Black Couple denied marriage at white church

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Here we GO!!

Somehow racism is nulified if "well they do it too". There is some sort of notion that if black people are racist then its ok dude, like we can hate on a brother too man.

Why is it that whites figure so long as they aren't wearing a sheet with cut out eyes then they really aren't racist? Why do they figure that if they don't know about it, if they aren't exposed to it, if they don't understand another culture, it is that other culture's fault that they themselves behave the way they do?
Racism is an ugly thing, no matter who does it. When you excuse racism then you become a proper subject of derision. It's really that simple. Spend all your time harping on black racists and it is apparent where you are coming from. Spend all your time harping on white racists and it is apparent where you are coming from.

The best question to ask yourself is this: Where does the state (federal, state, local, etc) stand on the issue? Is the state practicing racism?


Well-Known Member
Racism is an ugly thing, no matter who does it. When you excuse racism then you become a proper subject of derision. It's really that simple. Spend all your time harping on black racists and it is apparent where you are coming from. Spend all your time harping on white racists and it is apparent where you are coming from.

The best question to ask yourself is this: Where does the state (federal, state, local, etc) stand on the issue? Is the state practicing racism?
Your problem is
You equate pointing out blatent racism from Whites as excusing racism from Blacks hispanics et al.
Which is far from the case


New Member
I see two different statements about different things. I cannot see contradiction without imposing something external upon either or both of the statements. cn
Two different things huh, when one statement says "well they do it too" so it nullifies white racism and in his next post he claims he doesn't care how many BLACK racists there are!

Can I get you to at least admit the obvious hypocrisy?


Well-Known Member
Two different things huh, when one statement says "well they do it too" so it nullifies white racism and in his next post he claims he doesn't care how many BLACK racists there are!

Can I get you to at least admit the obvious hypocrisy?

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
I can't believe this thread is still going. Anyway, only a liberal would get off forcing someone to marry them who doesn't want to. Just imagine the stories they tell their grand kids, " there's the racist crackah minister. See his look, that's us getting one over on him. He hated us, but big government stuck a dildo up his ass!"


Ursus marijanus
Two different things huh, when one statement says "well they do it too" so it nullifies white racism and in his next post he claims he doesn't care how many BLACK racists there are!

Can I get you to at least admit the obvious hypocrisy?
Canndo was not championing "well they do it too", but showing with distaste that some really think that way. Thus I don't see hypocrisy in what he wrote. Indeed, I'm suspecting your charge of hypocrisy is based on a misreading of what he wrote. Do you see what i am saying? cn


New Member
Canndo was not championing "well they do it too", but showing with distaste that some really think that way. Thus I don't see hypocrisy in what he wrote. Indeed, I'm suspecting your charge of hypocrisy is based on a misreading of what he wrote. Do you see what i am saying? cn
Yeah OK. LOL

How can one honorably answer a question that contains a structural, non-negotiable incorrect premise? cn
Which incorrect premise are you referring, yours, or Chesus's?


Well-Known Member
Racism is an ugly thing, no matter who does it. When you excuse racism then you become a proper subject of derision. It's really that simple. Spend all your time harping on black racists and it is apparent where you are coming from. Spend all your time harping on white racists and it is apparent where you are coming from.

The best question to ask yourself is this: Where does the state (federal, state, local, etc) stand on the issue? Is the state practicing racism?

There is no doubt that institutionalized racism is inherent in the activities of the state. Though SCOTUS acknowleges this, it also contends that unless it is overt, it makes no difference. While I see their point, the fact remains that racisim exists and it is biased heavily toward whites, to the disadvantage of other races. So long as this is blatant, any finger pointing by whites toward other races is unacceptable. That organizations representing those other races exhibit their own racism has no bearing on the fact that whites are at the top of the heap.


Ursus marijanus
There is no doubt that institutionalized racism is inherent in the activities of the state. Though SCOTUS acknowleges this, it also contends that unless it is overt, it makes no difference. While I see their point, the fact remains that racisim exists and it is biased heavily toward whites, to the disadvantage of other races. So long as this is blatant, any finger pointing by whites toward other races is unacceptable. That organizations representing those other races exhibit their own racism has no bearing on the fact that whites are at the top of the heap.
Dissenting opinion. Being white should not disqualify someone from pointing a correct finger at the racist statements and misdeeds done under another race's banner. Otherwise whichever group comes out on top in time gets auto-hushed as well. The end goal is to remove race entirely as a qualifier in the constant civil/civic debate that drives society's evolution, and imo playing the "white man's guilt" card interferes with this. Jmo. cn


New Member
Dissenting opinion. Being white should not disqualify someone from pointing a correct finger at the racist statements and misdeeds done under another race's banner. Otherwise whichever group comes out on top in time gets auto-hushed as well. The end goal is to remove race entirely as a qualifier in the constant civil/civic debate that drives society's evolution, and imo playing the "white man's guilt" card interferes with this. Jmo. cn
Very well said cannabineer


Active Member
I know some Baptist churches do not approve of interracial marriage but I have never in my life heard of anyone having an issue with people getting married just because they were black. i'm calling bull shit on this one. It even says the church has black members so i would imagine it had a lot to do with the fact they were not members of the church in question.


Well-Known Member
I know some Baptist churches do not approve of interracial marriage but I have never in my life heard of anyone having an issue with people getting married just because they were black. i'm calling bull shit on this one. It even says the church has black members so i would imagine it had a lot to do with the fact they were not members of the church in question.

I tend to believe that Dr. Keys had it right - they likely wandered in and demanded that reservations be reordered so they could use the space and that it had nothing to do with race - at least not overtly.


Well-Known Member
I know some Baptist churches do not approve of interracial marriage but I have never in my life heard of anyone having an issue with people getting married just because they were black. i'm calling bull shit on this one. It even says the church has black members so i would imagine it had a lot to do with the fact they were not members of the church in question.
More than a hundred people turned out in Crystal Springs, Miss., for a prayer rally in support of a black couple blocked from getting
married at a predominantly white Baptist church they had been attending
The Clarion-Ledger reports.
"I knew you'd come," Sally Garland, the white mayor of the majority-black
town, said to the crowd of 150 mostly white officials, church leaders and
community members. "Look around at each other. This is who we are. This is our
people. I hope that the eyes that have been focused on our unfortunate
circumstances that we've been having will be as focused on our people and our
unity that we have here today."

The decision by The First Baptist Church to move the wedding of
Charles and Te'Andrea Wilson to a nearby sanctuary July 21 triggered a strong
backlash amid the glare of international media attention.

Among those at Monday's prayer walk was the church's Rev. Stan Weatherford,
who came under heavy criticism for his decision to appease a small group of
congregation members by moving the Wilson wedding,
writes The
Alex McDaniel.


Well-Known Member
Dissenting opinion. Being white should not disqualify someone from pointing a correct finger at the racist statements and misdeeds done under another race's banner. Otherwise whichever group comes out on top in time gets auto-hushed as well. The end goal is to remove race entirely as a qualifier in the constant civil/civic debate that drives society's evolution, and imo playing the "white man's guilt" card interferes with this. Jmo. cn

Hushed? I am not one for silencing anyone for any thing but direct incite to violence. I am arguing that there is a different effect of racisim, the effect of racisim when it eminates from the race in power is far more detrimental than that which eminates from the subjugated race (s). I amend my statement, finger pointing was a term expedient to the moment.


Well-Known Member
Is it their color, or their age difference that made the church not want to marry them...He looks like someone that got too involved on


New Member
I tend to believe that Dr. Keys had it right - they likely wandered in and demanded that reservations be reordered so they could use the space and that it had nothing to do with race - at least not overtly.
Or perhaps some of the congregation may have seen this video!