Club 600 Breeding Showcase

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
This is what you get when you cross a heri female and a cheesy jake blues. these pics are at day 37

...which was 11 days ago. I'll make some new pics shortly.
4 out of 5 were ladies....has a nice piney-mint odor



Well-Known Member
This one looks slightly different to the one you posted on the 600, or am I tripping? The one on the 600 looked quite Heri leaning in the flower structure. I hope the Jake adds some nice flavour to it (I felt the Heri was lacking in depth of flavour to be honest, although really heavy). Nice stuff cof!

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
Cheese Chunk by dr green dre at day 47

the blue cast is from using a led flashlight to enhance

....and the lemon cola

second time...wasn't meant to be....



Active Member
just put my pk's,pkxlivers and qrazy quake into flower today if mine look like that ill be a happy man,love the bud structure nice work there fella :clap:. anybody got pics of the pk x livers and or qrazy quake in flower have not been able to find any?? only pic of qq i can find is the catalogue pic on bb's site.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
just put my pk's,pkxlivers and qrazy quake into flower today if mine look like that ill be a happy man,love the bud structure nice work there fella :clap:. anybody got pics of the pk x livers and or qrazy quake in flower have not been able to find any?? only pic of qq i can find is the catalogue pic on bb's site.
alreet amcheesier, there are some in this thread. somewhere lol. I'll dig out my last lot and repost. i've got pk x livers coming up in my next run i'll snap a shot of them in veg n post in an hour or two. the originals were quite PK leaning. real smash your chops off smoke. the locals called it 2 toke killer.
whats the sativa you can see bits of ????
it's from a lad in Laos, it's monstrous, been in flower god knows must be about 16 weeks, i had to flip it back to veg for a fortnight so reckon it put it back about a month :(

landrace genetics in a tent in northern england, i could have guessed it wasn't going to be a 12 weeker haaha


Well-Known Member
Damn wicked sativa you have there. Reminds of my Super Silver Haze run. That shit needs to got 12/12 from flower or it needs its own room lol.


Active Member
the pk x livers looks very similar to the couple i got going at min not bursting pre flower like that though. and the sativa is a monster fo shaw, are you planning on crossing the sativa with anything bring that flower time down? i hope its worth the wait 20 weeks is forever. looking goood though cheers.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Damn wicked sativa you have there. Reminds of my Super Silver Haze run. That shit needs to got 12/12 from flower or it needs its own room lol.
i pruned half of her off so i could lay her down in an old coco sack, she wouldn't lie down for love nor money. in the end i just chucked er on her side and tied her to he two corners of the tent nearest with wire. treat em men an all that... when the present lot ae done i'll probably scrog her out across the tent. or the buds will be on the floor too.
the pk x livers looks very similar to the couple i got going at min not bursting pre flower like that though. and the sativa is a monster fo shaw, are you planning on crossing the sativa with anything bring that flower time down? i hope its worth the wait 20 weeks is forever. looking goood though cheers.
these are clones so the pistils would be a bit more prominent i think it's the psycho/livers both are like that when cloned. I had thought about crossing it with various different things but only sativa, i have some Columbian black pollen in the freeze. i spose i could hit it up wit some other stuff but i'm looking for something special for BB's first full on sativa. i kinda want to see what it's like before i pollinate it though, who knows i might just spluff a branch anyway.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i remember you running a mandala waaay back, cant remember if it turned out a winner or not?! minds a sieve...

that point of ne return looks sativa but says indica stone !?

mr west

Well-Known Member
i grew satori a few times when i was still growing in compost lol. Had a really nice smell to it is all i remember lol. Im tempted to try again in coco.


Active Member
sounds interesting could be a couple years work to get it where u want it though but i will keep an eye out for more updates. there deffo looks to be enough of that plant that you could pollenate a few branchs with different jizz and still have enough of the original to see what it smokes like, but in saying that your prob too late into flower now to pollinate and have results unless u left the pollinated branchs in flower longer. which im sure u already know its hard to shut up once i get going. nice work though fella keep us posted on how it goes:peace::clap: