Business told to either give up their religion or give up their business

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Well-Known Member
Karma will get you if I don't you little cop calling snitch.
karma for what? posting a phone number that you then spammed dozens more times? sounds like you're the one with karma to worry about.

you're still threatening to come beat me up? come on down, pussy.


Well-Known Member
Thanks to me ? You are the cop calling little shit your pants baby that thought it was so fucking funny.

we all had a good laugh about it.

then you spammed the fucking thing all over the place. tried to act like you were soooooo upset about us trolling the stupid kid, but never said a word to the guy who had the most awesome avatar ever thanks to that trolling.

i guess i'd be as bitter as you if i had to suck brick top's dick all day for lunch money. :lol:

you are so fucking transparent and dumb.


Well-Known Member
It would be come on up you dumbshit. And it isn't over yet you sniveling little cop calling bed wetting ​snitch.
you bitter, bitter soul.

i would lay off the meth if i were you, but i understand that you may feel it necessary for your "job" with bricktop.


Well-Known Member
can practically see the spittle coming off of gayroscope's meth reddened face as he pounds that keyboard with his bitter little fingers.


Well-Known Member
don't go away, gayroscope!

i need your anger and bitterness, i practically feed off of it! it makes me whole. tell bricktop you'll swallow his cum later. i NEED you.


Well-Known Member
I was reading another thread while you were doing what you are accusing me of. Look at your last few posts. You are name calling and starting with your homosexual crap again. So I know I must be getting to you !!


Poor little Uncle Pervy. Try not to piss your little pedo bed tonight. ​Snitch.
thank goodness you are back. tell me again how you are going to beat me up for never calling the number that you posted dozens of times. tell me again how you are not harboring latent homosexual feelings for brick top. do it for me. make me whole.

i need you baby.


New Member
Maybe if your plants weren't all weak and malnourished you wouldn't have to stake them. Its just like a liberal to band aid the problem.
No one should have to stake an outdoor plant this early in the season, unless they are unhealthy!
Diffused light making them stretch? No wind or fans? Maybe he's never heard of Potassium Silicate.
Or perhaps he thinks plenty of nitrogen fixes everything. LOL


Well-Known Member
Don't piss the pedo bed tonight in case your little boyfriends come over Uncle Pervy !!
but i have to deal with the constant worry of your methed out ass coming up here to beat me up, how can i not piss the bed in constant fear of the internet sock puppet brick top fluffer?


Well-Known Member
No one should have to stake an outdoor plant this early in the season, unless they are unhealthy!
Diffused light making them stretch? No wind or fans? Maybe he's never heard of Potassium Silicate.
Or perhaps he thinks plenty of nitrogen fixes everything. LOL

that must be why my friend who has been growing for 30 years, and who fills a 24x96x15 foot greenhouse to the max with 24 plants, is already staking his. he must just be a horrible grower because his leaves stay green until harvest, instead of turning neon yellow.

btw, only one plant needed to be staked. the rest were staked in preparation.

these stupid pieces of shit are so unhealthy. i should just chop them down since they are not neon yellow.



Well-Known Member
that must be why my friend who has been growing for 30 years, and who fills a 24x96x15 foot greenhouse to the max with 24 plants, is already staking his. he must just be a horrible grower because his leaves stay green until harvest, instead of turning neon yellow.

btw, only one plant needed to be staked. the rest were staked in preparation.

these stupid pieces of shit are so unhealthy. i should just chop them down since they are not neon yellow.

so it took you 6 hours to stake 1 plant? Did you fall asleep?


Well-Known Member
Well a tleast this time you have a point. Snitches know that they will get it in the end. I hate it for you. Maybe if you crawl your drunk ass back in that bottle, you will not see it coming. In the meantime try not to shit or piss the bed Chester.
oh noes! the sock puppet is coming to beat me up! whatever shall i do!

maybe i should post the PM where you say you're going to steal my plants, eh?

nothing so endearing as a weed thief, right?


Well-Known Member
Did you pull all the yellow leaves for the picture? bongsmilie

Looks good, though.
i trimmed off all the low to the ground sucker branches yesterday and did pull off a few dead leaves inside the plant to help airflow. no yellow ones yet, there were a few dead ones though.



New Member
that must be why my friend who has been growing for 30 years, and who fills a 24x96x15 foot greenhouse to the max with 24 plants, is already staking his. he must just be a horrible grower because his leaves stay green until harvest, instead of turning neon yellow.

btw, only one plant needed to be staked. the rest were staked in preparation.

these stupid pieces of shit are so unhealthy. i should just chop them down since they are not neon yellow.
Dude, you said you wouldn't take a $50k a year job for this? LOL

How the hell do spend eight hours a day looking after six fucking plants? LMFAO
I'm calling BS, you're just a lazy sit on your ass, no tax paying liberal with a big mouth.
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