The Getting Back/In Shape Thread

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
man ive let my self go im 6'1 190 lbs i cant belive i have gotten this out of shape :(
6'1" 190 lbs is not out of shape. I'm around the same weight and 5'11". I'm not in top shape, but I ain't outta shape. I got shitty cardio and I've started to concentrate and improve on it.


Well-Known Member
Set a new personal record today, 20.5 miles in 1 hour. I had never done better than 18 miles in 1 hour but something was clicking today. :-P


Well-Known Member
lol...yea its been a lil minute myself i went on a hike today something around 3 miles there and 3 miles back...


Well-Known Member
thanks guys yea i have a belly starting to poke out though not starting to its been pokeing out lol and when i sit it folds over it self it even grosses me out pluse i live on the lake so i never go swimmin ne more 6'1 190 is big with my type of body right now i just mesured my belly pokes out almost 3 inches if i mesure under my belly till it ends almost 3 inches :(


Well-Known Member
dabs to get my head right


Aiming for 40 miles in 2:15 today....just slipped into the jacuzzi to get the muscles loosened up :-o


Well-Known Member
thanks guys yea i have a belly starting to poke out though not starting to its been pokeing out lol and when i sit it folds over it self it even grosses me out pluse i live on the lake so i never go swimmin ne more 6'1 190 is big with my type of body right now i just mesured my belly pokes out almost 3 inches if i mesure under my belly till it ends almost 3 inches :(
use that belly an inches as the motivation to get out there everyday! its gonna suck for the first week or two but keep pushin an you'll see an feel a difference. can you get to a gym or are you just gonna use bodyweight stuff?

side note i been slackin this week wed an thursday i didnt workout cause the dude i train with worked long days an didnt want to so i said fuck it as well an friday i made the mistake of goin to a all you can eat catfish
place an was in NO shape to train when i got home lol i got out on the skateboard that night an played skate for an hour so atleast i did somethin. hittin it hard next week tho.


Well-Known Member
I always blaze before I work out too, sometimes you just get lost in the music and forget about being tired.

Damn BA142, your posts are making me want to buy a bike and get to riding!

@ BigJon, I do the same shit man, I'll work out and exercise from spring-fall, but once it starts getting cold outside it's tough to run, I tend to sweat a lot, even when it's cold and you just fucking FREEZE up even with multiple layers on. It's usually a small window of 2-3 hours between like 9am-12pm that's alright but any other times are too cold. In the spring and summer I'm out there without a shirt on and it's awesome!

I skipped yesterday to let my body rest a little bit, that damn chafing on my thighs is still happening, I need to find a solution to that shit..

What is the normal amount of calories our bodies are supposed to get? I always hear figures based on a 2,000 calorie a day diet, is that standard? It seems a bit high to me
I've had this problem with the chaffing on my inner thigh when workin out. The best solution I found for it was to wear sumptin like a pair of bicycle shorts under my work-out shorts, also I think its called A&D will help heal chaffing. Sumptin like sliding pants 4 baseball without the padding on ur ass. I myself have been tryin to drop some lbs, I just try to avoid the running cause my knee don't like high impact stuff like that. I'm doin hella better compared to where I was. I was around 6ft 275lbs at my heaviest, I've now dropped 50lbs(well 49) down to 226lbs as of this morning. I started off doing yoga everyday, then once I hit around 230lbs I started lifting, but I only have adjustable dumbells. Next on my list is to get some air in my basketball so I can go shoot around.

Set 1, 2 reps
18lbs weights
15 curls
15 shoulder press
50 dumbell dead-lifts
20 Inclined push-ups

Set 2, 2 reps (I throw on sweater and beenie after 1st set)
12lbs weights
30 curls
30 shoulder press
50 dead lift
20 inclined push-ups

I usually do this twice a day


Well-Known Member
i would also like to add FUCK ALL YOU GUYS. i feel super tiny readin that last page as all of yall are over 180 an i JUST got to 150. ill be in yalls ranks in a few years none the less!

dvs can you u
p the weight on those db's or is that as high as they go 18lbs?

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
i would also like to add FUCK ALL YOU GUYS. i feel super tiny readin that last page as all of yall are over 180 an i JUST got to 150. ill be in yalls ranks in a few years none the less!

dvs can you u
p the weight on those db's or is that as high as they go 18lbs?
:lol: ......
nothing wrong with being a lightweight, or is it flyweight? lol


Well-Known Member
lol right!

I'd either be facing GSP or Anderson Silva though, not much better. Feel really sorry for the 205's and 235's!

MMA is pretty stacked right now

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
lol right!

I'd either be facing GSP or Anderson Silva though, not much better. Feel really sorry for the 205's and 235's!

MMA is pretty stacked right now
hahaha! I'd be facing Silva too, lol. or if I was to cut a lot of weight I could also make welterweight. either way bad match up for me :lol:


Well-Known Member
id avoid jose an anderson as much as i could. i wanna see anderson go back up to 205 an fight bones jones ooooooo that would be niceeee.


Well-Known Member
I've been hearing on some mma sites that Silva wants to fight GSP. would be awesome if that comes to fruition
that one is more realistic an would be a nice one. finally someone that could pose a challenge to him. even those i thought sonnen would...then he tried to be tough, slipped an got pooped on.