Reggaerican's kicks and giggles 1500w scrog grow


Active Member
only 11 here, and I want to build my hydro system so I dont have to work on anything tomarrow but my fiance would kill me if i started using the chop saw while she is asleep lol


Well-Known Member
reggs man dont leave rie. i have had the same experiences in the past. i get on here and give factual advice with scientific evidence to back it and some dipshit tries to give terrible advice to someone that im helping and then becomes a total dick to me until i beat him with intelligence. thats why when i get on here i check you guys out and thats it. i got a few friends on here and they are all on this thread and thats it man. dont leave us cuz of them lol. its sad that the only people i trust in life are people i have never met in person, id hate to lose one of them because of someone else that i cant even confront lol... might be good that i cant confront whoever pissed you off bro. id probably go back to prison haha
im not going anywhere Tranc, just from now on I dont ask for help from anyone outside the circle turns out between you and J and all your fresh research I have a library of info right in front of me... and like I said I have a few good friends on here and thats all I really need anyways.. I dont see you around much BTW 7 kids must really kep you buzy huh?

hey reggae loved the update but damn it i gotta get my phone fixed if i wanna keep up with your thread!when you gettin back to those mountains man? gotta see what ya got going on out there :) i think i shall be visiting a few peoples threads here as well soon as i can anyway (cub keeps me busy these days) lots of great posts hope i can catch everyone next time.. also reggae glad you seem to be in better spirits ;)
tell me about it sometimes go crosseyed just playing catch up in here..well im gonna bust my ass just as soon as this post is done, try to get all my work done around the house so I can get up there with the little lady tomorrow... wish me luck that my slackn ass could finish cause im so in need of a retreat and her land is so darn beautifull.. miles and miles with not a single neighbor, natural fresh water springs comming right out the mountain, a nice lake and even bears... you would love it..!

Hey Reggae,

1 week warning on the GSC's to flower. My gdp go into my now COMPLETED new flowering room tomarrow!!!!

Snooch to the nooch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
stop putting presure on me Im gonna burst with everything else I got to do already.. but now that we determined that our GSC's are different the battle of the cookie isnt even gonna be fair... it will still be fun tho iether way...glad your room is done im happy to hear you were able to keep to your plan...

kind of quiet tonite
I like that fab gives me a chance to get some work done....


Active Member
i have 4 but yeah that and working 40 hours a week leaves barely any time for anything else. i wish i could just grow pot as my job and be a stay at home parent. thatd be badass. PIPE DREAM!!!!! lol but anyways its lookin pretty good in there. buds are getting bigger in very small daily incraments. clones suck ass but oh well. after harvest im gonna get 30 white widow x big bud seeds (ALL FEM) lmao and just do 20 or 25 in 5 gallon buckets. that or a big table but i wanna have some space to work and move around. im just hopin for atleast a half pound off this grow. think ill hit it?


Well-Known Member
i have 4 but yeah that and working 40 hours a week leaves barely any time for anything else. i wish i could just grow pot as my job and be a stay at home parent. thatd be badass. PIPE DREAM!!!!! lol but anyways its lookin pretty good in there. buds are getting bigger in very small daily incraments. clones suck ass but oh well. after harvest im gonna get 30 white widow x big bud seeds (ALL FEM) lmao and just do 20 or 25 in 5 gallon buckets. that or a big table but i wanna have some space to work and move around. im just hopin for atleast a half pound off this grow. think ill hit it?
i wish you were close by tranc you would never have to buy seeds or clones again.. and yea I rememer you only have 4 just jokin since you have me beat by one..


Active Member
yeah i do too. im allll the way on the other side of the continent but in 11 months ill be moving to colorado most likely, just gotta finish off this last bit of probation. man its been a long 4 years. and like i said, if i hit a half pound i should have no problems finishing off the last payments.
i wish you were close by tranc you would never have to buy seeds or clones again.. and yea I rememer you only have 4 just jokin since you have me beat by one..


Well-Known Member
yeah i do too. im allll the way on the other side of the continent but in 11 months ill be moving to colorado most likely, just gotta finish off this last bit of probation. man its been a long 4 years. and like i said, if i hit a half pound i should have no problems finishing off the last payments.
thats what im talkin bout Tranc, buisiness first.. that 11 months will fly by bro.


Well-Known Member
Ok guys so here we go, this is what I did to the scrog table today:

First I added 2 4" round air stones to the table itself I already have one in the rez...
Repositioned all the plants so they will fill more evenly...
I powerflushed all my roots with tap water then I soaked the entire table with PH water and lots and lots of h2o2 for 1hr...
I bleached, scrubbed my rez and filled with a medium ppm of 700 it lowered to 600 after the first fill, added a 16oz bottle of 3% h2o2, some ultimate thrive and roots exel...

And here are the pics of the roots befor all that work. For comparison purposes this is the same plant that was right next to dead one and had roots just as bad. I think im pretty much in the clear. What do you guys think?
So here goes the new plan for these once again happy happy ladies. When I get back from the mountains on monday if they still look the same, or im thinking beter, I will give them 24 hrs of darkness and will begin to flower...:clap:

Also I been checking my water temp several times daily and looks like it got up to 77 @ its very peak. not much I can do about that since my rez is burried in the earth and thats what its temp is... thats not gonna be much of a problem in flower tho since lights will be on durring night hrs.. my quess is temps will be around 70 in the rez...



Well-Known Member
I will post a few more pics tonight after the lights have been on for several hrs that way you can get a beter Idea of the joy they are feeling... off to the momma room now to get some more work done.. see ya in a few..


New Member
I will post a few more pics tonight after the lights have been on for several hrs that way you can get a beter Idea of the joy they are feeling... off to the momma room now to get some more work done.. see ya in a few..
they look more whiter then before


Active Member
Lookin great Reggae!!!

I moved the gdp to flower about 20 mins ago. Will post pics on my journal in about 2 hours after I put the fires into veg and do the res change in the veg room.



Well-Known Member
Wow they look heaps better man! Great to see man :)
i put my little girls into the dws system this morning so hopefully while im away for the next few days they will grow, grow, grow for pappa!


Well-Known Member
Hey you guys have any advice on how to take pics when the HPS is on. dont want to post crappy photos.
not unless you have some of these cool glasses I dont.. man I love working in the lab with them things on... somehow I feel like im outside..

anybody ever remove plants from soil to dwc without fucking up roots?
well 3 of my mommas were in soil and you just have to gently rinse off all the soil trying not do damage too much of it...