RDWC/NFT Question

Don Won

I have a 6 site RDWC system with a mister in each bucket to spray the net pot. I also have a 14 site NFT system with misters sparying the pots...Should I put the misters on a timer or let them run 24/7....I have pics if needed


Well-Known Member
that is not dwc. dwc is where roots are constantly immerged in nute solution. it is a great setup though. basically it is aero. yes you want to get the pump on a timer. in the style you have the roots get the o2 from the pump cutting off. i use a recycle time and run my pumps 80sec on and 8mins off. plus it cuts res heat damatically.


Well-Known Member
I have a rdwc and stinkbud system. I use a cycle timer that runs all my pumps including my cloner at 1 minute on and 5 minutes off.