Time To Get Rid of Concealed Carry Bans?


New Member
i'll make you a deal right here in front of everyone, you show me where i said a community organizer is a bad thing and i will stay off the forum for two days. If you can't provide the proof, you will do the same.

No side stepping or double talk.
Now put up or shut up!


Well-Known Member
It is likely that I pay more in Federal taxes than you - does that make you a freeloader? does that indicate that you aren't pulling your own weight? does that mean that you are taking from me?
only if I demand you pay more because you have more. I'm not doing that so the answer is no.
It's likely a lot of people make more money than me, I work in health care.


Well-Known Member
I make bank
I have skills
I have had 5 jobs in the last 3 years
My last one I was laid off on friday and working 10 days later (by choice)
Five jobs in three years? And you were laid off on friday and working again ten days later?
I'd probably fire you to, but at least your trying to work, I can respect that.
Good for you, I hope you can find a job that fits you and isn't in the public sector because I don't want to be taxed so you can "work"- Best of luck.


Well-Known Member
I missed your original comparison, apologies, I was rolling in the mud.

Abortions used to be illegal and that forced a black market for such a thing that was unsafe, unsanitary and unhealthy. Alcohol used to be illegal leading to the biggest crime syndicates and violence in our short history. Drugs are illegal and has led to the highest incarceration rates of any civilized nation during any time.

I don't claim to know what would happen if we banned guns but our history leads me to believe the consequences would be ugly.
I claimed that individual liberty cost lives - the 2nd amendment will cost lives, freedom for women costs lives.


Well-Known Member
I missed your original comparison, apologies, I was rolling in the mud.

Abortions used to be illegal and that forced a black market for such a thing that was unsafe, unsanitary and unhealthy. Alcohol used to be illegal leading to the biggest crime syndicates and violence in our short history. Drugs are illegal and has led to the highest incarceration rates of any civilized nation during any time.

I don't claim to know what would happen if we banned guns but our history leads me to believe the consequences would be ugly.
Spot on, anyone that disagrees is just spinning wheels to hear themselves talk. Out of 27 pages now, not one left leaner has shown that our violence has went up with gun ownership or conceal carry laws, why? Because its the exact opposite. I guess we need to start flooding this thread with charts so maybe they can see the BS they are throwing.


Well-Known Member
I claimed that individual liberty cost lives - the 2nd amendment will cost lives, freedom for women costs lives.
yes freedom has it's costs unfortunately but if it were free we wouldn't appreciate it as much. WWII vets have a special place in my heart.

maybe we move past all this during the next age of enlightenment

edit: the Arab Spring is a beautiful terrifying thing.


Well-Known Member
Spot on, anyone that disagrees is just spinning wheels to hear themselves talk. Out of 27 pages now, not one left leaner has shown that our violence has went up with gun ownership or conceal carry laws, why? Because its the exact opposite. I guess we need to start flooding this thread with charts so maybe they can see the BS they are throwing.

Wait a minute - you can't argue that 12 would have been killed had there been laws disallowing that guy from obtaining firearms. I presume he bought them all lawfully.


Well-Known Member
I'll make you a deal right here in front of everyone, you show me where I said a community organizer is a bad thing and I will stay off the forum for two days. If you can't provide the proof, you will do the same.

No side stepping or double talk.
Now put up or shut up!
Nice backpeddling
So I guess no more quips about Obama
being a "community organizer:" then


Well-Known Member
Let's get going with that proof I said a community organizer is a bad thing!
Post #28

Two-thirds of likely voters say the weak economy is Washington’s fault, and more blame President Obama than anybody else, according to a new poll for The Hill.
It found that 66 percent believe paltry job growth and slow economic recovery is the result of bad policy. Thirty-four percent say Obama is the most to blame, followed by 23 percent who say Congress is the culprit. Twenty percent point the finger at Wall Street, and 18 percent cite former President George W. Bush.

The results highlight the reelection challenge Obama faces amid dissatisfaction with his first-term performance on the economy.


time for change
What did anyone expect from a community organizer?

right here


Well-Known Member
Wait a minute - you can't argue that 12 would have been killed had there been laws disallowing that guy from obtaining firearms. I presume he bought them all lawfully.
Does the fact he bought them lawfully, somehow preclude the notion he could have gotten them illegally if they were banned?


Well-Known Member
Wait a minute - you can't argue that 12 would have been killed had there been laws disallowing that guy from obtaining firearms. I presume he bought them all lawfully.
More lives are saved with firearms, the taken its a fact. Now if you, lopeside the system and only allow one side to own firearms then it will be a massacre like you seen in a theater that didn't allow concealed weapons which law abiding citizens followed.


Well-Known Member