Plant help please!


My girls leaves are starting to point down and i dont know why I thought it was because i hadnt watered them in a couple days so I gave them a drink but there still growing down! Weird thing is they still look heatlthy! Here are pics of my two girls!IMG_0593[1].jpgIMG_0594[1].jpgIMG_0598[1].jpgIMG_0595[1].jpg The first plant is a big bang from greenhouse and the second plant is a 60 day lemon auto from dna gentics! the auto leaves have always pointed down so i thought it was just the plant type but now my big bang is doing it so its stressing me out a bit! Heres my set up I have a 3x3x6 tent with a hooded cool tube with a inline fan sucking the heat outside. The light is 600 watt metal halid set about 16 inches from the plants. The tent has a ton of fresh air being pumped in from outside using my max inline fan that can pump up to 400 cf in but i have it set at the lowest speed right now! The tent had some heat issues and got up to 31 to 33 but now with my fan working better it seems to keep them down heres a pic of my tent.IMG_0583[1].jpgIMG_0585[1].jpgIMG_0584[1].jpg So i dont know what to do! The plants have been in there cups for 11 days now so im wondering if they should go in there 1 gallon pots tonight or are they to close to the light but they seem healthy or is what there doing normal because of the light and watt is keeping them low and squat! Im at a loss so plaest any info or advice is greatly appreciated! Sorry for such a long post but i like to give all the info! Im also not giving them nutes right now and they were just watered last night after i saw the droop of the leaves and the soil being dry! Thx again for any help!


Well-Known Member
if ur using potting soil don't worry about nutes for 2 ish weeks. U want a small medium to begin with, like a dixie cup. too much air flow is bad in the beginning, maybe that is the problem. It is good to keep lights far if plants are making roots/ getting past transplant shock. If I were you I'd have a small nursery with flouro's, as they produce less heat and you can have less air flow, which is more delicate on your little buddies. If u do get flouros make sure u get daylight (6500k) spectrum. I hope this helps :)


Well-Known Member
My girls leaves are starting to point down and i dont know why I thought it was because i hadnt watered them in a couple days so I gave them a drink but there still growing down! Weird thing is they still look heatlthy! Here are pics of my two girls!View attachment 2270944View attachment 2270945View attachment 2270946View attachment 2270949 The first plant is a big bang from greenhouse and the second plant is a 60 day lemon auto from dna gentics! the auto leaves have always pointed down so i thought it was just the plant type but now my big bang is doing it so its stressing me out a bit! Heres my set up I have a 3x3x6 tent with a hooded cool tube with a inline fan sucking the heat outside. The light is 600 watt metal halid set about 16 inches from the plants. The tent has a ton of fresh air being pumped in from outside using my max inline fan that can pump up to 400 cf in but i have it set at the lowest speed right now! The tent had some heat issues and got up to 31 to 33 but now with my fan working better it seems to keep them down heres a pic of my tent.View attachment 2270964View attachment 2270965View attachment 2270966 So i dont know what to do! The plants have been in there cups for 11 days now so im wondering if they should go in there 1 gallon pots tonight or are they to close to the light but they seem healthy or is what there doing normal because of the light and watt is keeping them low and squat! Im at a loss so plaest any info or advice is greatly appreciated! Sorry for such a long post but i like to give all the info! Im also not giving them nutes right now and they were just watered last night after i saw the droop of the leaves and the soil being dry! Thx again for any help!
how dry do you let them get?? I let them almost completely dry out before I water again......I had this problem in april or march and it was overwatering.


Ok thx a lot guys I will look into both ideas! Like I said I'm a newb so any advice is greatly welcomed! Should I move them to a one gallon or leave them on there cups and I will move them further from the light and I won't water hopefully that gets them to perk up! I don't get it there leaves look healthy just growing down lol!


Active Member
hey buddy came through to take a look, yea im thinking water will be your issue. Could be stress from when it got hot or too much light on them. Start with the water though as i believe thats most likely


I moved them back to 18 inches away and they seem to perk up so hopefully when I got out to check them today there good! I won't be watering them until they def need it! Thx dank for the advice I'm hoping it was light and I'm thinking I'm gonna keep them in the cups for another few days and then put them in there new one gallon pots ! I think two weeks in those cups is long enough! What do you think!


Active Member
yea that should be good. I usually transplant around the same time frame. But it should have a good solid root mass strong enough to handle the transplant. Just dont let the roots see very much light. I mean it wont kill it but it will stress it they obviously dont like light. Also i usually loosen the soil around the roots VERY gently with SANITIZED hands. I do not remove the soil just loosen it as it will be alot easier for the roots to make its way through the new soil. Good to hear them ladies got perky again! Yea i had 8-5gal pots under a 400w mh hortilux blue bulb/hortilux super hps SOG style to get a little bit quicker harvest to hold me over until my next run with autos. So those two under the 600 seems to be your problem. But come harvest time you will really appreciate that 600w :weed:

Btw out of the 8 bag seeds im down to 5 left. 4 have been identified as female, 3 as male and one still in question. Looks like hes gonna be a male but i just wanna make sure(i FIMmed this one and im thinking it didnt like the stress of the fimming). Just wanted to update you on that! They are blooming very quickly on these GO nutrients.
Im looking forward to seeing your harvest though! Im about to germ a couple autos to stagger my harvest. I have a couple freebs from attitude ill be using; WOS pakistan ryder and a Dinafem Haze auto both are feminized. Looking forward to giving these autos a go. Also i just came across a sweet thread i wanted to share with you. Idk if youve seen it but here ya go anyway definitely worth checking out!

Great for us indoor guys wanting to maximize space!


Thx a lot dank some great info as always and I will def check out the thread! That sucks your getting boys I hope either one of my girls doesn't turn into a boy there supposed to be female but you never know lol! I'm pumped to try those nutes when I transplant them into there 1 gallon pots ! It's says the bio root is the shit to help reduce stress so I'm gonna mix up a batch at half solution and give the soil a good soak before I put the guys into it ! I'm planning on cutting the cup sides off an putting the whole thing in the new pot ! What is fimmed I don't know that term yet?


And it was def them being to close to the light cause when I dropped them to 18 they perked right up and started a lot of new growth almost over night lol


Active Member
thats good to hear your problem is resolved!!! Glad to be of assistance :) Man the whole GO line is the shit lol it will give the VIGOUR i mean real vigour. I only vegged for 28 days using this stuff..and started seeing preflowers within 5 days. That bioroot will make a big difference in root mass and nutrient intake. Ive also heard aloe vera is good for reducing transplant stress ill have to check into that a little more though before i give you my word on it. Yea it does but its ok considering bag seed and they got stressed pretty hard with heat one day during seedling stage(the ac got turned reached up to around 98 degrees very quickly) so to have atleast 4 fems after that im happy. Wont be happening again though thats for damn sure!! plus i just got me lineup of all stars ready from attitude and they are all feminized.

heres another link for ya lol

After seeing the main line thread im gonna go with that next time as its not too far off from fimming imo