Show Off Your Buds (Pics) (Cfls only)


Well-Known Member
man you guys are arguing an endless point...

BOTH... i repeat BOTH cfls and HID's CAN grow killer buds and they can BOTH grow SHITTY buds...


quit acting like a bunch of fucking babies and just grow.... thats why we are here aint it?

to fucking grow some marijuana?
well said my friend, I dont get why people argue this point, especially those like primerva, if you like HID thats ok, but do you sale them or something?? are you getting a check in the mail if someone from RIU ditches there cfls for a hid, if not, I dont understand why you are even in this subforum.... you sound like a kid with too much spare time, get a girl or a book or something. I have the money to buy whatever light I want, unfortunatley,I dont want to cut holes in my walls etc to vent a room so I can run an hid, there are pounds and pounds of great smoke being grown with cfls, so what is there to argue???

oh I forgot the pics are crappy but I got buds and I am using cfls and hempy buckets....



Well-Known Member
cfl's are the shit,they can b very useful 4 certin applications.and if u dont like them then u can stick them in your ass!


Well-Known Member
great pics everybody. inspirational for other cfl users.
of course the sun is better than a flashlight cant believe we go thru this everytime
you guys are so funny
happy growing


New Member
Honestly Speaking As A Current Cflr And Past Hidr. Cfls Suck Seriously Big Balls. More Time Is Spent Messing With Those Damn Lights Than Anything Else, Not To Mention The Heat Issues Along With Them. My Current Set Does Not Permit Me To Use Any Of My Hids So Unfortunately I Am Using These Little Pieces Of Shit. If I Would Of Just Spent The Money From The Begining On A Smaller Hid System I Would Be Blazing My Ass Off Instead Of Still Having To Wait For This Shit To Grow. Anyways Someone Made A Valid Point, If You Cant Grow For Shit It Doesnt Make A Damn Difference What Your Set Up Consist Of.


Well-Known Member
Lol you got shit Cfls Hot as fuck i got 3 of them and yes they get real hot keep 4 in away but if you Wasnt so cheap you would get some good Cfls .lol i got 340 watts of cfls
2 x 85w 2700k
2 x 25w 2700k
2 x 30w 6400k
3 x 25w 4000k
lol i have no heat problem. and most likly the reason you think they are shit coz you got shit ones. sry cheapie


Well-Known Member
yeh i have like 625 watts of cfl in a cubbord which is like 2m x 0.5m x 1m and i have no heat issues, oh and i dont even have any ventalation just a cheapo $10 fan blowing on the plants few hours a day


Well-Known Member
Honestly Speaking As A Current Cflr And Past Hidr. Cfls Suck Seriously Big Balls. More Time Is Spent Messing With Those Damn Lights Than Anything Else, Not To Mention The Heat Issues Along With Them. My Current Set Does Not Permit Me To Use Any Of My Hids So Unfortunately I Am Using These Little Pieces Of Shit. If I Would Of Just Spent The Money From The Begining On A Smaller Hid System I Would Be Blazing My Ass Off Instead Of Still Having To Wait For This Shit To Grow. Anyways Someone Made A Valid Point, If You Cant Grow For Shit It Doesnt Make A Damn Difference What Your Set Up Consist Of.
well up your watts if you can and keep them closer to the plants, and why are you having heat issues? i'd have to see your grow to know more.


Well-Known Member
Here is one of my buds. This pic was taken at the end of the third week of 12/12. I am growing it in a rubbermaid tub grow box with 4 42 watt soft white cfl's and 2 23 watt daylight cfl's.



Active Member
lots of people talk alot of shit about people using cfl's. im sorry they havent worked for you but ive yielded about 3 oz's in the past two months with my cfl set up and the product was much better then anything that i find in my area


Well-Known Member
lots of people talk alot of shit about people using cfl's. im sorry they havent worked for you but ive yielded about 3 oz's in the past two months with my cfl set up and the product was much better then anything that i find in my area
lets see some pics.... better than anything you can find in your area... where do you live?>?>?>?>?