Where can I find Qleaner beans?


Active Member
Attitude is about to be out of Qleaner beans... does anyone know where I can find packs that will ship to the states?

Peace, Love, and Greens! :):leaf:


Well-Known Member
attitude has 43 five packs and 43 ten packs in stock. but you can also get them at hemp depot and sea of seeds.


Active Member
thank you so much! you guys are awesome!..... and on another note, I know its not Subcool, but does anyone know where I can get ahold of some B.O.G. beans? or is he not doing his thing anymore? I could really go for some Blue Moon Rocks or some BOG Bubble.


Active Member
I got mine at attitude way back....a single seed that turned out to be male...made a bunch of crosses with it, currently growing them out in a guerrilla grow. Looking forward to the JTRxQleaner, DeadheadOGxQleaner, GrapegodxQleaner, CannatonicxQleaner and the rest :D