Best Container For Ebb & Flow?


Active Member
I run hyrdoton using the bucket system,works great,and you can reuse them. Put your seen in a small rockwool cube and place that on top of the hydroton about an inch down, and let it grow


Well-Known Member
I run hyrdoton using the bucket system,works great,and you can reuse them. Put your seen in a small rockwool cube and place that on top of the hydroton about an inch down, and let it grow
You think 2 gallons is big enough for a full sized plant? And thanks for your input =]

Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
"full" isnt really a size..

The same cutting can finish flowering at 8 inches or at 8 feet.

For 2 gallons, I'd say you'd be okay for a ~3 footer.


Active Member
Im not sure but to be honest, just by the pots with the timer and it comes with the res. Its simple and does its own thing, all you have to do is figure out the nutes and watch the ph on it.


Well-Known Member
I already have a system set up, just trying to figure out a couple last things.

@ hellraizer what size container do you recommend? I'll have 4 plants on a 2x2 flood table.


Well-Known Member
I just calculated that 6x6 square pots hold like a gallon, would a 1 gallon container be big enough for a 3.5' plant?


Well-Known Member
Another thing is that my table could only flood up to like 4". The closest square pot to 2 gallons would be the 1.5 gallons which is 9" tall, that wouldn't work would it?


Well-Known Member
I thought that hydroton didn't wick, so if the container was 9" tall and the water rose up 4" then how would it reach the 1" rockwool insert that's 4" above the water level?


Rebel From The North
When you transplant dig the roots deeper than the cube, another way would be to place a few rooting cubes
from the rooted clone to the bottom of the pot, then place hydrotrom all around it. The cubes will then wick

Ski Mask Way

Active Member
I have a question. If i have 4" Rockwool Cubes can i place them in a tray with NO OTHER MEDIUM, and have 3 - 3.5 foot plants grow out of them with no problems? This is similiar to what Dadio161 does with 6" Rockwool cubes. I have seen Dadio161 place his 4" cubed Rockwool onto 6" cubed Rockwool but I don't have the height space to give up 4 inches like that. The only reason I ask that question is because I see people using 2" net pots and neoprene collars in aeroponics to hold up plants with massive stalks so i was wondering why couldn't Rockwool be just as effecient.

If this can not be done, my 2nd (and 3rd) question is this: If I use hydroton to cover the remaning area of my tray that my 4" cubed Rockwool sits in, Can i still flood up to 2" of the tray for 15 minutes and the Rockwool "wicking" abilities would still work fine with the hydroton cover the bottom part of the tray (eventually covering the roots)


Rebel From The North
4in would be ok as long as you fill the rest of the table, hydrotron can float when flooded and wont wick.

You will need to trellis them for stability