vent question


Well-Known Member
im currently growing 6 plants under a 600w HPS in a bedroom that is 9ft x 12ft but i cannot apply any ducting or exractor fans, it also gets quite hot in there (30 degrees celsius).
would a few good strong blowing fans and opening the door for an hour a day be ok? as i said i really cant be fitting ducting and other such things as it is not my house. i will b getting a tent and appropriate equiptment for my next grow but for this one im gonna have to find ways around it.
any advice would be much appriciated TY bongsmilie


Build a frame out of two by fours and hang an extractor fan from there... is your 600 digital/dimmable? how hot is it getting? you should at least have one oscillating fan in your room you want air circulating around your babies!!! 600s get hot! if you cannot hang an extractor fan think about switching to t5s or cfls they run much cooler


Well-Known Member
Build a frame out of two by fours and hang an extractor fan from there... is your 600 digital/dimmable? how hot is it getting? you should at least have one oscillating fan in your room you want air circulating around your babies!!! 600s get hot! if you cannot hang an extractor fan think about switching to t5s or cfls they run much cooler
well its getting the bedroom to 30 degrees celsius and i have a 9'' oscillating fan but i was thinking of getting another 1. i really dont wanna have to switch to CFL, to be honest switching to CFL is not a option lol and i dont wanna have to really start building a small grow room, like i said its only going to be for this 1 grow till i get a proper tent and shit lol


Well-Known Member
nope and nope lol the room is 30 degrees celcius and it never goes hotter than that it drops about 4 degrees when i open the bedroom door for a lil while.


Well-Known Member
im currently growing 6 plants under a 600w HPS in a bedroom that is 9ft x 12ft but i cannot apply any ducting or exractor fans, it also gets quite hot in there (30 degrees celsius).
would a few good strong blowing fans and opening the door for an hour a day be ok? as i said i really cant be fitting ducting and other such things as it is not my house. i will b getting a tent and appropriate equiptment for my next grow but for this one im gonna have to find ways around it.
any advice would be much appriciated TY bongsmilie

erm Bro .. I have 15-20C out doors .. and like 24-26C indoors at the moment ..

I have a 6" ventilation pulling air out .. and a 4" ventilation pulling fresh air in from a intake over my window ..
beside that I have a big fan bloweing at my HPS .. and a tower fan for air circulation

and Im still strugeling a bit and wishe I had a cool tube aswell .. made a few changes to my intake/out take and air flow in the room .. and I run it at night aswell .. and I still hit +30 at the top of my canorpy right under my HPS .. but with good airflow .. and I can keep the room around 26-28C most of the time .. "inside" my plants .. when I hang my wire from my digi thermo/hygro meter and check ther I can mostly keep 27-28C

but I can live with it .. since I know this is summer (in Scandinavia) rest of the year I will have +10 to -20C so I guess I´ll be ok then ..

but you need to do sumthing .. if a outtake ventilation is a no go .. and you also live in a part of the world wher high temps is normal .. I would realy consider to swarp that HPS with some T5HO or LED lights or boath ..

best of luck .. Im back to inventing new ways of optimesing my airflow and temps ..


Well-Known Member
well im from the uk so it dosent get very hot outside lol.
i was thinking of maybe getting another 9'' fan and also a tower fan. there is no where i can extract air to, the bedroom window is totaly blacked out and sealed up and the only option would be to go thru the roof and into the attic but as i said it isnt my house so i cant go making holes in the celing lol.
and i really wanna stick to HID.
will i still get a half decent yeild with poor ventalation.


Well-Known Member
im currently growing 6 plants under a 600w HPS in a bedroom that is 9ft x 12ft but i cannot apply any ducting or exractor fans, it also gets quite hot in there (30 degrees celsius). would a few good strong blowing fans and opening the door for an hour a day be ok? as i said i really cant be fitting ducting and other such things as it is not my house. i will b getting a tent and appropriate equiptment for my next grow but for this one im gonna have to find ways around it. any advice would be much appriciated TY bongsmilie
Putting more fans in will just circulate the hot air around, not cool it. You would have to keep the door open when ever the light is on. If you don't exhaust the air, you can not grow in there.

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
if you get a tent and set it up inside that same room, your still going to have the same problem. you need to control the temps of your intake air, and the tent will eventually just heat up the room it is in so your intake air will already be warmer going into the tent.


Well-Known Member
if you get a tent and set it up inside that same room, your still going to have the same problem. you need to control the temps of your intake air, and the tent will eventually just heat up the room it is in so your intake air will already be warmer going into the tent.
when ihave the tent i will be leaving the door and the window open in the room so it should be ok.... shouldent it???


Well-Known Member
no bro. you need a ac in the room. an ac in the window and keep the bedroom door closed.

holes are easy to patch if its drywall. i use a 10k btw ac in a bedroom and i grow in the closet. the temps are 76 right now. i use a cooltube and a carbon filter and fan pushing air through the tube into the roof.


Well-Known Member
yeah im planing on getting a cool tube when i buy a tent, will i defo need an air con unit (i live in england so its always pretty cool lol)


Active Member
water them more then recommended where the soil is never dry or soaked. keeps them cool it will only slow there growth at worst.
unless u go and over do it seriusly is this not what you wanted a cheap fix lol


Active Member
Putting more fans in will just circulate the hot air around, not cool it. You would have to keep the door open when ever the light is on. If you don't exhaust the air, you can not grow in there.
What this dude said. No vent, no grow. A/C needs venting also. Down grade ya grow size to 2 lights and ya might just survive. Opening doors is fine in veg, minimal smell. When ya flowering ya gonna stink the place out and prob get busted.


Active Member
no bro. you need a ac in the room. an ac in the window and keep the bedroom door closed.

holes are easy to patch if its drywall. i use a 10k btw ac in a bedroom and i grow in the closet. the temps are 76 right now. i use a cooltube and a carbon filter and fan pushing air through the tube into the roof.
Don't vent into the roofspace unless you have a velux window and the roof itself insulated. The heat will build and your house will glow like a 600w hps, to an IR camera that is. Recipe for the feds to pay a visit.


Well-Known Member
i'm in the uk temps with a air cooled hood was 76-79 now summer has hit us it's not 16 degress no more my temps have gonre up to 82-90 now with a 5" fan for extraction(400w hps 3x3x5 tent)


Well-Known Member
if a built a small grow box and had a carbon filter and jus ran the ducting out the box and into the room would it still stink, cause i was thinking of doing that and jus leaving the window open in the room 24/7? and maybe a large fan outside the box in the room.
im just saying this because i really cant be making holes in the walls/celings as its not my house and i have had strict orders lol


Active Member
if a built a small grow box and had a carbon filter and jus ran the ducting out the box and into the room would it still stink, cause i was thinking of doing that and jus leaving the window open in the room 24/7? and maybe a large fan outside the box in the room.
im just saying this because i really cant be making holes in the walls/celings as its not my house and i have had strict orders lol
With the set up you got...... I would.......... no tent, 1 x 1000w hps, 4 plants, window open, 1 x 6" fan and a large filter. The fan and filter will only clean the air and recycle it back into the room. lights on during the day unless the room is well sealed with no light leaks at all.