Colorado Massacre, Fishy business

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Well-Known Member
Have you spent any time in the System? I assume that is what you are getting at? how silly to run from the pigs over a silly misdemeanor... I am not pervy to that info no, just rumors.. uncle buck pulled my card? why? or Finshaggy's pm? sorry I'm lost...
uncle buck pulled shags card.. and yeah man embarassing enough yeah ive been in it..


Well-Known Member
I came across an April 2011 Washington Post article saying the CIA was moving it's domestic branch to guess where? Yup, Aurura... then nada... and it IS the Post.. but weird. Is it all disinformation to get us spinning around a fake conspiracy or did most of the public information on it that no one would have given two shits about a month ago vanish?


Well-Known Member
uncle buck pulled shags card.. and yeah man embarassing enough yeah ive been in it..
Wut's a card? :eyesmoke:

And yeah, me too and I'd run this time myself those small pricked stuffed in lockers so much as kids they took the one job they could feel some sense of power, Woman Prisoners!


Well-Known Member
I came across an April 2011 Washington Post article saying the CIA was moving it's domestic branch to guess where? Yup, Aurura... then nada... and it IS the Post.. but weird. Is it all disinformation to get us spinning around a fake conspiracy or did most of the public information on it that no one would have given two shits about a month ago vanish?
colorado is straight club fed though.. so this may of happened anyway.. also its the center of the map


Well-Known Member
Wut's a card? :eyesmoke:

And yeah, me too and I'd run this time myself those small pricked stuffed in lockers so much as kids they took the one job they could feel some sense of power, Woman Prisoners!
yeah im trying hard as shit not to go back to shit food, asshole gate keeper sergeant slaughter type assholes, shitty jail shoes.. the bbc's (better be carefuls).. those things are ankle rollers... bob barker brand everything, and just simply.. no freedom


Well-Known Member
Nice of them to tell you, eh?
in his thread that got deleted... hes running i think from a simple possession charge?.. the kid got popped sleeping on a couch in his back yard because he posted.. weed party on facebook.. he says he didnt, i hate cops but i think he posted it


Well-Known Member
NO MATTER WHAT the misdemeanor is... is it really worth running from a misdemeanor?
i wouldnt even say its worth it if you know youre getting away, itll suck if it happens.. but if he does get arrested again... being a flight risk is bullshit.. im one of them, say goodbye to ever being able to afford bail

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
Look dude, the way you bad mouth Finshaggy I need to inform you that you lack considerable credibility on anything you challenge in his thread.
That doesn't even make sense. I called a spade a spade and that ruins my credibility? Finshaggy is totally off his rocker. Anyone who disagrees with that is either delusional or has not read any of his ramblings.


Well-Known Member
riddle me this......when did anybody ever take finshaggy's threads seriously in the first place?
This thread was actually kinda going somewhere until the Fshaggy bashing started. I was happily showing ignorant sheeple that 9/11 was an inside job, then all the sudden shit gets derailed and turned into a hippie hunt.
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