Are my plants to small? 600W grow 54 days


Hi all.

I am growing for the first time, and here is the deal. I've been reading up alot, got the right equipment etc etc. Currently I'm using a 1x1x2m grow tent, 600W MH for the veg, and 600W HPS for bloom. So far my plants had a good time (just once they got a bit droopy cause of underwatering).

But when I look at videos/read about other people I hear how plants explode in height when put into flowering. I've put my plants into flowering a week ago, and they haven't grow so much. Maybe at the best 6-7 cm (2.5 inches ~).
I hear how people say many plants double in height, triple and even quadriple in flowering. But so far I haven't seen any magic happen.

I vegged my plants for almost 6 weeks with my MH lamp. All the PH levels are fine, the temperature, the watering schedule and so on. Am I doing something wrong? Here is some pictures of my plants (one is a bit droopy because of the hard wind).

The strain in White Widow and Jack herer.

What do you think? In bloom for one week, and total 54 days from sprout.



Well-Known Member
Duuuuuuuuuuuudeeee. Chillax..Your plants are going through shifts, hormones being released here and there, the plant is trying to figure out what's going on in its environment..Give it another week or so and they'll be in full pace towards producing as much flower as possible because the plant will know by then that the light photoperiod has completely changed, it wasn't just a random thing, and that it now needs to flower instead of grow vegetation. Your plants will get there..Just give it some time to get used to the new lighting cycle.


Well-Known Member
Depends...Find out your strains optimum growing enact them as best as you can..and you'll see vigorous in and day out.


Well-Known Member
But could they double in height in two weeks? It seems extreme.. :P

My experience says no. I know where you are coming from. Grew outdoors for many years and first grow indoors I was expecting this Hulk type thing reading stuff. Never happened and hasn't still. My growth after onset of flowering is good but no 50% even. Double? I'd have to see proof in person.

A very good reason to veg for as long as possible instead of hurrying it with some strains. 2 months is my rule of thumb for photo strains minimum. Autos go 24 (after hardening) for a week to 10 days then back off to 20/4 for a week then 18/6 til picking. That's my own deal and I'm no expert.


My experience says no. I know where you are coming from. Grew outdoors for many years and first grow indoors I was expecting this Hulk type thing reading stuff. Never happened and hasn't still. My growth after onset of flowering is good but no 50% even. Double? I'd have to see proof in person.

A very good reason to veg for as long as possible instead of hurrying it with some strains. 2 months is my rule of thumb for photo strains minimum. Autos go 24 (after hardening) for a week to 10 days then back off to 20/4 for a week then 18/6 til picking. That's my own deal and I'm no expert.
Yeah as I thought then. Feels kinda waste now that i bought a tent with 2 meters in height. But well see I guess.


Well-Known Member
it may just be your strains. i grew flying dutchman- g-force first time round and expected the same huge growth in flower......they grew 6/8 inches and thats it. i was dissapointed.