Advice advanced nutes! This look ok ? What measurements you recomend or use ?

Nft growing useing 20 l tank, just about to start first week flower have come up with a feed guide chart, does this chart look ok to run ? piranha and tarantula at 3g additives in tank are as follows bud ignitor/voodoo juice/sensi zym/bud candy all in tank at 12ml of each and then the sensi a/b at 24ml of each this all in tank measures up with an ec of 1.1/1.2 does this look ok to run any suggestions or advice would be help also moving forward for week 2 I've in mind of same amount of piranha/ tarantula but to increase the additives to 20 ml of each but to keep the a/b at the 24ml will this work or will it require an upped amount of a/b aswell thanks in advanced peeps


Active Member
Nft growing useing 20 l tank, just about to start first week flower have come up with a feed guide chart, does this chart look ok to run ? piranha and tarantula at 3g additives in tank are as follows bud ignitor/voodoo juice/sensi zym/bud candy all in tank at 12ml of each and then the sensi a/b at 24ml of each this all in tank measures up with an ec of 1.1/1.2 does this look ok to run any suggestions or advice would be help also moving forward for week 2 I've in mind of same amount of piranha/ tarantula but to increase the additives to 20 ml of each but to keep the a/b at the 24ml will this work or will it require an upped amount of a/b aswell thanks in advanced peeps
A little confused by what you've done. The measurements that I use are 2mL/L, but a bit less than that (25%), so it's more important that you're at the right EC.

If you're using a 20L tank, then it sounds like you need more, unless you're not filling things up.
A was just going to build it up to full strength hopefully over period of 2/3 weeks or so so not sure9, a mean do you always add same amount of adds each tank does none of them need to ?
let's say if a was to add 2ml / 20l would be 40ml if a was to add that would be much left to give the a/b and was always led beloved to go less than half strength and then increase/ what would u recomended a should put of each in a have a bluefish truncheon for accurate readings ?
2ml per gallon With good results ? Is it just the additives that a should increase over the weeks and leave the base at 24ml of each for full cycle or does that also require to be increased ? Thanks any and all info a great help thanks guys


New Member
that EC sounds fine.

But dont you feel like you got taken for a ride buying all of those bottles?
Don't You feel like you got taken for a ride buying that stupid vertical grow system ? It is a slew of bottles but why you gotta bring in that tired ass AN hate shit. My god.
a don't feel like I've been robbed and well to be honest a bought them all at wholesale cost do happy days bargain !!! only advice required if you've no input that would be of use then please don't comment each to there own on whatever you use however not going to stray away from subject all advice and measurements for AN appreciated thanks guys
anybody know if it's ok to run bigbud along side hammerhead ? was thinking about useing half the amount of bigbud so if a was useing 20ml bigbud I'd run 10ml hammerhead would that be rosey ?