first time growing


Active Member
hey guys im just about to start my first plant (white widow) and i have been looking up diffrent ways to grow it, im deffintaly growing indoors but what is the best way? hydro? or in a pot?

if anyone could give some info, and if anyone knows really good blueprint for a hydro system please post


Well-Known Member
UGH, not another one of these! Read the grow FAQ man. Yes I sound like a dick, but if someone doesn't give you shit you will never learn. I also wouldn't advise you to use some dank seeds for a first time grow. If you fuck up, you are out 60 bucks or whatever you paid.

The best way to grow is to learn as much as possible, then order seeds or plant some bag seeds.

my two cents...


Well-Known Member
hey guys im just about to start my first plant (white widow) and i have been looking up diffrent ways to grow it, im deffintaly growing indoors but what is the best way? hydro? or in a pot?

if anyone could give some info, and if anyone knows really good blueprint for a hydro system please post
ok hydro or areoponics is the best over soil, but hydro has 2 diffrent kinds , drip hydro and DWC (Deep Water Culture) both the areo and hydro will grow your plants faster then soil


Well-Known Member
ok hydro or areoponics is the best over soil, but hydro has 2 diffrent kinds , drip hydro and DWC (Deep Water Culture) both the areo and hydro will grow your plants faster then soil
The best? Why do you say that? For the simple fact that it grows faster?


Well-Known Member
The best? Why do you say that? For the simple fact that it grows faster?
grows faster have less chance of drowing the plant when used right, don't have to take the time to tras plant it, don't have to worie about the plants getting rootbound


Well-Known Member
Read the grow journals then or take a look at all the 1000's of other pics of peoples setups.