Sex, I have read the posts but I want to be sure


Well-Known Member
before I kill a plant and I know you more experanced growers can help me.
Is it a female or dude, it is on day 9 of flowering
Thank you

PS the gold leaves are from the flash on the camera



Well-Known Member
Here maybe this will help. Sorry but these old eyes couldn't tell.

The following image displays a male plant at about 10 days flowering.

Photo Contributed By: PLAYn



Well-Known Member
The following image clearly displays a female plant at about 10 days flowering, using a 400w HPS. NOTE: Indica dominant strains will flower faster than Sativa varieties.

Photo Contributed By: OldPink



Well-Known Member
Since video just got a gun for his wife....not such a good trade after all video?? Sorry, didn't mean to jump your thread, serrated. Welcome to the forum.


Well-Known Member
Serrated, I didnt realize you were new, I neglected to look. I apologize for acting like, well like myself. I was just having some fun, feeling my oats. I think it was some magical stuff that was in my pipe. I am however looking forward to seeing you around the forums though.


Well-Known Member
Hey serrated, keep posting and talking and you will become, and feel like, more of a member and less of a stranger. I wanna tell ya, all kidding aside, I've frequented other pot sites, as we all have, and has become more like a small family. The people here are great! I think you'll come to like them too. We all share a common desire.

ok ok, so like are we still talking about plants or this, cause I know what sex she is!



Well-Known Member
I would give my left nut if I went home and found my plants had sprouted anything close to that pic you posted VM. Of course, the wife would probably have a problem with that.


Well-Known Member
hey dude you got yourself a dude.... sorry mate from that last pick you showed its a dude... it only has one nut musta busted the other :P


Well-Known Member
Hey hearmenow, if you could grow that in your grow room, you wouldn't need a wife! lol

I would give my left nut if I went home and found my plants had sprouted anything close to that pic you posted VM. Of course, the wife would probably have a problem with that.


Well-Known Member
ok here is a better pic, and btw how do I become a member and not a stranger on this site?
looks like a ball, so i guess this is quiet a male plant, sorry:-?

and for the last, you have to get more post, but please don't just spam and start noob talk, okay;)


Well-Known Member
Thank you to everyone that posted, Iam going to grow the dude to get the pollen, since I only have 1 plant that is ready for flowering and it is a dude I guess I will get some Papaya pollen to mix with some other strains later. I do have an isolated area to grow it in that can be sterlized after the pollen. Does anyone know how long it takes the pollen to be ready? I am assuming that is is about the same time or earlier than a plant would start to flower maybe 15 days into flower? also once I have it how do I store it and last can I pollinate just one brach to get seeds and bud the rest or does that mess up the plant?