Ursus marijanus
I am curious as to why you dislike revolvers. Also, I'd recommend a lever-action carbine in a pistol caliber (.357, .44, .45LC) WAY ahead of a .223 of any stripe. cnHome security necessities:
1. Large German dog. Rottweiler, Shepherd, or Doberman.
2. Motion sensing floodlights
3. Barbed wire fence surrounding property
4. Cameras with night vision capabilities covering every angle.
5. motion sensors on all driveways and walkways
6. Pistol near bed. Most calibers should work, I recommend .380 and larger. Revolvers suck balls btw.
7. Shotgun. 12 or 10 guage works, this is for heavy duty jobs.
8. AR 15 if you can afford one.