co2 questions


Active Member
well My plants were having problems with leaves clawing and I tried everything from flushing to lowering the ppms. So I brought out the co2 tank and put it on every 15 minutes in a hour and they are looking better than ever. My room is 5x10 sealed other than a 6inch intake and 6 inch exhaust with booster fans. Now is it worth buying a generator and controls to keep my room at 500ppm co2 even though I have a 6 inch exhaust. I only want it for flowering and dont care that its being constantly sucked out. I have a ac vent in the closet from the central air conditioner. does anyone else do this. I cant have it completly sealed bc of security issues.


Active Member
My 20lb tank lasts for a week and a half, thats why im considering a small generator. does that sound right, I dont have a control to measure how much co2 is present. What a good less expensive controller to use... are the CAP designs any good?


well My plants were having problems with leaves clawing and I tried everything from flushing to lowering the ppms. So I brought out the co2 tank and put it on every 15 minutes in a hour and they are looking better than ever. My room is 5x10 sealed other than a 6inch intake and 6 inch exhaust with booster fans. Now is it worth buying a generator and controls to keep my room at 500ppm co2 even though I have a 6 inch exhaust. I only want it for flowering and dont care that its being constantly sucked out. I have a ac vent in the closet from the central air conditioner. does anyone else do this. I cant have it completly sealed bc of security issues.
From my research CO2 generators are for larger grow ops 10x10 and bigger. That's why choosing an CO2 injection kit is optimal for your grow space with a CO2 Controller/Monitor. 500 ppms is low for flowering try using a controller and set it to 1500ppms. Which will bring the room to your desired ppms during lights on period. Temps should be 80-85 degrees which the plant begins to absorb more CO2 in these conditions. Your exhaust fan should be on a timer which will not be on during the CO2 injection period with an oscillating fan on low to push the CO2 throughout the grow room. Your A/C is essential to this setup up. As the room gets hotter the plants work harder and absorb more nutrients & water. Though all of this information is useless if you dont have 75-100 watts per square foot. The plants will thrive if all components are put to together successfully. From what I've read, plants will produce 30% to 100% more bud than without a CO2 setup.

Im in my research phase of things just trying share the knowledge but soon I will be assembling my own grow op. With all the goodies to make plants reach full potential. With a budget of $4500 for a 12x9 grow space I should be able to produce top quality.

Let me know how everything goes!


My 20lb tank lasts for a week and a half, thats why im considering a small generator. does that sound right, I dont have a control to measure how much co2 is present. What a good less expensive controller to use... are the CAP designs any good?
The controller is probably the most important part of a CO2 setup. I've heard of 20lbs CO2 tanks lasting 6-8 WEEKS with a controller. Oh and nothing cheap is worth having when it comes to technology. Just stretch your budget and rep the rewards later. I'm going to purchase a CO2 controller called Titan Controls- Atlas 3 Day/Night CO2 Controller/Monitor for $318.20 @
They even have a great video on Youtube about the Atlas 3. Which im sure will win you over, to know you have total control of CO2 dispersing.


Active Member
Ok cool, my hydo shop sells titan controls. Maybe my tank can stretch farther than 1.5 week. Thanks for the suggestion.


Well-Known Member
co2 gens are not just for large grows, there are sizes to fit most real grows. the minigen would be perfect for your room and the cap ppm3 controller is a great deal.


Im sure it'll last way beyond that depending on the CO2 schedule you put them on. NOTE: This all will be useless with out turning up the watts per square foot and the grow op temp! HAPPY GROWING


co2 gens are not just for large grows, there are sizes to fit most real grows. the minigen would be perfect for your room and the cap ppm3 controller is a great deal.
Mini CO2 Generators don't look so bad...... Might even consider that over a CO2 tank. Though I wouldnt to want add no extra excessive wattage to the grow op. I just looked up one for $279.99 @

Might be a great investment depending out the wattage to run on of these things.


Active Member
Yeah the mini gen is a good deal. My hydo shop has a small one for smaller grows for 475, its a green air i beleive


Active Member
I have two 600s but keep one on at 50%. Im growing a vertical scrog and they are 5-6 ft after stretch now


I have two 600s but keep one on at 50%. Im growing a vertical scrog and they are 5-6 ft after stretch now
Once you add the Co2 turn the heat up and watch them grow. Scrog produces huge yields from what I know im building a new op in the next month and definitely want to use the scrog technique and the Co2 controllers and goodies.


Active Member
good info guys! So whats all the talk of totally sealed up rooms using Co2? I thought that in order to enrich the room fresh air has to be brought in via an intake.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
u dont need a generator at all. get a controller and thats it. seal up your intake, get a damper for your exaust. hook your exaust up to your controler and set your do not reach temp. and before u just fucking throw it on 1500 ppm like others sugested make sure your room is running right.


Well-Known Member
plants dont need fresh air. they need water,, food, light, and co2. sealed room all the way and no odor control needed.