Seedling dying! Cfl change?

Original, Erb

Well-Known Member
Well the seedling is 2 weeks old and was growing fine under my 2x18w cfl's anyway I posted a picture on here and I was told to change lights so I went out and bought a 45w equivalent to 225w 6400k blue spectrum for veg. When I added this I noticed the change. The leaves are drooping and going brown from the tip upwards. I know it cant be the soil as my mate is using the same composted soil but growing his outside and his is about 7 inches tall and looking very healthy, and mine Is dying :/ Any help would be great, as Ive lost all hope she looks worse everyday.

pic before the 45w.DSC_0135.jpg

And after.DSC_0149.jpgDSC_0150.jpgDSC_0151.jpg

Original, Erb

Well-Known Member
No its just resting on the soil. Its not the whole stick just a snapped off bit. I cant think why its changed so quick :/


did you gave it any nutes?i am not spesialist,cannot see well on the picture,but sounds like nuteburn to me.may be +overwatering as well.tell ALL the details,someone with more experience will be able to tell you better,but if you have used nutes this early,i am 90% positive it is a nute burn.( going brown from the tip upwards.)and over(or under,but it is allmost allways over)watered-(The leaves are drooping).


Well-Known Member
I think i may have the same problem as you with my two seedlings except the problems are in the early stages with small brown patches and one seedling with drooping leaves; both with stunted growth. I believe my mistake was growing in soil with slow release fertilizer and poor drainage. I was told that it was most likely the soil by two people, and one person told me to transplant to seedling soil mix immediately or it will most likely die.

I've taken as much of the hot soil away as possible, only leaving the soil around the rootball with the root ends dangling. They're now in proper seedling mix. i will find out if they survive or not in the next day or two. Stressful. Should have sticked to clones


That one is going to die too. Just restart. Sorry
it may live,depends-replanting in good soil,feeding/watering back off. i have used soil with slow release fertilizer with great sucsess,it was gold label-LIGHT MIX!FROM 130 seedlings only one had minimal nute burn,it survived and now it is still alive in good healt.i gess i was watering it more often probably(was hotter).but i have heard horroble storys useing soil with slow release ferts.frend of mine used canna for seedlings,he is happy.but i have not reason to change my,couse it works for me perfect so far,and the prise over here is the same-approx.20 $ for 50 litres(i think 11-12 gallons).of course i have to say,that here we have not a great choise-some local potting soils(probably insects),and 3-4 from holland.i bet allways on the quality,2-3$ more is not worth even 1 dead plant in my i say-give it a try,replant right away-and wait.if you have 100 plants,do not waste your time,but if there are 2-3,give it a never know.


Well-Known Member
@tabasito Yea i actually flushed the time release soil thinking the nutes would flow out only to learn that just pops the capsules releasing more fertilizer. It wasn't a problem at first but you can tell the nutes were picking up everytime i watered. They're in new soil now that only contains micro nutes. Massive 70% discount on the stuff too because the bag had a small hole in it.

I now know not to get the 40L bag of soil that they were in for $4 ever again. (this wasn't the discounted one)


Well-Known Member
We will see. New leaves are still growing but i'll start up a couple seeds anyway.
If the new growth looks ok you might be good. From my own experience if the first set of leaves get hurt the rest of the plant usually dies too.

Good luck bro. I don't like to see anyones efforts fail.


Well-Known Member
Its a seedling so we have to cover the basics of what might be tampering with its health, Make sure the soil has good drainage, and also that your not giving it nutes at this age, next there is the temperture of the room, I would probley never go over 85 concidering thats just a baby and maybe the cfl is a little to close? last you should take in the fact of your strain, some strains do not grow well indoors at all so if your were unlucky enough to have this happen to you i would just plant a new seed and move on.


Well-Known Member
If the new growth looks ok you might be good. From my own experience if the first set of leaves get hurt the rest of the plant usually dies too.

Good luck bro. I don't like to see anyones efforts fail.
Yea the new leaves have no marks, and 2 more leaves just appearing, but it has only been about 5 hours since i transplanted so . If it happens again with the seeds i'm germinating now in the special seedling mix with my 7 pH water i'll probably never grow from seed again


Well-Known Member
Yea the new leaves have no marks, and 2 more leaves just appearing, but it has only been about 5 hours since i transplanted so . If it happens again with the seeds i'm germinating now in the special seedling mix with my 7 pH water i'll probably never grow from seed again
The seedlings don't need to be the standard cfl distance. I haven't used one in a bit but four or five inches away till the second true growth is cool.

I prewater the soil before dropping the bean in and I don't water it again for a good while. Like after the first serrated leaves pop. That takes care of over watering and releasing too much nutes too quick.

I actually hardly water the plant till like four nodes. Period. Make the roots look for some moisture and do their thing.

I used to burn through seedlings alot till I started doing this. Same middle leaf burn happened just like urs.