harvested and found mites **PLEASE help**


New Member
once buds are dried the mites are dead as well just wipe it real good prior to rolling a blunt think of it this way the cherry end of a joint is 300 degrees F


Well-Known Member
Just because our personal setups are mite free or have lost battles in the end vs hobby growers..... 75% of the weed you would buy on the market is grown on a larger scale..... and you can watch almost every commercial garden or med garden in cervantes or monotone nico escondido ... all infested..... and not all hobby growers are mite free so I think 75% is an under estimate....... mite poop web or mites have a huge presence in weed cultivation.....and in some way shape of form finds its way into the vast majority of crops. troll on!!

out of the past 6 years and numerous harvest i have not had a single bug problem nor have the gardeners i associate with we trade with no worries...so to say 75% is an understatement is bs...i really cant say i personally kno any one that has had an issue... but my circle is small and im not in a legal state so i cant just go by some from a dispensaries not to many chances to get bugs...


Well-Known Member
yea im not sure what caused me to get them but thi is the 3rd grow that this happen

and they always come 1-2 weeks before harvest.. i dont understanmd what is causing it


Well-Known Member
yea im not sure what caused me to get them but thi is the 3rd grow that this happen

and they always come 1-2 weeks before harvest.. i dont understanmd what is causing it
you have to vacuum every crevices of the room and spray it all down with bleach... It would still be a good idea to bug bomb and leave the room vacant for a couple weeks


Well-Known Member
mites like it hot and dry and dirty/dusty...what is your temp and humidity?..keep it clean and inspect plants once a week to make sure that if ya do get mites..you can handle it...I wash my clones with soapy water before I put them in solo cups..then again before they go in larger pots.
that happened to me last year....they will die of as they wont eat dead plants...bag em up and dont worry about it...i had them crawling around and looked at them under a microscope and they actually get stuck to the bud like superglue and die...


Well-Known Member
mites like it hot and dry and dirty/dusty...what is your temp and humidity?..keep it clean and inspect plants once a week to make sure that if ya do get mites..you can handle it...I wash my clones with soapy water before I put them in solo cups..then again before they go in larger pots.
temp is between 70-80 degrees and humidity is around 45-55 %


Well-Known Member
DON'T SPRAY THEM...... its simple get a straw and suck them off as hard as you can and keep spitting them into a Mcdonalds cup.... then its no longer gross
I had a nice laugh at this, but NO lol. Grab a can of Doktor Doom! It decays into harmless substances, and it'll kill everything on that bud.


yes freezing it will kill the mites, but allot of people say you reduce the potency because the tricomes become brittle and fall off. but i also read in a grow book that flash freezing doesnt reduce thc content, so.... IDK


Well-Known Member
If they are already cut down and hanging, I have put tape on backwards "sticky side out" where the plant is cut down and it acts like a fly trap. you will see thousands get stuck to the tape. they try to climb to the fresh cut. use good tape too like duct tape. something super sticky.


Well-Known Member
I used some Doktor Doom.. sprayed let sit for about 4 hours.

started trimming and i didnt find 1 mite. just saw a few dead ones.

that sprat works wonderssss!!!

amazing.. i wondering how safe it is to use thru out an entire grow as a preventive measure?

or is there a better spray to use in the room?

im building a new grow room for my next grow instead of using a grow tent, the room will be 10x6 feet. 3 600w HPS and layered with mylar.
so i want to be fully prepeared. shud i continue using doktor dooom during veg into flowering stage?

or i heard rosemary oil extract is good

what do you all think?


Well-Known Member
I hear that if you hang them on a cotton line to dry and in between the hanging buds put some tanglefoot on the line and the spider mites will crawl off the the buds(they don't like dead plant matter), onto the line(in search of fresh, juicy plant matter), and into the tanglefoot they go. I saw a video about it by Jorge Cervantes if I remember correctly....you can buy tanglefoot at your local nursery for like $6.50


Well-Known Member
just wait tell it dries up hanging trim after its dry... the spider mites will jump off on there own when they cant feed off it anymore... just wait


Well-Known Member
lol they do some crazy things like make big balls of mites and stuff i used to like to watch em with a vacuum close by. I haven't had spider mite problems in a while now i got pirate bug problems lmao