qualities people should have religion or not.religion to me is the worst thing that has happened to this world..wars are started..people die over religion..if we all realized that we are all matter of color or religion,the world would be a great place.see, this is where im stuck at trying to understand people. for generations now, some people have been teaching their kids to read the holy bible in a literal manner, which is fucking ridiculous. nowadays ppl are starting to see it as it really is, a simple guideline for a certain type of lifestyle.
there was no ark with two of every animal. no talking snake. anybody who believes this stuff is acting completely on faith. they deny common sense in hopes of going to a clouded city after death. there arent many of these folks left.
it doesnt matter that theyre writin by man (most wont even have the balls to boast otherwise) theres no way to prove if the literal God exists, His word will never be found in a book. nothing new. today, we have millions of people throwing away religion because their definition of religion has been tainted. religion is not physics. religion does not describe the physical universe, it gives guidelines for living life. its awesome ppl are thinking for themselves, but there are alot of books out there that can help in leading a productive life.
atheism and nihilism are negative mindsets. ppl that consider themselves atheists rather than pantheists are spiteful individuals
carpe diem. dont live this way because u might die 2nite, live life to its fullest because the present is all u will ever experience
(this post isnt necessarily directed at u heymo, i tend to ramble)
see, thats deep. tan lines are beautifultan lines are the meaning of life?
i know its amazing to me..for ever in my life people always told me to follow the bible but then they were like "and dont forget to be yourself"???what the fuck lol..its like what if i dont believe in this shit u want me to be a hypocrite?i know so many "christians"who i have smoked pot with,gotten drunk with and laughed while they fucked a girl in the next room..its insane so thats why i choose to live like a do(besides i really like it)yea know i know that smoking pot is illegal so what do i do??blow the biggest smoke rings i can into everyones faces that has lied to me..parents,teachers,the president..and i get super high at the same time lol.i cant agree more. religion makes people think they are better than each other too. racism and prejudice makes ppl dislike others, then they use some hand-me-down scripture to legitimize theyre bigotry.
so now we live in a world where normal folks (average IQ) have to take a shitload of drugs to dissociate themselves enough to gauge the world around them without bias.
the spread of religion is def the worst thing to happen to mankind. fuckin missionaries make me sick. often times they devote theyre entire lives destroying the cultures of 'lesser' nations, just to gain piece of mind that they helped 'save a soul' that, for anybody could know, will simply dissipate back into nature like the body after the person dies.